Posts by kleos


    Every day this prestige quest comes and I spend 10 minutes just to complete this quest with 210% MOVESPD.

    423826 [Even Heat Needed]=> Slightly Damp Wood - Coast of Opportunity 37/68

    • In this quest, I am asked to collect 70 materials.
    • I think more than 50 is too much for daily prestige collection quests. 70,80,90 and above are extremely time-consuming and tiring. This is how I experienced it. I don't know what you think?
    • (I spent 10 minutes with perfect conditions to collect 70 materials in this quest. Those who do not have these conditions have to spend at least 15 minutes only on this quest)

    Linklere ne olmuş bilmiyorum ama tıkladığımda boş sayfalar çıkıyor?


    We killed Sismond on 14.01.2025 at 20:00 and I received 1250556 [Treasure of the Grave]. When I right clicked on it, I got the warning "[22:00:38] Received a common item from gasha." I looked at myself but I can't see any items. Is this normal?

    Language: TR

    Game Version:

    ID: 504553 [Gizli Usta] This is not correct translate

    ID: 504553 [Gizli Usta] This is correct translate "Alınan Fiziksel ve Büyü hasarını %30 azaltıl."

    Hallo liebe community ich bin auf der suche nach denn lösungen für die quest reihe leucht feuer prüfung und bin bei spur der echos und finde denn ort einfach nicht kann mir wer weiterhelfen.

    Lg Shika

    Hello, if you contact me in the game I can try to help you.


    Bende altın prestij olduğundan haritalardaki geçek zamanlı olarak Ore, Wood, Herbalism miktarın ve konumunu görebilmekteyim. Atlantis ve Talahgan haritalarında malzemeleri toplamak için gittiğimde diğer haritalar ile arasında çok büyük farklılığı gördüm. Diğer haritalarda Ore, Wood, Herbalism çok rahat toplayabiliyorum. Her yerde Ore, Wood, Herbalism mevcut. Talaghan ve Atlantis gittiğimde ise bu miktarın neredeyse 1/4 olduğunu görebilirsiniz.

    Bence Atlantis ve Talaghan haritalarındaki mevcut Ore, Wood, Herbalism miktarının 3 veya 4 katı çoğaltılması gerektiğini düşünüyorum.

    (Translate) Hello,

    Since I have gold prestige, I can see the amount and location of Ore, Wood, Herbalism in real time on the maps. When I went to collect the materials on the Atlantis and Talahgan maps, I saw a huge difference between them and other maps. I can collect Ore, Wood, Herbalism very easily on other maps. There is Ore, Wood, Herbalism everywhere. When I go to Talaghan and Atlantis, you can see that this amount is almost 1/4.

    I think that the current Ore, Wood, Herbalism amount on the Atlantis and Talaghan maps should be increased by 3 or 4 times.

    My Update about backport problem :
    My friend got backported in Orkham instance as druid/rogue. I think this problem is not just about warlock. There is a backport problem in game nowadays.

    You're right. I had this problem many times today while farming with Mage and Warlock.


    I have a question I want to ask. There are cards for some quests in the game. We can only do these quests once. When I press (P), how will I meet the required features for the card obtained from this quest?

    Example: As you can see in the information I have given below, we can only do this Quest once.

    When I press (P), I see that the game wants me to kill this creature many times, get this card many times, and if I meet these conditions, I complete this card collection.

    Since this quest is done once, how can I kill this creature as many times as desired?

    Since this quest is done once, how can I get this creature's card so many times?

    Card ID: 770051 [Card - Dreamlands Demon]

    Quest ID: 420043 [Nightmare]

    Language: TR

    Game Version:

    ID: 1490611

    This is not correct translate

    Hedefinize Karanlık İyileştirme kadar 857.8 CP geri kazandırır. İyileştirme güçlendirilir ve İrade Yapısı etkisi altındaysanız Bilgelik değerinizi 10 saniye boyunca %10 artırır.

    This is correct translate

    Hedefinize Karanlık İyileştirme kadar 857.8 CP geri kazandırır. İyileştirme güçlendirilir ve Savunan İrade etkisi altındaysanız Bilgelik değerinizi 10 saniye boyunca %10 artırır.

    Language: TR

    Game Version:

    ID: 1490612

    This is not correct translate

    Menzil içindeki hedeflere Karanlık İyileştirme ile 908.2 CP geri kazandırır. Eğer İrade Yapısı etkisi altındaysanız iyileştirme güçlenecektir.

    This is correct translate

    Menzil içindeki hedeflere Karanlık İyileştirme ile 908.2 CP geri kazandırır. Eğer Savunan İrade etkisi altındaysanız iyileştirme güçlenecektir.


