Display MoreS/Wl:
- Changed Venomous Snipe to do not provide poison damage anymore, increased Snipe damage increment to 24% from 8%.
- Reduced Poisonous Will poison damage gain to 118% from 125%.
- Increased Elemental Discipline focus recovery chance to 35% from 30%.
This looks pretty good imo. The burst dps was bit too much before and focus sustain bit too less, so this will fix both I guess. I could imagine the 15% less poison damage will matter in trash by using 3min cooldowns, but we will see.
Hmm. I completely disagree with this
. This is how this ability (Venomous Snipe) becomes completely useless
, because it will only work on Snipe (which has a cooldown of 15 seconds).
I suggest (if you absolutely must change it already) that Venomous Snipe deal 10% damage from poison and increase damage from Snipe to 16%.
Next suggestion:
Reduce poison damage to 120% (rather than 118%). 118 is too more

Class Balance [Patch] & Bard
- Byte
- Closed
Hmm. I completely disagree with this
. This is how this ability (Venomous Snipe) becomes completely useless
, because it will only work on Snipe (which has a cooldown of 15 seconds).
I don't think it's useless, because your next snipe will be empowered, so even if it doesn't crit, it still is more powerful and if you don't get the crit, you can snipe once again. Also the buff just applies the damage increase to your next snipe, not any in the full 20 seconds.
Good to see changes on RoFL! Hope it will increase total difficulty of the instance!
1 boss - can you tell us some more details about those auras? The auras are from the beginning of tactic or bosses gets one of them if someone will fail?
Also im not sure if it was asked, but could you try fix that sometimes tank gets aggro on guardians, even if he wont use any dmg skills/taunt on them? I know that tanking it with 0 deff now is possible but not sure what will happen with those auras
2 boss - more vigilance on boss, good change. But if u want to implement it, i hope u will fix those "lags" in spawning of the small circles. Even now its annoying
3 boss - yay, finally 80% of the party wont be afk during the fight
I think you could also add some more hp/deff to mobs there to not burst them instantly.
4 boss - check for heals, atleast those high number of wis will be helpful !
5 boss - maybe also more hp/deff there could be added to boss? Not sure about it and feelings from other guilds, but more tactics would definitely increase difficulty of boss. Atleast boss wont be bursted with autoclicking math tactic with maybe 1 tactic. But its my feeling, maybe someone from other guilds can share here with his feelings.
If my observations are different i should say why. I agree with you, that is why i propose go rofl together, then we can compare rogues + our gameplay. Maybe my feeligs are bad, maybe i have a right, maybe not. Connected run (Lutine, Nyex, Snickars, Merkur, Hanzou, Ramer) propaply will get solution this problem. In my opinion r/w and r/d are too strong, we can come on r/d (Merkur) and r/w (Hanzou, Ramer), you can come on r/p, r/wd, r/ch. If our point of view is bad then we are lost, but if we will do more dmg, then we will find op rogue. This idea is really interesting for me.
"Personally I have already tested all rogue combinations. Unfortunately, we don´t have many rogues in the guild that we cannot compare all combinations at the same time in one run."
So we can go together
I will not run random with any random tank I don't and cannot hold aggro, If one run is supposed to you for "the truth"
Lutine it's not about "Truth" it's about getting reliable data of rouges right now. And if the Tank is problem for you it's no big deal to just call yours one.
I love all the changes you plan for rofl, I never thought you would still change stuff in rofl that late after release. Thank you for that!!!!
Changed Khat in Realm of Forgotten Legends Hard Mode to electrify everyone in room if someone gets catched by a small lightning.
As others already mentioned: Before you change b2 circles, please make sure they always spawn for everyone with the same delay, having them sometimes spawn only very shortly before you take dmg gives you almost no time to react, especially while having low performance, which itself drops even more when all those circles spawn.
Sometimes I see ppl moving from their circles before I even see my circles.
Every creature killed will inflict 2% damage to tactic object.
Edit: nvm, I cant read
- All fine here!
Changed cenedril buffs to be passive effects.
Love to seem them as passive. I just talked with ppl about suggesting to remove their gcd and reduce their cooldown a few days ago, seeing this change now is very convenient and apprechiated!
