Class Balance [Patch] & Bard

    • Official Post


    Is the Accuracy based on the main hand weapon? Even tho my bow is maxed out (255) on b/s im missing about 5-7% in rofl.

    Miss rate of ranged weapon DPS damage source is never using main hand weapon level anymore since we changed it with initial class balance patch. However, for some skills, it is still possible to have higher base miss rate compared to other class skills intentionally.


  • Hello,

    since nearly all rouge classes are doing some type of elemental Damage, would it be possible to also change the lvl 95 to make the elemental damage which the class is doing? Just like the lvl 85 AOE setskill from mage i.e. R/CH does wind damage so the aoe could do that aswell.

    Kind Regards


  • Hello,

    is it intended that Bard/Mage basicly has no damage decrement on the aoe skills?

    With fireball i would understand no decrement but Fire Nova is nearly the same as Soulstorm on b/s or any other ground target spell.

    Kind Regards


  • Is it intended, that Rogue/Bard is insanly broken right now? The aoe dmg is insane and even the single target damage of this class is really strong. Single target (strong) and aoe dmg (op!) seems to make this combination too strong right now.


  • Is it intended, that Rogue/Bard is insanly broken right now? The aoe dmg is insane and even the single target damage of this class is really strong. Single target (strong) and aoe dmg (op!) seems to make this combination too strong right now.


    I agree somehow this class is a little bit out of control and does insane in aoe while beeing still very good at single target.+ very good support for every other rouge in the party.

  • The Title for 100% focus recovery (532086) seems to only work, if your primary resource is focus.

    If you play class like Mage/Scout, Champ/Scout, Warden/Scout, Warrior/Warlock etc. where your secondary resource is focus, this title does not work. Please fix

    Thank you,


  • Rouge/mage is cool but horrible to play if you wanna do the highest dmg -> you need sooo much ammo. In 10 minutes of fight arround 3000-5000 pls reduce the costs of the ammo for Enlivened Blade and maybe change it to a direct hit with aoe spread dmg arround the target or aoe skill which perform in a radius arround the player. It would be nice if the cooldown from

    set to 2-3 seconds but increase the dmg abit.


    No Guts No Glory No Legend No Story.

    Edited 3 times, last by Idhril ().

  • Healer

    I think the current state of healers, especially for 6 man content, is terrible.

    The only really viable class is Druid/Priest or Priest/Druid since u cant fit a second healer and most of the time u dont have a druid dps in order to play priest/druid.

    A good solution for this, which would also make other tank/dps classes more usefull and provide a bigger variety of heals, would be making the buffs depending on the main attribute of the class.

    For example Knight/Priest could scale with Stamina on Patt/hp buff so the druid healer can play any sec class he wants. (the buff should of course be lower than what a heal can buff).

    Or Druid/warrior wisdom buff scaling on strength, then u could finally see more priest healers in 6 man and 12 man content.

    I really enjoy playing all diffrent heal classes but most of the time for the content right now you are "forced" to choose between 2 classes.

    Kind Regards


  • Healer

    I think the current state of healers, especially for 6 man content, is terrible.

    The only really viable class is Druid/Priest or Priest/Druid since u cant fit a second healer and most of the time u dont have a druid dps in order to play priest/druid.

    We play Dr/P or P/Dr because they have all heal buffs (atk, hp and wis). I think it was big mistake to give this buffs in general skills priest and druid, it should be special skills for this classes (before their changes(only for)). This will return diversity in healers.

  • 38a2d98f3b3a4e5ed08d109e125f3314.png

    I really hope this is a mistake.

    U force all healers to restat into full wisdom(which was a great idea) and now u punish us for doing it?

    i can now build a dirty t14 gear and buff higher with this and since healing doesnt really matter i can just build 3/3 again with more stamina.

    I really hope u overthing this change since healers should be forced to build wisdom and we are not going back to the time where heal gear didnt matter.

    Kind Regards


  • I also hope this was a big Mistake .

    Currently in comparision , Jockels has best in slot gear with titan and new inferno wisdom gear , i have 2 year old red rofl gear with 3/3 statted and he buffs barely higher then me (195k patk buff and me 170k). And yes +1 to all what jockels wrote above.

    What the hell

    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

    Edited 2 times, last by Cruvor ().

  • Cenedrills now useless, cards useless, wb stats useless. Not the best change I've seen to be honest.

    Maybe try something with wisdom+heal points? Or wisdom only as it was

    Edit: title system: useless

    1% wisdom from mini-games: useless


    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

    Edited once, last by Leszix ().