Posts by Leszix


    About bard - is it possible that the bard's skills don't make the same sounds as playing instruments or at least do some other tones?

    Reason one, it gets very annoying every day. Reason two, it creates little chaos and you can make a mistake whether someone plays or uses bard skills.

    And other things.

    Is it possible to add an option to the game which allow someone to change one 104 setskill to another? For some price of course, 5-10k dias, don't know. I have ones which I don't think will use it anymore so I would be happy to have possibility to change one to another, not spending another month of my life in 2.5 year old ini to get one (considering some 104 were useless and suddenly you changed it to mandatory...)

    Can be profitable for you if someone wants to change it every day f.e. :)

    Is it possible to bring to the game option to have own title (preferably not only 1 word) with some selected attributes? Dias cost of course.

    Also consider allow to drive mounts in transformation potions or with skills which transfom you into something, m/r baron etc.

    And add female dwarf, please! Skins power!


    I believe you tested it a lot. But you are testing it in your guild on your runs comparing You an Ryzek atm. I have never heard Ryzek spoke to our warden to compare the eq difference or other wardens on servers. Or asking about our warden comparing to our another classes. I mean comparing t14 warden to t14 scout or whatever can be different than comparing t11 warden to t11 scout or whatever.

    To be honest the same is with us, someone wrote something in forum but did not necessarily contact you or someone else.

    Few ppl test it in guild runs, write in forum, then DEVS come with a buff/nerf and then the whole rest server also have those changes :)

    Not to mention after one post on forum, the next day or two, nerfs/buffs is uploaded to game. I wonder how fast devs can be testing it for themselves :)

    True. There can be many more examples. Even 2 similar runs - with same ppl on same classes - may vary a lot. Even small things like lag, fps drops, little brb or not visible for everyone, such as warlock's buffs, if someone will run 1sec faster than others may not get a wave of consciousness and has already on one group of mobs less % DMG. Or if party has f.e. 2 magical dps in range 200 and 2 physicals in distance 50 from mobs/boss, which one you as a buffer will buff with wave and whisper? You can't buff both sides, unless burst time. Situations like that are every minute during whole ini.

    And Ryzek writing "DPS have nearly equal gear state" is funnier than my memes. On that scrut Ryzek has 3kk dps more. Now checking only cards ranking you can see the difference between Ryzek and Cruvor in olny patt stat which is 15865 to 11319 Cruvors. Its 4.5k more lol. I can see the difference when the difference is up to 500.

    I can't say exactly if wardens pets should be nerfed, maybe they should. All I want to say is just there WILL BE neverending balance when you will be post thing like that OH WATCH THAT SCRUTI, NERF PET AGAIN/MORE. But when I see another wd/s f.e. I cannot tell if they are OP.

    But here one opinion is enough to change one class after one statement, then you have to change the next class to the situation and so all the time..

    It was the same with nerf magical p/s. One person wrote that it hits too hard and you need a nerf. Yes that was right, that class was very strong ESPECIALLY on big pulls when it could reach its full potential. But was weak or decent on small pulls like 3 mobs etc but that one person forgot to mention it. Now class is unplayable for most of users.

    Balance 100%

    In game with lot of errors, was living a Thor!

    All his life he was going for core!

    One day he saw the portal! What can go wrong? He was immortal!

    It was not a map with ice! But it also looked nice!

    From a distance he saw a cake!

    "I get one bite, I hope it's not fake!"

    "I knew it, it was a trap! I will never come to an event map!"

    He was now Hulk, but instead of smash, he got crash.

    Character name: Leszix

    If not, you tell me that the ones from KS goes to trash now or what? :D

    As mentioned previously, they're not intended to directly replace them.

    If not directly then I suppose I should first go to house - deposit old one from KS in chest, go out and then finally wear new from IDK? :D

    Changing heal artefact with heal bonus for heal artifact with dps/tank bonus seems legit enough.

    What about drilling? Is it possible to make rune slot in KS version also or in IDK only?

    Ini is well-balanced, not to hard, not to easy, tough healing is more demanding finally.

    Big pluses for boots and few crystals!

    Also great amount of stats.

    30runs for assigned item needed - could be less but its ok.

    Overall feeling 9/10, good job.


    recipes imo are broken. Same names as previous artifacts. Descriptions also the same but wrong description in wrong artifact? I believe its an error.

    Runes atm are only defensive one, I believe there will be more added, dps and heal?

    And the main thing, are those new artifacts not supposed to be MOON instead of SUN? XD

    If not, you tell me that the ones from KS goes to trash now or what? :D

    Please explain.


    P.S. 8th Anniversary question: there wasn't supposed to be an extra two days of boss event as compensation that haven't worked lately? We are waiting for it, not everyone forgot about this

    Rewards from arena are a total misunderstanding for me. Trying on d/wrl - some 5minutes battles with damaging and healing, win 5:1 or 5:3 - no reward received or ~100 max.

    Standing 10 minutes afk on k/m versus other k/m or wrl/ch - press 1, go shower, press 1, still 3/4 of HP - 800 coins reward.

    I don't understand a thing, can someone explain to me how are these points calculated?

    yavi, try cage+ball+chain+messenger combo, super stupid.

    3rd boss - sometimes someone got crash and there are 2 options:

    1. this person stays loggoff until boss is dead - after log in this person dies - system kill

    2. this person login during boss tactic - everybody in party get system kill

    • Decreased messenger pull interval to 1.25 from 2.

    For me "2" was optimal - hard enough but not yet stupid. Whats the point of having eq when its useless when u fall? XD

    One mini lag and THE END.

    The solution could be a spiral multi-level long way down that doesn't kill but allows you to come back by running a lot of circles if you hurry up. But it's probably too late I guess.

    Also consider checking 4th boss. After an unsuccessful attempt, you can't try again from beginning. A barrier appears and DEV help is needed because the boss can't restart normally.

    2nd boss.

    Its not hard but is the longest like B1 in ROFL. RNG - you can have luck and its up to 10min or bad luck (like those who live in Poland) and its 30mins which is way too long for a single boss imo. - particullary when you just stand and can go take shower like Lutine wrote.

    Also, can you please tell what is ultimate matching piece? Is it golden rofl or mega comfortable sock that fits the other sock? You wouldn't be yourself writing about this straight enough, not poems, would you?