    Kış Festivali oyunlarını oynarken bir sorun ile karşılaştım. İlk defa 122412 [Paige Zencefiladam] ile konuşursak ve savaşa girersek karşımıza gelen patron 106171 [Gingerbread House] ile savaşırken yerden çok ama çok fazla 112333 [Ana Kapı] toplayabiliyoruz ve bunları 106171 [Gingerbread House] fırlatarak onu rahatlıkla öldürebiliyoruz. Bu patron öldükten sonra savaşmak için gelen diğer patron 106172 [Giant Gingerbread Man] de yerden neredeyse hiç ama hiç 112333 [Ana Kapı] görünmüyor. Bu yüzden 1. boss 5 dakikada öldürüyorken 2. boss 20 dakikada zor ölüyor. Lütfen 1. da olduğu gibi 2. patron için de 112333 [Ana Kapı] sayısı yükseltebilir misiniz? Teşekkürler.



    I encountered a problem while playing the Winter Festival games. For the first time, if we talk to 122412 [Paige Gingerbread Man] and enter the battle, we can collect a lot of 112333 [Main Door] from the ground while fighting the Boss 106171 [Gingerbread House] and we can easily kill him by throwing them at 106171 [Gingerbread House]. After this boss dies, the other boss 106172 [Giant Gingerbread Man] that comes to fight, almost no 112333 [Main Door] is visible from the ground. That's why the 1st boss is killed in 5 minutes, while the 2nd boss is hard to die in 20 minutes. Can you please increase the number of 112333 [Main Door] for the 2nd boss as well as the 1st? Thank you.


    Can you please do this for all of these items? It takes up a lot of space and I would be really relieved if I could put it in the VIP place. Thank you.


    I want to see who is 1st and who is last in Arena of DArknes but I guess there is no such option? As you can see in the video below, I clicked everywhere but if there is such a list, I couldn't find it. If there is no such list, can you add it? That way we can see who is the best at that moment and perform accordingly. Thank you.


    HEAL ile DPS nasıl yapılır onu araştırıyorum. Sanırım Druid Warlock güzel bir DPS olarak görünüyor. Bu sınıf ile DPS için Kity Combo kullanıyorum. Burada bir sorun ile karşılaştım. Ben 1490765 [Beden Canlandırma +105] yeteneğini Kity Combo koyuyorum ve bunu kullanmaya çalışıyorum ama olmuyor. Bunun yerine Kity Combo 493532 [Beden Canlandırma +105] bu yeteneği kullanıyor. Sebebi merak ettim ve fark ettim ki bu iki yeteneğin özellikleri, ID leri farklı olmasına rağmen isimleri birebir aynı!

    Sanırım Kity Combo isimlerinin aynı olmasından dolayı düzgün çalışmıyor.

    Rica etsem bu iki farklı özelliğe sahip olan yeteneklerin isimlerini birbirinden farklı olarak değiştirebilir misiniz?

    Teşekkür ederim.

    (Translate) Hello,

    I'm looking into how to do DPS with HEAL. I think Druid Warlock seems like a good DPS. I use Kity Combo for DPS with this class. I encountered a problem here. I put the 1490765 [Body Revival +105] skill into Kity Combo and try to use it but it doesn't work. Instead, Kity Combo 493532 [Body Revival +105] uses this skill. I wondered why and realized that although the properties and IDs of these two skills are different, their names are exactly the same!

    I think Kity Combo is not working properly because their names are the same.

    Could you please change the names of these two different skills to different ones?

    Thank you.


    1250490 [Snowflake Festival Repeat Ticket] When I use this item, I can do the festival quests again, this is not the case for the NPC below.

    121598 [Captain Ganper] This NPC shows the quests on the map. There is a blue exclamation mark over his head but he does not give the quests. I am not sure if this is a problem?

    I started to farm energy yesterday and this bug but I can't do it. When I go to farm energy, the game keeps teleporting me back. I try to hit the creatures but I get a warning that I'm not there. The creatures say they are too far away from me. Then all of a sudden the game teleports me. I'm having this problem when I farm energy, can you please fix this problem? I can't farm energy at all.

    I don't have any ping.


    I just tested it and noticed that when a new player starts the game, when he talks to 129022 [Johnny Dalker], he gives us the Adventurer set. When I talk to the NPC as a spell, the weapon he gives me (you can see it in the picture below) is Tier 13 and Durability 120, which is very nice. If I start the game with Bard, the weapons he gives me when I talk to 129022 [Johnny Dalker] (you can see it below) are Tier 7 and Durability are random.

    I think it would be good to do this beauty for the other classes that are new to the game for the Bard classes as well.


    I have a suggestion.

    As it is known, the Winter Festival is currently active in the game. 104497 [Frost Snowman King] spawns at certain intervals on the Ystra map. In order to kill it, we need to collect 116655 [Snowpile with Calming Spirit] from the ground and throw it at him. I think that if the 116655 [Snowpile with Calming Spirit] picked up from the ground come to our backpacks in piles instead of one by one, in pieces, it will not take up space. In this way, when it is in pieces, it takes up too much space on me.