Reworked Monster Cards [Patch]

  • I came back after 7 years, mostly because of the rework of the card system, and i appreciate the efforts and thoughts the whole team has put into it.

    It is a long term challenge but i like it.

    But, due to the design of the base game, there are several mobs and cards that are not just hard to get, but almost impossible, and if we imagince we nee like 64 green cards to bring the card to 5 star, it is impossible in a lifetime to achieve.

    Some cards, like the event cards, drop maybe once per event, giving the fact you nee 64, and the event happens once per year...64 years ==> not really realistic.

    Other mobs, like the Fungi in starting zone, don't even spawn, and not only do you need 64 cards, but also over 600 kills.

    While most cards have mobs with regular respawn, some have not.

    There are many approchaes to make this a smoother experience.

    For seasonal event cards, you could just change rarity so purple for most cards.

    For ingame/zone event cards, you could adjust the rarity.

    For Fungi, my suggestion stands, make fungus garden a new dungeon where these mobs can spawn and drop the cards.

    Another idea could be an exchange NPC:

    For example you have 10 green cards from howling mountains, you transform them into howling mountain card dust (instead of disenchanting towards your main cards).

    With this dust, you can purchase Cards from that zone in the NPC card exhange NPC.

    You will still need the kills though.

    There are several Cards, that are only available throught a quest (red-eye bear in howling mountain, kasumile in aslan etc.), ==> make them another category of cards, or at least eliminate the kill count requirement.

    You could also add a new type of daily quest - Card Dailies.

    For this type you can maybe perform 5 or 10 daily card quests, where you could select in every zone ANY card/mob you would like to kill/get the card.



  • I wanted to ask what's next for the new card system ?

    Do you have any plans for the future (because at the moment we have a slight standstill). Yes I know that a lot of new zones have been added this year, but it would be advisable perhaps to increase the pace of their implementation (for example - every festival change - a new zone).

    There is still a lot to add, and at this pace it could take a couple of years 8|


  • I wanted to ask what's next for the new card system ?

    Do you have any plans for the future (because at the moment we have a slight standstill). Yes I know that a lot of new zones have been added this year, but it would be advisable perhaps to increase the pace of their implementation (for example - every festival change - a new zone).

    There is still a lot to add, and at this pace it could take a couple of years 8|


    I haven't even farm the half of the added zones with last card patch xD

    I guess the majority of the playerbase is not like "new zone finished in 1 day or less". it's more like 2-4 weeks each zone in my mind. Sure, there are always some fast pace players, but it was mentioned that most changes should target the biggest playerbase, which seems healthy for a game. The same goes for instances. For me the "hard mode" of DC is easy mode, but I am not the majority of the playerbase.

    My tip: just chill around and enjoy new stuff and that the game and playerbase is healthy enough to have also fun with the game in the future. Better having a slowly growing card future, than no future right? :D

  • To be honest, I thought some developer would have commented on this, but thanks for your opinion :P . Yes I still have a lot of work to do on this too, but I would be more reassured if there were a lot more zones with a new card system ;) .

    Best regards

  • I know what you mean. I am more scared about new players if I would think about starting this game and seeing those huge amount of cards they need to farm.

    Maybe they could increase the drop chance of the cards in the older zones after every new added zones to the card system, that new players can faster catch up

  • I think is time to change selling stones Asmial NPC. Hundreds of new maps to do and trillions of stones to use. Buying stones in private store one by one, with different prices, recharging the store constantly... is a trully pain in the ass and super confusing for new people.

    Remove that updating button from it and make all stones cost same price so we can buy 100 instantly. It would make the system a lot easier and more pleasant to use for everyone, old and new players. Change prestige to affect this individual stone price and thats all.

    Perhaps it would also be appropriate to increase the frequency of monster respawns in both the old zones and the new ones :/

    Would be awesome if new cards perfume make mobs re-appear faster and not slower as it is now.

  • I would very much like to ask the game developers to successively add more zones to the new monster card system. With the new instance fast approaching, please don't forget about the new zones, as there are still quite a few to be added (last time was around September last year). Also, please raise the frequency of mob resurgence on zones with the new system. Greetings

  • They will proly do it when it feels right,since a lot of players need time to get it and its huge they just release it based on amount of players that already finished it so far,that what i know or think told a lot of times already

    • Official Post



    It seems like it would be more efficient if you could take action collectively instead of pressing this button one by one and making improvements? It can sometimes take time to select the existing map and develop the cards one by one manually. It might be better to develop them all together and have a single warning screen.

