Class Balance [Patch] & Bard

  • Hmm I guess I reached the top content a warlock/knight can't tank, Kalin xD. Please take a look on this, I had to change to knight and that shouldn't be the solution. ||

  • Suggestion for r/k :

    Add to the white hits (Skill ID: 493025) healsyourself for an %amount of the dmg.

    Completly rework elite skill (Skill ID: 491551) So that so gain more resistance or def or dodge on (Skill ID: 490152) or make another skill that gives aditional pasive agro


    I think this way r/k could be a more consistent tank :)

  • Small Quality of Life improvement Idea for Scouts :

    Make TargetArea (490464) and Detection (490463) a Permanent Buff that you can toggle on and off ( so remove the 5min Time ).

    You have atleast one of them running 24/7 anyways ( with the current Meta you can have both running ) and it would not give you any advantage or buff with that change , just a little bit more pleasent to play .

    Greetings :)

    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • 1. How about the balance of melee dd and ranged. We have a situation where the damage from ranged dd is equal or greater than melee dd. Is it that kind of balance? Ranged dd dont care about stuns or AoE from packs. Survivability is also not much different. With the same success, dd in cloth, leather or chain can be killed one mob.

    2. Tanks were fixed in one of the patches (defense and parry were lowered). This also affected the knight / warlock and knight / warden. For "balance" may be give something,

    physical attack for example.

    3. Suggestion for Knight/warden - make skill "Oak Walker's Blessing" (id:1490498) - a permanent buff that you can toggle on and off.

  • Regarding Warrior/Champion:

    Please increase the duration of Unbridled Rage to 15 minutes.

    Currently the skill has the same duration and cd, being always active anyway. An additional gcd each 60 seconds has little to no impact in terms of balancing.

  • A suggestion for Mage (in general).

    Please consider removing the gcd of "Elemental Weakness" (497977) and giving it a cd instead (10-15sec or even 30sec). Right now this skill feels terrible to use cause it interrupts everything and on some bosses the boss is dead before you can even begin to start dealing damage (which is propably why almost no one uses that skill). With the change mentioned above it would be a good change for bosses but because of the cd you can't just spam it on every mob so only boss fights benefit from this.

    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • A suggestion for Mage (in general).

    Please consider removing the gcd of "Elemental Weakness" (497977) and giving it a cd instead (10-15sec or even 30sec). Right now this skill feels terrible to use cause it interrupts everything and on some bosses the boss is dead before you can even begin to start dealing damage (which is propably why almost no one uses that skill). With the change mentioned above it would be a good change for bosses but because of the cd you can't just spam it on every mob so only boss fights benefit from this.

    ye, im agree and delete gcd for "forgotten black magic" (mage/warlock skill id499814) pls

  • Regarding Priest/Warrior. The class itself is not bad but still lacks in terms of a fluent playstyle and damage.

    Hence the following suggestions:

    -Change Elemental Repercussions (lvl 80 iss) to provide physical crit damage as well

    -Increase Fire Fairy damage scaling to that of Belorg-cenedril

    -Reduce channel time of Fighting Spirit Combination from 1 second to 0.2 seconds (like R/M combo-throw)

  • Suggestion for druid ISS

    Skill name: Half-assimilate

    ISS Level: 75

    Suggested changes: Blocking damage for 6 seconds, remove the Survive effect

    Reasoning for these changes: Player seldom uses the skill because of healing increasement. This skill can be more practical for survivability.

    Skill name: Vitalization Expert

    ISS Level: 80

    Suggested changes: Increase the duration of Body Vitalization to 30s

    Decrease the effect to 15%. Can be steak with attack speed and casting speed potion.

    Reasoning for these changes: The skill was almost useless.

    Change it to become a supportive skill which can make Body Vitalization more useable while combining with other burst skill

    Skill name: Feeble seed

    ISS Level: 85

    Suggested changes: Combine the Withering Seed and Weakening Seed to Feeble Seed. Lower the 15% (20% with Nature’s power) physical and magical defense of the target for 30s.

    Reasoning for these changes: Druid will cast both Withering Seed and Weakening Seed in boss fight, simply the same action.

    Skill name: Life Tree

    ISS Level: 95

    Suggested changes: Plant a tree at the location of caster. Player near life tree (150 distance) can benefit from it. The duration last for 40 seconds. CD 2 minutes

    +5% damage -5% received damage, restore 5% HP and MP every 5 seconds

    Reasoning for these changes: Seed is really hard to use due to trade is annoying.

    Skill name: Nature silence

    ISS Level: 98

    Suggested changes: Area damage for multiple targets within specific area and make them silence for 5s. CD=30s

    Reasoning for these changes: The ability of silence for druid is really weak.

  • Skill name: Life Tree

    ISS Level: 95

    Suggested changes: Plant a tree at the location of caster. Player near life tree (150 distance) can benefit from it. The duration last for 40 seconds. CD 2 minutes

    +5% damage -5% received damage, restore 5% HP and MP every 5 seconds

    Reasoning for these changes: Seed is really hard to use due to trade is annoying.

