Posts by melodic

    The monitor gets dark for a moment and then I instantly click the potion but I don't get anything from it. I have to say, thats really frustrating...

    Sadly we hadnt the time to talk about this, but obviously u did not figure it out completely.
    As I already mentioned, u should all stop doing the same thing over and over again, hoping it to work at any point. But if something is wrong and u dont change it, it will never work.
    I see e.g. Badgas and Niirtii standing at Anna all day and u say u watch there other ppl making process in this quest.
    Here are two big hints: U don't! and the "cooldowns" for the debuff and getting the potion are not the same. ;)
    There is a way to make it work 100%, u just have to find it.

    Well i can understand ppls opinion about this and i see that this quest(line?) is not a fast rewarding one at all.
    We have to stack the buff with the potion 10 times, even if u do that once a day, u only need 10 days to complete that quest and we have time until the event will change again, which will be a few weeks until so. so plenty of time to do that. im not a big fan of 6h onlinetime for the next buff to spawn, but even that is okay, since u in fact can afk in ur house and use potion after u come back and leave ur house. in other games/MMOs u have to grind a he.ll of a lot more to achieve specific rewards and i thinks its okay here, to reward those who can be more active than those, who dont invest that much time into the game. I dont see where this would be unfair.
    I also think this quest is not nescesarily bugged, when it does not work for certain ppl, i had this problem as well at the start, but by now i figured it out by trying different things and communicating with other ppl.
    And this is what i like about this quest. Its some kind of a small riddle, that wasnt solved in the very first few hours, at least not for me and those, i spoke to.
    Now, if the reward from the package isnt complete c.rap, where i think: "why did u do this quest for THAT?!", im okay with it ;)

    I dont know why this topic came up again, but the formulas from gamepedia, to where Nadana posted the link, are quite accurate. Of course i cant confirm their correctnes, since i dont know the exact game mechanics, but from what i experienced over the years they fit the actual crit values very fine - including some variations due to "randomnes"...same on gf servers and on Arcadia.
    What Silence did wrong in his calculation, is that he put the breakets wrong in
    [(CRate) - (CResist) / 4 ] / (CRate) --> (5869 - 4000) /4 / 5869 = 7.96% , simple and common mistake, which leads to a totally different result...obviously noone did notice that or noone cared. ?(

    How come that if u use 2 mainhand attacks per second, that it blocks the offhand? Does the game mechanics allow just 2 melee-whitehits per second, not regarding if its main or offhand or are those hits limited by the communication between server and client or any other processes?
    I mean, as mage/wd u can also cast more than 2 casts per second and as scout it also is possible to hit more than twice per second with auto-shot.
    As i understand this, there already is some sort of "cap" on possible hits per second, so wouldnt u have to remove this cap somehow and not reduce the minimal amout of hits u can do with ur mainhand per second, to allow the offhand to hit in between as well?
    Im sorry, but im a bit confused here ?(;(

    And in fact, this issue mainly is about the rogue/mage (/warlock :P ), were the dmg u deal by the hits themselves doesnt matter, but the extra dmg that is triggered by "Enchanted Throw", so u want to hit as often as possible per second, where u dont care about the dmg per hit of the offhand itself. And overall, in comparison to mainhand hits and skills, the offhand hits do very little dmg as well, so theres even then no reason to use a "good" offhand, just a fast one ;)

    Best regards

    I wont discuss here what is hypocrisy and what is not.
    But the poor loot WAS discouraging players, so we wanted a change.
    That only 3 guilds could kill b2 yet IS discouraging players, we want a change (yes: WE, i voted for a change here earlier as well, as u might have missed.)
    The difference here is, that more loot does not discourage other players, at least did not until now, if it does someone, they are free to say so :D - but there are still some ppl on this server who like the challenge in running high-end instances and dont do it JUST for the loot, but for the fun they have on the way. I am one of them. So obviously i dont like a boss being changed to be way easier as it was.
    And as i already mentioned previously, i would be glad, when more ppl can run gorge, since it brings more activity to the server, but not at the cost of losing fun running the instance myself. U see my point?! time, please read the whole story and dont judge over ppl by a single comment....

    First of all, i wasnt on this server when Inferno was released.
    Secondly, Inferno events were like this from the beginning (I guess?), so they were intended to be like this - Gorge is designed to be way harder and events are based on even more teamplay and communication, u will see while u progress through the instance - and the gear from there is way stronger than from Inferno, relative to Tikal gear.
    So there has to be a relation between the effort it takes to get a specific loot as reward - thats why we complained about the poor loot from last boss in the beginning, it was changed, and it was great for some weeks. Now gorge becomes easier and again we get a misrelation between effort and reward.

