If you meet the requirements - being new player, you will be invited automatically.
If there's any issue, please create a ticket in our Support to investigate why you haven't been invited.
If you meet the requirements - being new player, you will be invited automatically.
If there's any issue, please create a ticket in our Support to investigate why you haven't been invited.
We are temporarily closing the Battlegrounds due to issues caused by the recent patch, specifically regarding improved connection handling.
Our team is actively working on a fix, and we’ll provide updates as soon as the Battlegrounds are ready to reopen.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience and support.
# Enabled again with patch
On 02.11.2024, at 01:00 CET, the server will be restarted.
It will be available again after approximately 15 minutes.
# 01:07 - Restart completed
При просмотре вашего скриншота видно, что около 30% предметов не представляют особой необходимости. Рекомендуем удалить их, использовать для трансмутации или других целей, чтобы освободить место в рюкзаке.
Для оптимизации хранения предметов предлагаем следующие шаги:
1. Использовать банк — это позволит безопасно сохранить важные вещи и разгрузить рюкзак.
2. Передавать вещи другим персонажа — если у вас есть несколько персонажей, распределение предметов между ними может быть полезным решением.
3. Задействовать сундуки в доме — в доме ещё есть свободное место для долговременного хранения вещей.
4. Удалять ненужные предметы регулярно — пересматривайте содержимое рюкзака и оставляйте только действительно нужные предметы.
Мы не планируем увеличивать вместимость рюкзака, так как важно, чтобы игроки эффективно управляли своим пространством. Рюкзак предназначен для оперативного использования, а не для хранения неограниченного количества вещей.
很遗憾您无法使用母语,我们无法重现此问题,因此目前无法修复,也无法在没有您的协助下自行解决。如果您愿意配合我们检查,请随时告知。另外,我建议先将操作系统升级到 Windows 10 或 11,然后再试试看是否问题得到解决
#1: Re-entering Your House
To get back into your house, locate a Housemaid NPC. The Housemaid offers an option for players to enter their house directly. Housemaids are often found in main villages, like Logar in the Howling Mountains, which has many beginner resources. Just interact with the NPC, and they’ll present you with the "I want to enter my house" option. Alternatively, you can use a Home-sweet-home rune (from the Item Shop or leveling packages) to quickly teleport back into your house. Transport Runes are a convenient option, especially if you're far from a Housemaid NPC or in a situation where traveling back is inconvenient. Just right click the rune, and you’ll be given the option to teleport directly into your house.
#2: Lost Equipment
It's possible that your equipment got swapped to another gear set slot by mistake. CoA allows players to store different equipment setups in multiple slots, so check the character to see if your missing items are stored in a different set.
If you don’t find your items there, you can reach out to the game support team with the exact name or ID of the missing item. They can assist in tracking it down or restoring it for you. You can contact support at https://playernetgames.net/support
#3: Character Page
The Character page in Chronicles of Arcadia provides a comprehensive overview of your character’s stats, attributes, bonuses, and general metrics, helping you gauge and adjust your performance.
Attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Intelligence, Wisdom) define core aspects of your character's power. Each attribute impacts specific abilities, with variations based on class:
- Strength enhances physical attack power and, for some classes, boosts health points.
- Dexterity improves physical accuracy, physical dodge rate, and sometimes physical attack power, which is especially useful for ranged or agility-based classes.
- Stamina increases maximum HP, health regeneration, and physical defense, essential for durability and survival.
- Intelligence primarily raises magical attack power and mana points, vital for classes that rely on spellcasting.
- Wisdom contributes to maximum MP, mana regeneration, magical defense, magical accuracy, magical resistance, and healing bonus, supporting sustained casting and resilience against magical attacks.
Gear Score is an indicator of the overall quality and power of your equipped items. A higher gear score signifies better stats and bonuses, directly boosting combat effectiveness.
Play Time reflects the total amount of time you’ve spent with this character, giving insight into your experience level.
Aggro measures the threat level generated by your character, affecting how likely enemies are to target you in combat.
The Bonuses section covers a range of additional enhancements:
- Drop Rate raises the chance of obtaining loot from defeated enemies.
- XP Bonus boosts experience points gained, accelerating your leveling process.
- TP Bonus increases the talent points you earn, essential for skill upgrades.
- Movement Speed impacts your character's walking and running speed, helping you navigate the world more efficiently.
- Ride Speed affects the travel speed of your mounts, making long-distance travel quicker when mounted.
The dropdown (General) offers the option to switch between different stat or bonus configurations, depending on your character’s setup.
These stats provide a snapshot of your character’s current abilities and can be customized through gear, skills, buffs, and titles to match your preferred style of play.