Added Earth Core Fragment to Realm of Forgotten Legends Normal Mode last boss. (3 Earth Core Fragment provides 1 Earth Core when used.)
I doubt that this change alone will lead to more ppl running normal, many guilds (for wich HM might be too ahrd) have more than 6 players, so running NM wouldnt be a real option anyway. Also this random loot chance at endboss (unless you already changed that) promises only quite a low reward, as you do not really save any time in running NM.
Furthermore some changes applied to HM would have to be applied to NM as well, for exmaple the possibility to stun and root mobs, which you never added to NM, making trashmobs there even harder than in HM.
In my opinion you would somehow have to reduce the runtime of NM to max. 2/3 of that for HM, to encourage players to run it. I dont know if they are already reduced (havent been to NM in ages) but having only 1 stack instead of 2 on each boss at b1 might be one way to do that. Partys have less dps-players there anyway.
As I cant thank you enough for planning these changes, I want to do that at this point once more, reading that really encouraged me!
Good to see changes on RoFL! Hope it will increase total difficulty of the instance!
1 boss - can you tell us some more details about those auras? The auras are from the beginning of tactic or bosses gets one of them if someone will fail?
Also im not sure if it was asked, but could you try fix that sometimes tank gets aggro on guardians, even if he wont use any dmg skills/taunt on them? I know that tanking it with 0 deff now is possible but not sure what will happen with those auras
2 boss - more vigilance on boss, good change. But if u want to implement it, i hope u will fix those "lags" in spawning of the small circles. Even now its annoying
3 boss - yay, finally 80% of the party wont be afk during the fight
I think you could also add some more hp/deff to mobs there to not burst them instantly.
4 boss - check for heals, atleast those high number of wis will be helpful !
5 boss - maybe also more hp/deff there could be added to boss? Not sure about it and feelings from other guilds, but more tactics would definitely increase difficulty of boss. Atleast boss wont be bursted with autoclicking math tactic with maybe 1 tactic. But its my feeling, maybe someone from other guilds can share here with his feelings.
Increase of def is not a good idea. That would change balancing between many classes. Only possible solution in my opinion is to increase HP, which can now exceed 2.147.483.647 HP native with 64bit client xd
Good to see changes on RoFL! Hope it will increase total difficulty of the instance!
1 boss - can you tell us some more details about those auras? The auras are from the beginning of tactic or bosses gets one of them if someone will fail?
Also im not sure if it was asked, but could you try fix that sometimes tank gets aggro on guardians, even if he wont use any dmg skills/taunt on them? I know that tanking it with 0 deff now is possible but not sure what will happen with those auras
2 boss - more vigilance on boss, good change. But if u want to implement it, i hope u will fix those "lags" in spawning of the small circles. Even now its annoying
3 boss - yay, finally 80% of the party wont be afk during the fight
I think you could also add some more hp/deff to mobs there to not burst them instantly.
4 boss - check for heals, atleast those high number of wis will be helpful !
5 boss - maybe also more hp/deff there could be added to boss? Not sure about it and feelings from other guilds, but more tactics would definitely increase difficulty of boss. Atleast boss wont be bursted with autoclicking math tactic with maybe 1 tactic. But its my feeling, maybe someone from other guilds can share here with his feelings.
Increase of def is not a good idea. That would change balancing between many classes. Only possible solution in my opinion is to increase HP, which can now exceed 2.147.483.647 HP native with 64bit client xd
So maybe tactics depended on % of boss? random tactics on 90, 85, 80, something like that...
Just something to stop bursting it
So maybe tactics depended on % of boss? random tactics on 90, 85, 80, something like that
This would remove any "flow" from that bossfight, because 5% are like nothing at the bosses current HP amount. Every dps will hate this, because then there is almost no point in using buffs during this fight, as most of them get wasted during event phases.
Increaseing the HP to force more event phases by lengthening the fight sounds good.
Hmm. I completely disagree with this
. This is how this ability (Venomous Snipe) becomes completely useless
, because it will only work on Snipe (which has a cooldown of 15 seconds).
I don't think it's useless, because your next snipe will be empowered, so even if it doesn't crit, it still is more powerful and if you don't get the crit, you can snipe once again. Also the buff just applies the damage increase to your next snipe, not any in the full 20 seconds.
