Prestige [Patch]

    • Official Post

    I'm not sure if I'm writing this in the right place, it would be nice to add a feature to the Prestige features to shorten the default (2 seconds) duration of these chests (for example 1 second)

    RAScrnShot_2024-08-05_21-10-24.jpg (1920×1080)

    Hi, thanks for your Suggestion.
    These chest are intended to be excluded as opening them faster as other players might give you an unfair advantage.


  • First of all, you’ve done an amazing job with the Prestige Battle Pass over the last few weeks. It's great both for players who spend little and for those like me who occasionally buy Platinum.

    However, I have one major criticism: I can’t say exactly, but I’ve spent 30k+ diamonds on Courage Coins and also some on experience. What I find quite disappointing is that the progress of these two aspects (Courage and Experience) resets in the bonus reward window. Unfortunately, this progress is not retained like in the boost feature, where when it's full, it starts over again.

    I wish—and I’m sure the community would agree—that these two other points (Courage and Experience) were handled the same way in the bonus rewards as the boost feature. It's nearly impossible to reach the end, and only towards the end do the rewards really become relevant and interesting. For example, if you're already at max level, you can no longer buy experience, and you’re stuck. And with the coins, it's disappointing to be three reward pages short of the end because, mathematically, all functions are already leveled up, and a lot of diamonds have already been invested in this season.

    Therefore, I kindly urge you to reconsider the way this feature works. It’s truly a win-win for everyone because, naturally, if players know that the progress on these reward pages won’t be reset, they will be more inclined to invest diamonds.

    The community is also welcome to provide further input on this matter.

  • Hello,

    As it is known, those who use platinum as prestige can see the location of world bosses in real time.

    I really liked this feature but I have a problem with it. For example, the only way to understand whether the bosses shown on the world map are there at that moment is whether the boss is moving or not. If the boss is seen moving on the map, it is there. If it is a boss that is not moving, it is not possible to understand whether it is there or not.

    I think it would be nice to have color differences that show whether the bosses seen on the map are there or not. In this way, if there is a color difference, we can understand that the boss is really there. Or we can produce an alternative, good solution. In this way, we can obtain healthier results.

    ID: 1630452

    • Official Post


    1. The reward system for quests and boosts is different from the Prestige currency and experience system, as they have different monetization models. This is not a bug or flaw, but a deliberate decision.

    2. I'm not quite sure what progress reset you're talking about. Do you mean a reset at the end of the season or a reset upon reaching the maximum level in the rewards system? If it's the second option, this was also planned: if the player has reached the maximum, he can start getting rewards again by spending diamonds on currencies and experience.

    3. To maximise experience in the Prestige experience reward system, Courage Coin currency must be purchased. Players can start buying experience from different levels: levels 1 to 20, 10 to 20, or even 19 to 20. A player who buys experience from level 1 to 20 will pay significantly more diamonds than someone who buys from 19 to 20. The conditions cannot be the same for everyone. Therefore, progress in the reward system will partially fill in if a player spends diamonds to buy Courage Coin currency. This feature is not subject to change, as it is the only rational way to reach the maximum level.

    4. From season to season, we will be reviewing various features, mechanics and capabilities in the Prestige system. One of the expected changes will be to lower the required experience to reach the maximum level in the reward system when spending diamonds to purchase Prestige experience. However, the conditions described in paragraph 3 cannot be changed.

    It should work so that if the boss is alive, it is displayed on the map, if killed, then the icon is missing. We are currently observing a bug, we will fix it. Thank you for your feedback.

  • Hallo, man kann ja für Tapferkeitsmünzen sich diese Sammlung (A) kaufen, im gleichen Zuge füllt sich Balken ( C ). Pro Füllung von Balken C kann man 1x ( B ) kaufen. Nun meine Frage bzw Beanstandung : B könnte man 3x kaufen, aber geht leider nicht, da man A nur 10 x kaufen kann, somit Folge dessen Balken ( C ) nur 2 x voll wird. Also müsste A auf 15 erhöht werden, oder B auf 2 verringend, sonst wäre es ja Sinnfrei.

