Posts by Zyrex

    Since when is M/S a cps class?

    However, the change seems to me that pet will be affected more by burst buffs (that increase mdmg of player) and less of player matt, means the pet will be stronger in burst (where you stack all the dmg) and weaker in sustain (less matt from player matt through support). Seems balanced from my pov :/

    I've seen so many times how my guildmates were forced by the game & its "balance" to delete their secondary classes and pick meta ones just to be useful during runs and it hurts me seeing that after so much time this hasn't changed.

    Simply not true. Not everyone is playing meta classes, some are even picking the non-meta ones and get really decent damage out of them. Most of them are dependant of other classes or support, but every class is playable. From a MDPS point of view I see only a few classes that are way behind others, like M/Wd, M/D, D/M (if this can be seen as dps) and that's it I guess. On the other hand there are like 20+ playable classes for mdps.

    Most dps players in this game want to deal the max damage possible at any cost. That's why you possibly see same classes in random runs. Reality is that most players play the 1 class only that is 2% above another. For dps reason it makes no sense to play a weaker class, at least in most situations.

    In our guild runs you constantly see leather players on the same classes, while chain and cloth are switching through the entire number of classes. My personal favorite class is S/Wl. Do you see any S/Wl in other runs? I don't. But its damage is pretty good and there is a huge damage potential in this class. So why does not anyone play it always? Because of instance, gear, skill, buffs, cenedrils, pet, cards, titles, support and all the other reasons why classes deal damage differently. If all classes were the same in all situations, you would not need any balance and stay at the vanilla balancing, which always sucked more balls than a billard table. :D

    And then you see other servers having that exactly same vanilla balancing and people are like "this balancing is so cool, it feels nostalgic" and you think they are all cavemen who are very excited about a light bulb but have never seen the sun... (if ppl like oldschool content, go play nostalgia instances, it's the same look and feel, but just the values of damage, hp, etc are different).

    Why balancing was good in the early days of rom? Because the game was naked then. Almost only gear and TP mattered here. Nowadays the game grew up, got a lot of more stuff to calc in.

    I always was pretty critical about coa balancing (and still am, since on some classes we're just cycling all over again) but reality is that you find no other server with a more diversified balancing at all. :thumbup:

    if you balance the diamond promo more ppl can/should be able to afford some of the things in the AH and the game should be able to make a nice profit off of more ppl buying diamonds.

    ...and more diamonds are available on the server and prices increase, so everyone who does not invest real money at all, is disadvantaged... yes, let's do that! Down with the free to players! Down with the market! :thumbup:

    Since free to play aspects have increased within more AC/Memento gain and remove of the exchange limits, we definitely should increase the gap between those who pay and those who play again, because what would a china grinder be without viable and imbalanced pay2win aspects?

    This topic is btw perfectly fitting in this thread, since it's that different class balancing I guess :D

    Regarding Warlocks

    I really appreciate the latest psi changes, playing warlocks now feels much more comfortable and less painful. :love:

    The only issue I still have, is that you lose all psi right after willpower blade or construct ends. Maybe the psi amount could just remain? It happens pretty often that my blade runs off right when I wanna rebuff something (like judgement or knowledge). What is all the new psi regeneration worth if you lose everything when your buff runs off? ;(

    Also, please extend the duration for Knowledge Acquisition (498552) as someone else suggested already. Had the situations quite often that it ended right after blade went off too. Just make it last for 15 minutes and everything is fine. :thumbup:


    If you cast Thunderstorm (490244) and Illumination (493036) on many targets, the entire raid seems to have huge fps drops in Dark Core. Guess that's caused by the debuffs that are switching every second and overwriting the other one each.

    EDIT: Seems not to be the issue for the lags, so nvm I guess ^^

    I think it always happens if you use a bow skin but no other weapon skins, but wasn't able to reproduce yet. It was the Corrupted Bow (PNC one).

    I myself, have a fps of 7-9 in my house with 630 items. And only by hiding the crafted items does it rise to 20 - 30.