    At the moment the realization of such a function is technically impossible, but we are interested in the development and improvement of the game. We will definitely consider your idea and, if we find a suitable way to implement it, we will try to add it in future updates

    Once again I ask you: what's next for the new monster card system ? Do you plan to make any changes in its functioning in the near future and most importantly - when do you plan to implement new zones :/


    We don't have an exact timeline for when significant changes to the monster map system will be made. However, it is definitely part of our game development plan. As for opening new zones, we will definitely consider this possibility in a future update.

  • Hi !

    I would like to ask if is it possible to have a view of the amount of each currency (green, blue, purple stones) directly in the new card system interface ?


  • Hello Dev-Team,

    i have a suggestin regarding some monster cards.


    Lvl 8 Dungeon in dwarf starting zone.

    This dungeaon is quite corresponding to the lvl 8 starting dungeon in howling montains. In my opinion, there is no difference in lvl requiremnets and "sense of implementation", in these two.

    So, my guess is, that monster cards should have the same rarity in both dungeons. ==> blue (normal mobs) purple (endboss).

    I am not aiming on anhancement of the attributes, but in lowering the requirements for Yrvantis cards to get to stardom 5.

    The "problem" is, that purple cards "only" need 242 kills to get a card to lvl 5 stardom, whereas a blue card requires 484.

    ==> Meaning, double the amount of kills for just this endboss in Yrvantis.

    In comparison to the same lvl dungeon in Howling mountains, this makes not much sense to me, with the new card system.

    I think developers of Runewaker did not realy care about this, and afterwards it was never changed^^

    So please consider changing the rarity of these monster cards.

    AT LEAST the rarity of the endboss to purple^^

  • With the new card system, some of the monster cards, especially quest dependent monster cards were given a special rarity.

    This makes sense to me.

    However, some monster cards which require a (low lvl) quest, still need kills and card enchants to upgrade to stardom (*5).

    I suggest changing these cards, at least removing the kill requirement, and/or changing the monster card rarity. If not to special, then maybe to purple.

    There may be more monster cards, but i am still busy with others^^

    • Official Post

    Greetings, Xanadú.

    In a future patch, we will add these cards to the exception and make them 5 stars by default.

    • Official Post

    Unfortunately, changing existing cards, even changing their rarity, can create conflicts with monster cards that players already have. Considering that not all instance are the same, we have to leave things as they are in this situation.
    Thank you for your feedback.

  • Ok, so i understand the message that you give.

    the new monster card system is a great idea and great implementation in my opinion, but it has some minor weakness or faults, anyways, i undersatand that there is no will to improve or correct this. got it!

    but, as you have a vast understanding of the game, maybe you can enlighten me, and tell me, from a game design point of view, how am i supposed to bring these cards, let's take ID 100560 as an example, to stardom 5.

    Can you please describe the process, what is from game design intended to do ?

    For my character, it is impossible to do, if not using alt chars, just as a hint.

    So, please enlighten me, what is the "plan" ...

    • Official Post

    I don't quite understand your question, including the notes of sarcasm. With the message above we indicated that in one of the patches these ID cards will have 5 stars by default and added as an exception, because we understand the situation and share your concern in terms of impossibility to fulfill certain conditions.

    • ID 770067: Furious Goblin
    • ID 770066: Armored Kasumille
    • ID 770012: Redeye Night Bear
    • ID 770043: Morrison
  • Ok, sorry for my ignorance, i wasn't quite aware ... you will "upgrade" or "set fixed values" of 5 stars to these cards ?

    Well then, my apologies if i did not undersatand

  • A filter option would be great, allowing you to filter between monsters from the new card system and those from the old card system. From time to time, I find an old card that I missed transferring to the new system. With over 2500 cards, I have to go through all of them manually to see if they have the transfer symbol. Being able to show only the old ones would save a lot of time and be a huge quality of life improvement.

    Or an option to transfer them all at once.

    • Official Post

    A filter option would be great, allowing you to filter between monsters from the new card system and those from the old card system. From time to time, I find an old card that I missed transferring to the new system. With over 2500 cards, I have to go through all of them manually to see if they have the transfer symbol. Being able to show only the old ones would save a lot of time and be a huge quality of life improvement.

    Or an option to transfer them all at once.


    Such filters are here from long time. Go to zone dropdown and select either "Card Type > Old Card" or "New System Cards".
