- Reduced Ranged Weapon Mastery damage gain to 38% from 43.2%.
This will affect magical scout s/wrl. Right now in my experience i don't think he need such nerf so please reconsider this change and exclude s/wrl from it. After latest patches he became less attractive to play and also his dmg in my opinion shouldn't be considered as too high.
Agree on that, the S/Wl is quite fine as it is atm. A nerf would kill him I guess.
Also agree on the M/S issue with Shot. From my perspective, shot is always used, even in burst and gives the class its very own sustain damage in offburst.
Another thing about Thunderstorm: Would it make sense to change the ground target to single target with splash damage on targets around in a specific range? In my rotation a ground target isn't performing as good as a targeting skill.