    Concerning our guilds getting those new members...there is way more to this process than u describe right now and in fact getting new members in general is an absolutly natural behaviour of a guild, to grow AND to replace inactive ppl - and btw Pulse AND Improved cleared the instance before adding new/more members, so we did "something" without that.
    And this is just the point i wrote about some posts before, dont ask the Devs to make the instance so that it siuts u, adapt to the instance, get new members so u can form a party, capable of clearing gorge!!! Just like we did.

    To me it looks like u feel offended here by anything, though this should be a mere discussion where ppl state they different points of opinion concerning gorge/patch...

    2. I think there should be minimum requirements for this instace, and so 3x3 objects (+ the enhanced length of the event) is too easy for a full raid, and maybe too hard for a small raid. But i mean guys if you cant do B2, then you should rlly work on your event skills and communications

    after all b2 is the funniest event in all the custom inis (my opinion)

    I totally agree with this!

    Interesting idea - and as we know of suntemple events it should be very well realizable.
    I'd suggest 3/3 for 7ppl+ and 4/4 for 9ppl+, so a round off of (partymembers-1)/2 with a min./max. of 1 and 4

    I still think either the physical defense is ~15 to 20 % too high in comparison to the magical defense in gorge or the permanent attack speed debuffs of the trash mobs disadvantage some classes more than others - or both.
    I am not entirely sure, but it is definitly yet unbalanced.

    What did you experienced?

    Can't be the atk-speed, since this affects mages/warmages and pdps the same, only warlocks deal "normal" dps while they are slowed, bc they have few casts which can be slowed down. And during most bossfights, there are no slows and still the mdps deal way more dmg than pdps. So it has to be the mdef/pdef ratio or a permanent mdmg-multiplier/pdmg-resistance, which make the difference.
    But imo this shouldnt be the point to discuss atm, as u mentioned, the Devs (should) know about this and if they consider it necessary, they will change something. ;)
    I think its more important to find a way that more ppl can run gorge whithout making it and its bosses too easy for those who can already farm it. Except some very few things, i like that instance a lot as it is and wouldn't like seeing it changed too much.

    I wouldnt recommend playing that boss with 8 ppl, but with 9 that event works very save - especially after the last change, since when u have lots of time to complete it.
    Now u may also have enough time, to use some alts to do that event, idk, but should be worth a try for u. i know u have some qualified ones. :D

    U have to remember, that this is a hardmode instance designed for 12 players - atm b2 is quite funny to play, if something were changed so that a group can do its event with much less players, in a raid of 10-12ppl, lots of ppl wouldnt have to do anything in this event, so it would become even more easier than it already has and more boring for those ppl, who dont have to do anything anymore.

    Obviously u have to run that instace with less than 8 ppl atm - if this boss were changed now so that u can kill it, i ensure u that u will have big problems with the bosses to come as well, bc ur party will not be large/strong enough to kill those - as i said, this instance is designed for 12ppl and u would have to be considerably strong to make it with 8 or less ppl. and even if u DID manage to kill them, a fullrun will take u a he.ll of a time, way more than 3hrs killing all those trashmobs - and i guess this again will be a problem for u, if u mainly have ppl from different timezones in ur party.
    So if ur guild is not strong enough to raise 9ppl for that instance, mb u should not ask Devs to make that instance easier for u and everyone who already runs it, but ask in global for more ppl for ur guild to clear/farm it and rearrange the structure of ur guild. ;)
    I hope u do not take any offense in this, i just like to state the facts as they are.
    Furthermore i would apreciate the fact, that more guilds farm gorge, it will bring some more activity to the server, but even more i appreciate the fact, that this is a HARD mode instance, and not alike the c.rap from others servers.

    *fingers crossed, that u may make it some day!*

    P.S.: "Your message contains following censored words: he.ll, cr.ap" @team: why the he.ll is he.ll censored? oO :D

    did u also try using no weapon in mainhand but one in offhand? does it occur then as well?
    btw try to count ur hits in combat log, there u should be able to tell apart main and offhand hits from their dmg done - then u have more precise values for ur hits from main- and offhand, though its much more effort :D

    I would also appreciate a raise in Ice-Shards dropped in Gorge, since even if u add up ALL(!!! :whistling: ) possible shard-drops, we still get less shards per run than needed to use both fragments from last boss to refine our items.
    Otherwise there will be more and more fragments accumulated on the server, which will have absolutle no use, since we cant sell or unbind them or anything.

    If u want to have a limiting factor on how many items are refinable per run, it should be the fragments and not the shards, if there were too many shards ppl at least could sell them since they are not bound. That would be the player-friendly way and just the same as it is in inferno (where it works just fine) - why follow two different concepts for the same feature in two instances?!
    Runs are getting faster and faster by the day and i guess no guild who can farm the last boss to aquire its fragments is willing to farm just the other bosses to get more shards, because the stuff we will need most over time are the stats from last boss AND the first boss is still the most boring one (again, small hint here to still change the addspawns at b1! :D ). So each run will be meant to be a fullrun.

