If you don't mind, I'm also going to put a similar question in the warden forum. I'm doing ok as a scout but I'm really drawn to the warden. Nature calls, so to speak. All I know is it's scout/warden or warden/scout. Maybe both in time. At least I can use leather for the warden!
Posts by Gargoyle
You've been fantastic. I couldn't have asked for a better start with this. Yes, I see it's not as simple as you first indicated. Much to the game. Thanks so much for this information. It's great
I've done a couple of easy instances. It's such a fun class. I seem to like running around like a madman instead of standing there with an axe. I've experimented with what skills to use with the mobs and the bosses, and wondering what the optimal is.
For mobs, I LOVE Gryphon bash. Shame about the cooldown. Reminds me of the warden's frantic briar. I think the cooldown's a bit long though. If there's anything I'd change presently it'd by the cooldown on that skill. Seems unnecessary. Gryphon and reflected shot gets me through most mobs. Shot cleans up. (Piercing arrow - to shoot in a line - sounds good, but I can't get that right).
For bosses, there's probably a better way than what I'm doing. I'm not using potions and foods other than housemaids yet because I don't want to kill things too quickly and it allows me time to think about combinations and step by steps. What I think works is
- combo shot (because it takes a few seconds and decreases their resistance)
- autoshot then
- charged chop
- Joint blow (mostly to slow and root so I can run away), perhaps followed by wrist attack maybe. Boss is on me after I cast this.
- hidden peril
- snipe (which is increased due to hidden peril)
- haven't used any skill after, but probably shot!!!Many of the other skills seem to be against another player. I need to experiment at some future time.
Trying to look into how I can shoot with a bow much quicker. There's a housemaid buff called clear thought. I don't know if that helps with bows or if it's a magic class buff only. Curse X can't be embedded in a bow (he says after purchasing!!!)
How can I shoot faster?
Does natural care skill (to improve healing) apply to potions or only to healers that heal?
Haven't got all my tp yet. I did the Hall of Survivals on easy and normal with it. Woohoo! There's a boss I can't do though with a horse and cart for the archery set there and that warden skill to call up a pet quicker which would be useful. I don't know how to make it work. I'll find out one day I think.
i think these items skills sets are beyond me for a while. I got keen will which is good. There's a couple there that sound great.
Ooh so good.
I remember getting my level 60 skill but don't know where the level 70 is.
I really think you put me on track with all this. I have two nice weapons and my equipment is lower but quite nice I think. Others I just threw really cheap mana stones on so I get more on my numbers. Disposable but helpful.
Thanks again! I've learned more from your post than I have the last 8 weeks.
You're awesome. Thank you
I'm working through this right now!
I'm still finding my way, so most of my requests are unreasonable. I'd like these, though:
- a title that gives 15% additional speed to everything (running, mount). Was super slow when I first started!!
- a ticket so you can "buy" a "race stone" to change race, eg, I'd like to try a knight priest one day on my main, but I'm a warden. It's a permanent stone to change between all races, a simple interface to select, or, add to the housekeeper menu.
- an instant +20 gem as I really don't like the plussing side of the game.Sorry if these verge on the ridiculous
I'm still undecided which class to play and fairly equal on the scout/warden and warden/scout (I love this dual class thing!) I'm finding it a little difficult finding good, up to date information for the two classes. I'm a complete NEWB so I'm looking for updated information on everything, eg:
- weapon (type, whether to tier or stat, what runes, etc). I think I should get a high tiered bow and a statted 1h sword, right?
- equipment (what stats, runes) - for the rogue, I'd say dexterity, for the warden probably strength, but the scout/warden?
- what buffs to use (this is very new to me) - I've seen different foods, potions, recipes, and don't know what to use.
- what skills are best to combine with different combats, and can they be grouped together into one click/macro
- are there any item set skills that I should get, and, do they ever sell on the auction house?
- anything important I missed?Some of you are probably rolling your eyes, and I'm sorry. I could go to the original servers and learn, but I much prefer it here as questing is much easier and other benefits.
If you have tips, links, anything then that'd be great and it'll be here for others (and for when I forget!)
Hi, yes, thanks for that. I've messaged and whispered you and Blue ... something, can't rightly remember the name, and added as a friend in game but the name is always grey. Perhaps we simply keep missing each other. It'd be good if there was a way someone in a guild other than the leader could invite. But hopefully will see you around over the next few days. Maybe I'll create loads of alts and place them everywhere to try find you!! Happy gaming
Or if there's others in your guild that can invite, please let me know their names and I'll whisper them, too.
All the best.
Hi, I'm not a very good player and installed the Playernet Runes of Magic a couple of months back and I don't want to go to the original server now because it's so much better here, with one exception: finding it difficult fitting in and finding a guild. Probably because I don't know much about the game.
I've been tinkering with different classes and learning what I can, but it'd be much better in one of these guilds, so if you have a guild that speaks English and wouldn't mind me learning then that'd be great. Send me a posting message or whatever it's called. That'd be good.
My fave classes are: warden/scout, warrior/scout, scout/warden, warrior/rogue.
I think I have the basics, like doing the shells games, dailies, I haven't got the statting right yet and learned a lot from mistakes. I don't have very good equipment because I can't do the instances and can't yet afford the auction house items. Have dome a couple of easy instances like the Hall of Survivors easy.
So yeah, lots to learn, but finding the game a little tedious on my own. I think I play less and less each day. I'd like to do the siege wars and well, learn the game really. I'm +10 GMT timezone. May play more if there's other people around. Have contacted a few guilds but they don't want me or just not interested.
It's a long shot, but thought I'd ask. All the best, y'all!