如果沒有生成崩潰報告,我們目前唯一能做的就是遠程調試。這個問題目前似乎只有您遇到。若您願意繼續嘗試,您是否可以使用 Skype?我們有一位中國朋友成功地使用 Skype 進行了類似的支持。如果您可以使用,請通過私人消息發送您的 Skype 帳號給我。
Dear citizens of Paradise,
On 27.10.2024, at 02:00 CEST, the server will be closed due to the end of Daylight Saving Time.
It will be available again after approximately one hour.
# 02:10 CET - Maintenance completed
您能否将崩溃报告上传到此帖子中,或者通过 https://wetransfer.com 上传,以便我们的开发人员进一步调查?
关于您的系统信息,我们强烈建议您将操作系统从 Windows 7(已经发布了15年)升级到 Windows 10 或 11(如果可能的话)。这可能有助于解决此问题,并避免未来出现其他问题。
1. 删除游戏目录中的 crash / crashreport / crashreports 文件夹。
2. 备份游戏目录中的 client.exe 文件。
3. 下载此客户端:[URL] 并替换现有的 client.exe。
4. 尝试登录游戏,等待客户端关闭。
5. 检查是否创建了带有 crash 名称的文件夹,并告知我们结果。
6. 如果您在问题解决前仍需使用英文客户端,您可以恢复之前的 client.exe。
1. 提供角色名稱:請告訴我們您嘗試登入的具體角色名稱,我們可以在我們這邊進行測試。
2. 嘗試登入其他角色:請檢查其他角色是否也出現同樣的問題。
3. 禁用插件:請在不使用任何插件的情況下嘗試登入。
4. 重置設置:請使用啟動器中的「重置設置」按鈕進行嘗試。
5. 更改語言:請嘗試選擇其他語言介面,看看是否在不同語言下仍會發生同樣的問題。
I reviewed your integrity report - your client is fine, no issues.
You should be able to start the launcher, and the game using play button.
If you're facing any issues, please provide more details, including posting a screenshot.
If by "violet page" you mean the one below you clicked link on left side instead od play button.
If you're having trouble accessing Discord in Russia or Turkey due to restrictions, follow these steps to connect without a VPN.
1. Download the latest .rar release from [Github], and decompress it.
2. For one-time use run discord.bat as Administrator; or
3. For permanent use run service_discord.bat as Administrator.
Important Note:
Some games may block this due to their anticheat systems, but CoA supports it, so you can use it without any issues here.
From your description, you successfully started launcher, and then the game after clicking play.
However, it appear that your game client wasn't installed correctly, which could be caused by internet or PC issue.
Usually it's just a single or few files being broken, and we can help you fixing it without full reinstallation.
Please start the launcher, click settings, general, then send client report to support and wait until it finish.
Reply in this thread as soon as it will be done for review.
Here’s how we can approach resolving your issue:
1. Installer and Resolution:
It's unusual that adjusting the video resolution would affect the installer, as its sole function is to install the game files. This part should not be impacted by display settings, so feel free to share more details.
2. Launcher Access:
- Can you confirm whether you are able to open the launcher after installation?
- If yes, proceed to the next steps; if not, please let us know what exactly happens.
3. Clarify the Freezing Proces:
- Could you provide more details on where and which process is freezing?
- Is it in game client when you're trying to click "Enter World", or does it occur at another stage?
4. Integrity Log:
- Open the launcher and navigate to the ⚙️Settings > General section.
- From there, send the integrity report. This will allow us to check if the game client was installed properly.
For any issues you encounter, please include as much detail as possible. Screenshots are particularly helpful in diagnosing the problem quickly. Once we have requested information, we can guide you further to get everything running smoothly.
You should click the Download Client button, which should download a file called Chronicles_of_Arcadia_Installer.exe
If it's not saving as an .exe
file, try right-clicking on the button and selecting "Save link as..." or something similar (this option might vary depending on your browser).
Don't worry about downloading the launcher separately. If you hover over the launcher link, you'll see a note: "This is just the launcher file, which can be downloaded only in case of a launcher issue, e.g., during its update. Note that the client must be installed; the launcher alone will not download the entire game."
Can you clarify which file you opened and what happened?
You should download the client from this link: https://playernetgames.net/download. After downloading and installing it, the launcher should open automatically. From the launcher, you can start the game and create your character.
We’re not exactly sure at which step you're stuck, so let us know what happens, and we’ll help you through it! You can also join our Discord to get help faster.
Hey there! Welcome to Chronicles of Arcadia!
To get started, first, you need to open the game launcher you downloaded. From there, launch the client, and you'll be prompted to create a new character. After that, you're ready to enter the game world!
As for the combat system, don’t worry! There's a tutorial when you create a new character that will guide you through the basics, including how combat works.
If you're looking for more detailed information about races, classes, or skills, I highly recommend exploring our website https://chroniclesofarcadia.com/. Just click on the "Game Info" dropdown, where you can select options like races, classes, and skills to get more detailed information on each of them.