Yes, but this way you are only focusing on one skill which has a high cooldown, which in my opinion makes it pointless
. This will lead to the fact that the skill will only be used on bosses, because I doubt that anyone will use it on trash.
In general, this combo doesn't have much dps on trash compared to other magic combos.
To sum up - I still think that poison damage should be left on this skill, of course by lowering it appropriately
hello world.....
my IDEA is that the dudu/warrior could also wear the Spear as the priest/warrior.....
so you could better identify with the "battlemonk" classes and the Spear has a better Place to be and is more useful in the future...
would be nice if you could think about it and thx for great work on patches
After seeing you are planning to make rofl harder, doing tons of nerfs in next patch... What about implementing hell rofl mode instead? Making harder ini with same loot 8 months after instance is out isn't fair for those guilds without golden gear I think. If you want more challenge make a new mode with extra loot so strong guilds can have fun and those in the process don't quit. Server finally have good amount of people, I wouldn't want them to leave.
- Added physical attack, attack speed and bad luck aura to Nayat, Siddartha and Krishna in Realm of Forgotten Legends Hard Mode.
I really hope this bad luck thing isn't about boxes rng because is already a disaster. We spent 22 minutes the other day to do the freaking event cose most boxes appear outside the room or never match our buffs.
After seeing you are planning to make rofl harder, doing tons of nerfs in next patch... What about implementing hell rofl mode instead? Making harder ini with same loot 8 months after instance is out isn't fair for those guilds without golden gear I think. If you want more challenge make a new mode with extra loot so strong guilds can have fun and those in the process don't quit. Server finally have good amount of people, I wouldn't want them to leave.
- Added physical attack, attack speed and bad luck aura to Nayat, Siddartha and Krishna in Realm of Forgotten Legends Hard Mode.
I really hope this bad luck thing isn't about boxes rng because is already a disaster. We spent 22 minutes the other day to do the freaking event cose most boxes appear outside the room or never match our buffs.
I agree with Mado, I don't think it would be fair to new or newer players that after ~1year ini being out this changes would be implemented. I suggest you keep HM RoFL as is and instead implement diamond mode or whatever similar to how Raksha temple was done - in there implement those changes + add extra core for the last boss - so would be total of 2 and maybe some extra last boss loot there, like weapon/accessory/gear fragments. That would make more sense + current HM is clearly well polished and working well, so would only need to tweak the "diamond" mode.
Kind regards
After seeing you are planning to make rofl harder, doing tons of nerfs in next patch... What about implementing hell rofl mode instead? Making harder ini with same loot 8 months after instance is out isn't fair for those guilds without golden gear I think. If you want more challenge make a new mode with extra loot so strong guilds can have fun and those in the process don't quit. Server finally have good amount of people, I wouldn't want them to leave.
- Added physical attack, attack speed and bad luck aura to Nayat, Siddartha and Krishna in Realm of Forgotten Legends Hard Mode.
I really hope this bad luck thing isn't about boxes rng because is already a disaster. We spent 22 minutes the other day to do the freaking event cose most boxes appear outside the room or never match our buffs.
I think with he changes in Hard mode and also some small adjustment in Normal mode (the core frag thing), maybe good idea if we wanna talk about smaller/weaker guilds, would be to increase normal limit to 12 instead of 6? Becouse what i remember when i was there few times it wasn't that much easy to clear this mode without high dmg output.
After seeing you are planning to make rofl harder, doing tons of nerfs in next patch... What about implementing hell rofl mode instead? Making harder ini with same loot 8 months after instance is out isn't fair for those guilds without golden gear I think. If you want more challenge make a new mode with extra loot so strong guilds can have fun and those in the process don't quit. Server finally have good amount of people, I wouldn't want them to leave.
- Added physical attack, attack speed and bad luck aura to Nayat, Siddartha and Krishna in Realm of Forgotten Legends Hard Mode.
I really hope this bad luck thing isn't about boxes rng because is already a disaster. We spent 22 minutes the other day to do the freaking event cose most boxes appear outside the room or never match our buffs.
totally agree!!!!