    Just to mention, life seed can be cast on a player and don't need to be traded. And life seed is the only reason, why some classes (with blood arrow effects) can survive in events like rofl b3 (where no heal can heal you). Changing this skill would eliminate these classes to be able to participate useful at those events (it's not only jerath btw)

  • Scout/Rogue :

    Tested it again today and the result was disappointing to say the least .

    The little "damage" buff you get from weakspot is as good as useless and it feels like a dmg loss when u use that sklill to get the buff and you are probably better of to do other skills.

    The change to the 6% dmg buff from Shot was a nice idea but in my opinion way too low.

    Damage wise i was barely able to keep up with a Scout/Priest (that is considered a support) with comparable Gear. And in Single Target Burst Situation i had no chance , i was finished with buffing myself when the boss was as good as dead ( shot and saping arrow , i even left out weakspot but still 0 chance) .

    Generally SingleTarget DmG is pretty weak from Scout/Rogue , sometimes my Cenedril Tatuin (!) what is +- 50% weaker then a Belorg was first or Second in Damage done , eventho i had a second vampire arrow to boost my Deadly Poison Bite ( ) ( Boss2 rofl without adds).

    Also the "DoT" from Poisonous Spit is as good as useless currently , it makes up maybe 1% overall dmg.

    Some Ideas to make Scout/Rogue playable/viable

    - Remove the DmG Buff from Shot and make Exploiting Shot (492916) an independed selfbuff (like essence arrow ,frost arrow etc i hope you understand what i mean) that increases your Pdamage for 15-20% for 15-20 seconds with 90-120 seconds Cooldown

    -Change Sapping Arrow (491496) to be a passiv 18,6% Patk buff or Remove the GCD of Sapping Arrow

    -Change Poisonous Spit (493253) that every mob that is affected by it (503522 debuff ID) gets a little increased damage from *only* the Caster ( 5% +-)

    - Another Idea for Poisonous Spit , "Blessing of the Serpent" Coats your weapon with deadly Poison . For 30 seconds all offensive skill will inflict extra 125-150% damage . Lasts 30 seconds with 90-120 seconds cooldown. (The reflecting shot portion of this skill should be put to some other elite skill so it does not get lost!)

    Thanks for reading so far <3


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

    Edited 5 times, last by Cruvor ().

  • Rogue / Warden :

    When u have Fervent Attack (490333) active and use Phantom Blade (494922) the buff from fervant attack just disappears and you also get no buff from Phantom Blades but the Oak Walker still spawn .


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • Regarding Champion:

    Most short-time buffs that other classes have already lasted for 30 seconds to begin with, or were changed accordingly. Even the former "5minute cd damage buffs" Frenzy & Elemental Catalysis, were increased to 30 seconds duration.

    Hence I suggest the following:

    -Increase the duration of "Secret Technique of the Ruins" (lvl 104 iss) from 15 to 30 seconds (only of the selfbuff)

    -Increase the duration of "Hide and Seek" (Ch/S) from 20 to 30 seconds

    -Increase the duration of "Heart Collection Rune" (Ch/Wl) from 20 to 30 seconds

    -Increase the duration of "Death Arrives" (Ch/R) from 20 to 30 seconds

    -Increase the duration of "Bloody Experience" (Ch/M) from 18 to 30 seconds

    Champion is currently neither in the best nor in the worst state, I'm positive these changes are reasonable.

  • As for the changes you are planning for scouts:

    I would hold back with such a strong weakening of this class because it "kills" this combination, think about weakening to 5%.

    S / K still does not change anything class as it was useless, so also remains.

    Byff on S / R, although it looks nice, it won't solve the main problem, which is the long time to max damage, so the class will be good in weaker groups but in strong groups I am afraid that these changes will not add much.

    It's a pity that you don't contribute anything to s / wd and s / d, after the last weakenings nobody wants to play with it.

  • As for the changes you are planning for scouts:

    I would hold back with such a strong weakening of this class because it "kills" this combination, think about weakening to 5%.

    S / K still does not change anything class as it was useless, so also remains.

    Byff on S / R, although it looks nice, it won't solve the main problem, which is the long time to max damage, so the class will be good in weaker groups but in strong groups I am afraid that these changes will not add much.

    It's a pity that you don't contribute anything to s / wd and s / d, after the last weakenings nobody wants to play with it.

    I can agree on the S/R "buffs" , nice that you buff higher now but you dont need buffs when the enemies are dead when u have them . Sadly the main problem of S/R will then still persist.


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • As for the changes you are planning for scouts:

    I would hold back with such a strong weakening of this class because it "kills" this combination, think about weakening to 5%.

    S / K still does not change anything class as it was useless, so also remains.

    Byff on S / R, although it looks nice, it won't solve the main problem, which is the long time to max damage, so the class will be good in weaker groups but in strong groups I am afraid that these changes will not add much.

    It's a pity that you don't contribute anything to s / wd and s / d, after the last weakenings nobody wants to play with it.

    On s/w

    i think it is good going down to 10.4 again thats what we got Initially 20.9 was way too much and this class was just terrible broken with the Berserker change. 10.4 felt already pretty good at the start and i think with such a strong dmg buff from berserk u dont also need to have the biggest Patt buff among the scouts.

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    Changed the title of the thread from “Class Balance [Patch]” to “Class Balance [Patch] & Bard”.