  • Normally when there is a quest, the map mobs appear in red. Sometimes this does not happen when doing prestige quest. Is this normal? Is this how it should be?

    I am usually someone who always does prestige quests with diamonds and I have almost reached the maximum level and I was wondering something. What happens when you do it with a quest and I have been doing the quests for the last few days. In my opinion, the time required for quests is too much. I think the time required for quests should be reduced. Spending 1.5 hours to do 5 quests seems very tiring and boring. What do you think?

    Edited once, last by kleos: kleos tarafından oluşturulan bir mesaj bu mesaj ile birleştirildi. ().

    • Official Post

    Normally when there is a quest, the map mobs appear in red. Sometimes this does not happen when doing prestige quest. Is this normal? Is this how it should be?

    I am usually someone who always does prestige quests with diamonds and I have almost reached the maximum level and I was wondering something. What happens when you do it with a quest and I have been doing the quests for the last few days. In my opinion, the time required for quests is too much. I think the time required for quests should be reduced. Spending 1.5 hours to do 5 quests seems very tiring and boring. What do you think?


    For first part - do you mean red icons on minimap?

    For second part - quests are meant to be reworked, very likely for next season.


  • So, feedback on the Prestige. First of all, the right way as far as the price is concerned. However, these safes are wrong in my eyes. As Prestige is the continuation of VIP status for many, the safes should be replaced. Everything I buy in the season for bravery coins or achieve through leveling belongs in the season vault. But the log-in and time bonuses belong in the permanent vault because they are generated by PNC and playing time.

    Please revise, thank you

  • [10:11:06] Danke für den Erwerb der VIP-Mitgliedschaft!

    [10:11:06] Vergessen Sie nicht, |Hui:UI_SkillBook|h|cffffffff[Fähigkeitsbuch]|r|h zu besuchen, um Ihre täglichen Online-Zeit-Belohnungen zu erhalten.

    [10:11:06] Sie können Ihr |Hitem:83e25|h|cffffffff[Goldenes Einhorn]|r|h auf der ersten Registerkarte des |Hui:UI_SkillBook|h|cffffffff[Fähigkeitsbuch]|r|h erreichen.

    Beim jeden Porten bekommt man diesen SPAM!

    Interessante Form der Werbung

    Ich kann als "Mini" das Goldene Einhorn nicht nutzen

  • feedback for the prestige: I think it's cheeky that things are simply changed for which you paid money. 90 days to use items? are you serious?

    When I do my daylies and when I don't, I decide and not you!

    I think that's an outrage - it changes the fact that you can get the items out of the safe like before - because that's crap

  • Hi

    i completely agree with Baumi. I find it almost outrageous that they want to tell us when we have to use our

    resources. I decide when i use my tq cards, and you never know how often ini will be run, so you can never tell

    when when you need the title badges and phoenixes. There are also new players who only bought this ViP

    because of the resources so they can use them when they need them.

    They haven´t accumulated anything from an old season yet.

    In my opinion, this is patronizing us as players.

    From the very beginning when we bought the ViP , we where not told when to use our bonus.

    Why know?

  • Ich bin mit diesen Änderungen ebenfalls nicht einverstanden. Wir haben damals den Permaprestige gekauft und nicht das nach 90 Tagen diese Sachen verschwinden. Ich habe keine Ahnung ob das rechtlich zulässig ist. Bitte ändert dies wieder, möchte nicht das deshalb ein Streit beginnt.

  • Hello,

    I bought Platinum prestige in Season 2 but now I see that it is gone and Gold is in its place. I bought Gold again. I have a question about this.

    I had previously put the rewards I received into the bank and you can see them in the picture below. I discovered that a new feature was added with Season 3 Prestige. These items no longer appear on me. They appear in the Reward Vault System. I can use them from there when I need them, I really liked this.

    I wanted to put these items in my bank into the Reward Vault System but the game does not allow it. Can you do something about this?

  • We can get features according to the purchased Prestige. I have a suggestion. For example, it would be good to put all the cards you have on the current map into your bag with a single click as the Gold Prestige feature.