Thanks Kalypso for opening this discussion, I feel like this was overdue yet noone thought about doing to until you did.
To share my point of view on this topic:
I totally agree with your point of view, all these quality of life changes, performance improvements, balancing efforts and overall great community support and management make this server really worthwhile.
The current "endcontent" however just makes me worry.
I myself like the instance in its basics very much, considering design, length and up to certain point also bossencounters and trashmobs.
It had the potential to be great content, fun AND rewarding to play.
However as Lutine said, for proper endcontent there had to be another, higher difficulty. The current normalmode could have been an easy one, current hardmode should have been normal and a hardmode should have been implemented months ago, by now it is too late for that I guess.
It was a ton of fun to clear and further discover this instance, farming it is just a pain.
Compared to gorge way too many guilds are/were farming it (relative to the entire playerbase!), having a huge (imo negative) impact on the games economy.
We all agree that gorge was too slow paced and there for too long, however there were good reasons for it being like that, so I guess its fine, but rofl is just way too fast paced to be healthy for the server.
Many bosstactics are fun to play in my opinion, just not entirely thought through to the end, to keep them fun and challenging for regular runs.
Some examples:
RNG at b1 just sucks, especially in small raids with only 2 or 3 dps it takes several minutes of just waiting for correct buffs+chests, where tanks and heals literally can go afk, especially after latest class-changes (Chain of Life OP). There should be some logic for spawning chests according to remaining buffs on bosses.
This starts to annoy players right at the beginning of the instance.
b2 is just a joke compared to b2 in gorge. Failing movement and coordination at Iglis was punishing the whole raid, Khat does not even kill the players who fail to move. This is not what you call a "hard mode".
b3 has similar issues as b1. Apart from one dps at a time and the tank, everyone can go afk, all one healer needs to do is start a makro healing the tank and go afk too. There should have been more about the adds (which only were added post-release), forcing the raid to continously kill them, keeping everyone busy during the bossfight.
b4..well...burstbosses shouldnt be a childrens firecracker.
b5 strongly suffers from the automization its tactics allow and also from him and his adds taking too much and dealing too low dmg.
Overall everything in this instance still dies way too fast and we observed and shared that as feedback right after release, way before we started building new gear.
I know some players in Sâcrêd have way above average gear, making certain things easier and faster for us, but being aware of that, we almost never run with a full raid, but with max. 4 dps, so technically our dmg-output is halved compared to what it could be. Strong gear does not compensate for that. And still everything does die way too fast.
And all this does not change how we play bosstactics in the end, them being for me the main reason why rofl is boring AF.
Also building gear is too easy, at this time of year almost noone had finished gorge gear the year it was released, now most players running rofl are done with their ultimate gear, which was supposed to be something extra rewarding only for the most active ones. Not to mention how many players have already finished red gear.
According to this fact, the next instance would have to be just around the corner, otherwise the whole ultimate gear and its concept simply fail their purpose. A worldboss alone will not help here at all, unless you can kill it multiple times a day (what I doubt) or killing it to be really, really hard and time-consuming (which I sadly also doubt), it will not be able to substitute rofl for the daily player.
Furthermore I am worried about how to properly balance future content for all players, those with ultimate gear and those without. Content suited for ultimate gear might be too hard for red gear, vice versa.
I agree that players already are tired of rofl (myself included), you can see that in them being less active as soon after they finished their gear, less runs done compared to a few months ago, which itself can be seen in prices for rofl stuff slightly rising again.
So I hope that our gamedesign and dev teams have learned from the mistakes they made with rofl and its many flaws, otherwise future PvE and the server itself are doomed.
Nevertheless I am looking forward to read other players opinions and experiences, maybe even from some who did not run rofl from the beginning, but started here later and have their own perspective on current "endcontent".