    I got the exactly same issue. I even hided all my crafting furnitures under the ground (out of sight) and scaled them down as much as possible, but still got barely more than 20-25 FPS, which feels very uncomfortable. I even had to remove the unnecessary stuff, got no decoration at all anymore, which really sucks. Still can't understand the change about the crafting furnitures, they should just revert them.

    Quote from Planned Patchnotes
    Locked Ancient Memento to Diamonds exchanges to a character for 30 days, removed daily exchange limit.

    Just to understand it right, does it mean, I can farm infinite amounts of mems and change them into dias every day but can only farm with the very same character for the next 30 days due to a lock?

    In any case, please increase the max memento amount from 25k to 100k or something.

    I think the class is one of the better and more supportive healers out there, so I wouldn't change it to become a supportive dps or something. However, the idea looks fun. If there was the intention to change it, personally I would make it a water/fire elemental class (how it currently already works with subli combo afaik).

    Something seems broken on M/K, sometimes casts like music, kfc or even spells are randomly interrupted. No idea what causes this, wasn't able to reproduce it yet, but had this issue multiple times. Wasn't in combat, but that seems not to be the trigger. Anyone else experienced the same?


    if you click on a furniture (for example to move it), the furniture is shining that you focussed this item. Can you please implement, that the house interface is also focussing this furniture in the list of furnitures, if you click on a furniture in the house? Right now it is really annoying to remove a specific furniture (for example 1 chest at the entrance) if you have 200 same furnitures :/


    It already seems to work like that, but the list is not jumping to the chosen furniture directly, so you need to scroll through in order to find the highlighted one. Would appreciate such jump functionality too :thumbup:

    Also, the highlight has the same font color as the mouseover highlight, which makes it quite difficult to find the selected item in the list while hovering over it. Had the situation multiple times that my selected item was the first of the page, but I didn't realize, since I hovered over the first item on every page, so there was literally no difference. :pinch:

    Please share your addons list or we can not help you.

    This error occours everytime I open a chest:

    parent:UIParent call HouseStorageFrame_1's OnShow, line: [string "?"]:421: attempt to index local 'this' (a nil value)

    Unfortunately I can't reproduce the huge error list of my quoted post.

    I got no addon that is causing any issue with housing or touching any original housing mechanic.

    My list of bugs so far... push it into bug reports if you want, idc.

    1. You can click on "change house name" and "change house password" of foreign houses, but get data errors while submitting,

    2. You click on a placed furniture but it's not highlighted in the list, so you don't know which of your 100 carpets it is,

    3. You can access the storage log of foreign houses,

    4. By trying to change a foreign houses' House Greeting, you open a half transparent selection list for melodies,

    5. This list will not disappear if you close and reopen the interface,

    6. Endless interface errors appear once I click anything. (How can I post them here without inserting them one by one?)

    7. Everytime I try to open my bank in a foreign house this has a 2-3 seconds delay.

    8. You can't access the desert area in foreign houses even if the owner unlocked it.

    Okay, where to start? First of all, I appreciate a major rework of an old interface and it's functionalities. :thumbup: I suppose you gonna fix all the bugs we stumbled over so far, so I will not mention any of them.

    BUT... what did you do there? I need to place all my crafting furniture now to have access to all bonuses, which results into less than 20 FPS in my house, which is unplayable. :pinch:

    The point that guests can't use my crafting furniture bonuses anymore isn't necessary because with 20 fps you can't even craft properly on max speed 10/10. So please fix either fps of general furniture or revert the change to have everything placed in order to get the bonus. This really sucks now. :thumbdown:

    I also checked out the new "houses"/areas of friends and I got some questions.

    1. Is it planned to be able to put furnitures to the (currently) useless areas around the center square?

    2. Why can't you just put your original house into the new area?

    3. Why did you place this giant mountain next to my house so I can't enjoy my view from my balcony anymore? Can't even climb it without being teleported back to the entrance.

    Kind regards

    your angry little dwarf


    I think, some item names are incorrect in the furniture list. How can this be an eggtimer?
