Posts by Cruvor

    About new Lunar Wrath / Artefact Special Skill.

    Currently feels very underwhelming.

    Besides its low dmg (ranged) making around 1-2% overall, how its activated feels very unsatisfyng as you cant controll it and happens alot that its not up when you need it/up when you dont need it.

    Not sure increasing its dmg output more would be a good idea due to power creep , but changing it to be useable at will with same cooldown would be a nice change.



    some fancy idea for Scout/Rogue:

    Push it more in the offburst DoT role , would be unique for scouts.

    For this DoT dmg would need to be increased and ways of applying it.

    At the moment it lacks alot of single target DoT options as Combo Shot is the logical way to apply it and DoT ticks for 4s and Combo shot got 6s Cooldown.

    Some option would be to make 493253 to apply to all skills .

    Also an option would be to make reflected shot DoT a small AoE circle around the target , 20-30 range maybe.



    please reconsider/adjust the focus cost of Archer Rune (1491125) in its current state it is close to unplayable and always cancels after 5s of gameplay, unless you run with priest/mage Druid/bard and keep uni pots on cd.


    then something is wrong. Had it happen 2-3x in last sw that our tower was captured without guards moving and no enemy nearby. Maybe also good old battleground lag not showing player?.

    Either way, capturing outside range shouldnt be possible



    please change how towers in sw can be captured.

    As of now rogue can stand in hide outside of Guard range and capture the Tower.

    maybe add a condition that guards have to be in fight ? 2 small ones have to be dead or similar


    About Siege War:

    - Fixed it was possible to use spells through some castle walls; including towers

    This is not 100% working , i was still able to kill player through walls with 490420

    - Fixed it was possible to use spells through some castle walls; including towers.

    This seems to have the opposite effect, no one was able to attack a gate ,except a small exception of Skills.
    (Between you and the target is an obstacle red error message)

    Overall PvP balance is much better then before, but still lacks alot.
    its mainly still a oneshot fiesta , even when i fight against full geared opponens i can still 1 or 2 shot them (except tanks)

    (As Bard/Scout with almost finished pvp Gear, any experience from other classes? )

    Aswell, can you look into distributing Atlas Coins more fairly ?
    Our Tank got 800 , when i got 2.000.

    Maybe include damage taken or similar into account would help ?^

    (Or make it similar to how AC are distributed in Zhargos Worldboss, split it evenly for everyone in the party)


    - reduce the damage of Saping Arrow and reduce its Energy cost ( as of now feels very cluncky due to its very high energy cost)

    Another Idea for this issue.

    Remove extra dmg portion from 492916 / 493093 and add some energy restoration on hit.
    As of now Exploiting Shot Elite dmg is too low to be usefull in any way , making it a dead Elite Skill


    Couple Suggestions / Ideas for more fluid Gameplay

    Scout General

    - Remove Cast time of Hurricane Downpour (494970)

    - Remove Focus Regen and add a Focus Cost per second to Concentration and allow it to be permanent (like Target Area)


    - reduce the damage of Saping Arrow and reduce its Energy cost ( as of now feels very cluncky due to its very high energy cost)

    newbies getting into the game and seeing they can rent equip for Diamonds / € will just scare them away.

    What about letting them experience the game first , and then they can farm their own gear? For example the Phirius Shell Gear.

    Atleast old set was close to rofl gold gear and the new one they added seems even more powerfull + new stats :/

    i see no mention of the shell gear here as an option , feels like no one even knows about it or read Patchnotes about new one ? :D Maybe promoting it better would be an idea?

    Edit: the new lower body set is equal / partly better then rofl gold set , set boni are slightly worse but nonstats on gear are better and you get % stats on the legs .

    Can Soul Storm fear be changed to something else as the fear is kind of annyoing.

    Maybe silence or similar ( that also works for custom endgame mobs)

    (or just revert it entirely :) )


    When i use the Skill, it Plays Animation

    and everything, but no dmg is done

    With recent Buffs Scout/Druid seems a bit too overtuned imo.

    Would suggest a little nerf to Snakepoisonarrow (499583)

    - Increase Cooldown to 3-4 seconds

    - Increase Decremeant



    something went wrong with recent changes to Snipe (atleast with Scout/mage)
    (besides still too long cast time :D )
    Tooltip cast Time and actual Cast time dont add up at all


    EDIT: seams issue is only on classes that dont have a modified Snipe ( /mage /rogue for example).
    Scout/Warrior /Warden have a modified Snipe and there everything is normal / tooltip and actual cast time fit.


    Hi ,

    about Snipe:

    i ran endcontent ( orkham for example) as scout alot in last weeks , and i have made the experience , using Snipe in 99% of scenarios is a Damage Loss.

    Played alot scout/rogue without using snipe once , and had much better result overall.
    Atleast for me i have the impression now , using Snipe on any Scout that doesnt have an instant Snipe (like s/d) is a wasted GCD.

    Problems i noticed:

    - Cast Time is too long , even with guitar and curse runes

    - Damage is comparable weak with how long it takes (other classes have instant skills that hit way higher with lower cd)

    - Set Up for a "Proper" Snipe takes to long , eg Scout/Rogue and Scout/Warrior.

    Would love to see some changes regarding this issue <3

    Couple Ideas what could be done from my site:
    - Small cast multi on snipe

    - Fix Scouts "on mob hit" buff rota , as with /rogue and /warrior for example

    - Revamp lvl 99 ISS "Reduces Snipe cast time, when essence arrow is active" or similar

    Would also love to hear from other Scout players how they see this situation.



    recent change to Bard/Scout with permanent Archer rune was really good and needed thanks for that, the reduced channel time feels really good.

    Nevertheless imo its a bit too strong now with this buff and needs slight adjustments.

    one of the following what could be done:

    - Reduce Deadly Arrows to 700-750%

    - Increase CD of Soul Gale to 6 seconds

    - Make onhit part of Archery rune 50% chance to proc


    New Nimble Hands extra attack chance does not count for Scout/Rogue´s Autoshot.
    can this be adjusted ?


    aswell , since S/R dot is actually kind of usefull now (thanks for that <3)

    Can 493253 be changed to apply the dot with other skills aswell ? would give this class some unique identity of being a DoT Scout.

    Also some others ideas

    - let dot trigger extra when certain Skills hit the target that is allready under the Effect of the DoT.

    - Include DoT debuff in Deadly poison bite extra damage portion ( same as vamp arrow)


    Thanks for recent Scout changes , they help alot.

    Any chance Autoshot and Hurricane Downpour ISS (494970) can be changed to be used together ? as of now you need to disable Autoshot to use ISS.

    Other idea would be to make Hurricane Downpour like Champ´s Imprisonment Pulse , that would also fix this.