    Its just sad to see statisticly about every fourth fragment dropped going to waste never being used to refine anything, because there are never going to be enough ice-shards on the server...
    Devs - PLEASE consider a change here!! I guess with that being done and some performance improvements every1 will be happy AND busy with Gorge until u release the next content. :thumbup:

    IN gorge, yes - everywhere else, not really...

    In gorge they appear especially around certain (boss-)events and the Dev's team should already know about that.

    The change in the shop is intended, u can find this in the patchnotes as well, afaik - and i think this is a very good change, because gorge is already taking enough time and it would be even less awarding, if "half" the loot from bosses would be available for a mere 4k coins at npc...

    Yes, removing this wasnt be best move, since some ppl were able to buy those items cheap, the items shouldnt have been available for that price from the start.

    I totally support ur 4) and would like to see it fixed, since i was looking forward to this change very much, but was even more disappointed when i saw there was only half the work done =/

    Hey ihr zwei!

    Was sind denn so eure Onlinezeiten und was genau sind eure Vorstellungen bezüglich Inis - eher casual oder eher endgame? - bzw. wie stehts denn um eure Erfahrungen mit dem Spiel, habt ihr auf anderen Servern schon gespielt?
    Meldet euch auch gerne mal ingame :thumbup:

    ""which were primarily designed to deal huge amouts of pdmg"", yes theres are some...
    what do u see in ini ? scout scout scout and mmmhh scout....a lots of variety right ?
    how others classes can beat their dps ..?? its not balanced tell me which class can reach over 50kk/s ???
    so yes, now on this game im searching something new to play, something different as u cant see in this game, thats why i ask it.

    Well, the point why u almost only see scouts in endgame instances is not because they deal the most dmg of all classes - they do in fact have massive burst dmg, but after those few seconds of high dps are gone, there is not much dps coming from them anymore and so in longer bossfights many other classes easily catch up with them.
    It is more because of the bossevents etc that other classes, espacially melee, are not that well and easy playable as scouts are nowadays.
    And it has always been like this, that some classes were more favorable in endcontent than others - there was a time were every1 played r/s, then we had looooots of mages, then we had looots of scouts, then r/s again, then r/m and warmages, then came the time of k/m and today it is s/wd and s/r and mb wl/ch...maybe next content (icy-stuff) there will be area effects like chilling breezes that make ur ranged attacks miss like 30% of the time and everyone is forced to play w/wd, wd/w or ch/r or any r/x it really depends on content as well, not only which class has the highest burst-dps over 5 seconds...and i doubt that a 2h hammer/axe for priest and druids will make there any difference - since those combinations are not designed to be primarily high dmg dealers, as others in fact are.

    I absolutely do not get what this is about...Is it about main classes priest/druid? I assume u talk about them in combination with warrior as sec? Otherwise talking about "frenzy" makes no sense.
    And what is the connection between being able the use chainmail and 1h weapons? why should that be useless?

    Priest and Druid are fun classes indeed, but their main purposes in this game are not about dealing dmg, but healing and supporting a party and being magical classes so i dont see any reason to buff their capability to deal more pdmg, than it already is with warrior as second class. I think this is enough for an alternative for ppl who want to have some fun with that combination - however this eliminates most of the aspects which make the original priest and druid playstyle fun...
    Apart from that, there are lots of other, different pdps combinations in this game that should provide enough variation in playstyle to have fun and which were primarily designed to deal huge amouts of pdmg.

    Why just not use smarBuffBars which offer it and much of others possibilities?

    As is stated, i do use myself addons to modify those frames, in fact it is smartBB as well and Ikarus, together they give me a great overview over party and targets.
    But not everyone wants to use (those) addons for various reasons and so my idea was to ask if it is possible to implement the most basic AND helpful functionalities of those addons (and their alikes) directly into the client for everybody.

    To be able to en-/disable this in the Interface settings would be even better, since i heard that you Devs wanted to add some options there anyway :P

    I do use an addon to customize and move the standard target, targettarget and party frames, but i see lots of ppl who do use the standard frames, in which u can only see 20(?) buffs with those shown first which were added first. So in most cases, u can only see buffs like housemaids, haidon, guild castle buffs, pet-buffs, etc. in your target, since there are a lot of them to use nowadays.

    So especially for supporters and healers but i think for everyone as well it would be helpful, if the order of the shown buffs were inverted (and mb the maximum of 20(?) increased), so that u can see the shortest time remaining or last added buffs first.

    I think its more useful to see if a tank is using some short-term def-skills than to be able to check if she/he uses def or hp buffs from housemaids - or to see if a dps is using her/his 5er or potions atm and not just seeing the remaining time of her/his housemaids, haidon or pets buffs ;)