Skill name: Slipstream of Healing
ISS Level: 98
Suggested changes:
leave the effect as it is, thats very fine (Draws a healing thread to the target and then restores their HP by 1000.0 HP per second for 5.0 seconds.)
BUT remove the 4 second cast time and change it to a real instant to apply a HoT on target that heals for the 1k hp every second for 5 seconds
Reasoning for these changes:
The skill as it is is useless for any priest, it practically heals once a second just slightly more than an urgent heal, but priests with good gear can cast up to 2x urgent heal each second (0,5sec castspeed), even on different targets and not only a single one, so that would be like twice the heal output (and more, regarding some elite-skills for urgent heal (priest/knight)) with a normal skill in comparison to this high-lvl ISS.
in addition, priests lack in good HoTs in comparison to druids, so turning this ISS into a high-scaling short-term HoT, with short cooldown as it is, would really help to get more priests back into the meta-game instead of druids only
This change would only be useful, if the HoT scales really high, almost as it does now as a 4-second-cast - and does not cap at 36k/sec or something, or else it wouldnt be helpful to trigger global cooldown with this skill instead of casting 2x urgent heal on multiple targets in that very same time.
In short, i hope this skill could work like this: instant cast on target - global cooldown - have buff on target that heals effectively for like 200k-250k/sec(balancing?) for 5sec - skill cooldown 10 seconds
I guess this would be the only priest ISS that desperately needs a rework, all the other ones seem fine as they are to me