Display MoreI have to say, then your rouges probalby dind´t play the other combinations right. No offense
And that´s just wrong. Just comparing different secondary combinations with one another does not help at all for the entire balancing. When do you only have dds with the same main class and different secondary classes? You should compare all classes with each other. Of course, the individual secondary classes must be balanced with each other, but also with other classes.
But to give you a proof we like to run with rogues tonight and will post the direct comparison here in the forum.
In my opinion balance should be first done in one class and it's different combos(so every combo of this call will be viable), and then level all classes to same/similar dmg(so everything will be playable). (but this is how i would do balance)
Ok so i wait to see what you guys will get with this run
i hope we all get some new experience and more usefull informations.
I was rogue/champ, snickars was rogue/warrior and nyex rogue/priest. 4 dps in group.
You need to reduce my damage by ~1,4kkk because I made b3. Rogue/champ is for me one of the best rogues
Kind regards