I have a few ideas for such a hell mode xd like last boss starts with 10 stacks, has minimum 2 add phases and get move speed, that you cannot kite it to avoid damage 😍
I dont like the naming of a "hell mode" or "diamond mode". Just switch current NM to easy, current HM to normal and add new hard mode, in case you decide on adding a third difficulty.
In my opinion however two difficulty settings should be enough, as long as the NM is balanced good enough for effort/loot compared to the current HM.
On the other hand, seeing a really, really hard variant of instances, which is not that much about the loot but more about the accomplishment would be quite interesting.
Offer 24 minutes - a dream
d/m Body Vitalization [1490280] hits only the nearest 6 party members, including pets, resulting in some players not being buffed. Please fix it so that all party members will always recieve the buff. Thanks
d/m Body Vitalization [1490280] hits only the nearest 6 party members, including pets, resulting in some players not being buffed. Please fix it so that all party members will always recieve the buff. Thanks
That buf overwrite strong stimulant is that intended?
d/m Body Vitalization [1490280] hits only the nearest 6 party members, including pets, resulting in some players not being buffed. Please fix it so that all party members will always recieve the buff. Thanks
That buf overwrite strong stimulant is that intended?
Some suggestions for some magic combinations:
Changed Venomous Snipe to
do not provide poison damage any more, increased Snipe damage increment to 24% from 8%.lose its effect when Snipe is used.My proposicion:
Changed Venomous Snipe to reduce poison damage from 15% to 10% (while excluding this effect on snipe), increased snipe damage increment to 16% from 8%.
Reduced Poisonous Will poison damage gain to 120% from 125%,
since you have to do it (although I honestly don't understand why), in addition Increased Poisonous Surge poison damage gain to 20% from 18%.
Reduced Combo Shot damage from 563% to 467%.
My proposition:
Reduced Combo Shot damage from 563% to 515%.
Change the damage scaling to spellcasting speed instead of attack speed and adjust the coefficient as for scout/warlock. This will make more efficient use of your equipment including curse runes.
Shadow Step - disable the effect of moving behind the target. This will make the skill more effective on this combinations and increase our survivability.
W/P Defenders Roar is only for partymember maybe change it to raid? (Is a 15 min Buff)
Boss 2 Rofl
Dont know if this was already written
The Swamp? Boots have the same cooldown as the event buff
After a lot of runs with different healers I experienced that only the priest/scout seems to break my fps on some way. Unfortunately I can't really say what skill exactly is responsable for this issue. At least I guess it's something about the regeneration after the Curing Shot or such. This brought me down to 5-10 fps which was awful.
- Reduced Flaming Heart Strike Psi renewal amount to 1 from 3.
Why? Just Why? You make gaining Psi easier by buffing lv75 ISS in the past and introducing new lv104 ISS recently and now trying to nerf it for only wl/m?
Also with this change you make this skill almost obsolete, because casting Psychic Arrows with below 1sec castspeed is faster AND deals more dmg than using this skill. And reaching <1sec castspeed is fairly easy as wl/m. You guys should know that.
Please reconsider this change or at least give some reasoning for it...
- Decreased Finishing Hammer 1-H hammer damage gain to 57.6%, 2-H hammer damage gain to 72%.*
Increased Shadowforge’s Rage damage gain to 30%.*
why do this at all??? we have a champion in the party right now 4-5 in damage
Stop trying to touch the class of the Champ. Deal with the mages.
Added physical attack, attack speed and bad luck aura to Nayat, Siddartha and Krishna in Realm of Forgotten Legends Hard Mode.
Changed Khat in Realm of Forgotten Legends Hard Mode to electrify everyone in room if someone gets catched by a small lightning.
Added entrance cooldown debuff to Jerath event in Realm of Forgotten Legends Hard Mode that lasts for 180 seconds. Jerath nows gains 8% physical attack everytime a player participates to the event, and gains 8% physical damage everytime selected player refuse to participate. Every creature killed will inflict 2% damage to tactic object.
Changed Balton to re-apply poison every 3 seconds instead of 5 in Realm of Forgotten Legends Hard Mode.
Changed cenedril buffs to be passive effects.
Added Earth Core Fragment to Realm of Forgotten Legends Normal Mode last boss. (3 Earth Core Fragment provides 1 Earth Core when
It was necessary right away when rofl came out
just raise health level in hm rofl by 50%