Posts by Xanadú

    I played the prestige quests for quite a while now, and there is one thing, that I may suggest as a change @DEVs.

    When the prestige quests reset in the morning, or when I log in, the prestige system automatically "consumes" all quest items, that match the prestige quests. This by itself is a nice feature.

    BUT, sometimes I wanted to do the daily quest, and NOT the prestige quest.

    but this is not possible, as long as you don't complete the whole prestige quest, you cannot do the daily quest, as all daily quest items are consumed, the moment you get them.

    My suggestion is: Make a checkbox for each prestige quest, so I can check on or off any prestige quest, that I want to actually do this day. When prestige quest is checked off, it will leave the daily quest items in my bag, so i can do it.

    Is this meant to be an improvement ? Before the patch it was possible to see exactly how much Gold/dia relation was at any auction, now you just show " < 1 ", which is not really helpful^^

    Is there any option to correct the display option ingame ?

    I came back after 7 years, mostly because of the rework of the card system, and i appreciate the efforts and thoughts the whole team has put into it.

    It is a long term challenge but i like it.

    But, due to the design of the base game, there are several mobs and cards that are not just hard to get, but almost impossible, and if we imagince we nee like 64 green cards to bring the card to 5 star, it is impossible in a lifetime to achieve.

    Some cards, like the event cards, drop maybe once per event, giving the fact you nee 64, and the event happens once per year...64 years ==> not really realistic.

    Other mobs, like the Fungi in starting zone, don't even spawn, and not only do you need 64 cards, but also over 600 kills.

    While most cards have mobs with regular respawn, some have not.

    There are many approchaes to make this a smoother experience.

    For seasonal event cards, you could just change rarity so purple for most cards.

    For ingame/zone event cards, you could adjust the rarity.

    For Fungi, my suggestion stands, make fungus garden a new dungeon where these mobs can spawn and drop the cards.

    Another idea could be an exchange NPC:

    For example you have 10 green cards from howling mountains, you transform them into howling mountain card dust (instead of disenchanting towards your main cards).

    With this dust, you can purchase Cards from that zone in the NPC card exhange NPC.

    You will still need the kills though.

    There are several Cards, that are only available throught a quest (red-eye bear in howling mountain, kasumile in aslan etc.), ==> make them another category of cards, or at least eliminate the kill count requirement.

    You could also add a new type of daily quest - Card Dailies.

    For this type you can maybe perform 5 or 10 daily card quests, where you could select in every zone ANY card/mob you would like to kill/get the card.



    Man könnte noch die Änderungen/Reduzierungen der Reitgeschwindigkeit anführen. Parallel dazu wurde dann ein super Speed Trank im Itemshop eingeführt :)

    Und die Gildenburg Reitbuffs wurden um den Faktor 200 erhöht.

    Bei der Gildenburg fehlt mir wirklich jedes Verständnis. Das Argument, die Goldbeträge die man dort bezahlt wären lächerlich niedrig sind einfach eine Falschaussage.

    Der Bau der Gildenburg und dieser Gebäude, inkl. Stall, kostet BILLIONEN an Ressourcen über einen extrem langen Zeitraum. Deswegen sind die Buffs kostenlos oder sehr günstig, weil das Geld in die Infrastruktur fließt.

    Für unsere Gilde bedeutet das ==> keine Investition mehr in die Gildenburg, macht keinen Sinn mehr. Da kann ich besser andere tränke/Buffs kaufen.

    Und das ist schade, denn der Aufbau der Gildenburg, auch wenn teuer und langwierig war eine interessante Aufgabe, ein Projekt für längere Zeit. Jetzt ist es unsinnig für eine kleine Gilde....

    With recent patch, the color settings for transport journal got somehow "corrupted", it's difficult for my eyes^^ Is there any way i can change this back to previous color setting? Or change it at all ?

    Latest PATCH NOTES

    You increased ride speed buff in guild castle like 100x times as before, is it intended to prevent people from actually using it ?

    In my opinion it was not cheap, and for sure not ridiculously priced. It was just fair, compared to the effort and cost to bring the buildings to this level.

    And i checked, you did not reduce the building cost to 1/100 to make it somewhat fair.

    The highest buffs are now like 4-10 dias per buff, really ?

    This price tag just says "no sense in upgrading the building by any means". any ride potion is MUCH MUCH cheaper.


    will Fungus Garden be added to new Card system ? : D


    You could implement Fungus Garden and let the two rare Fungus spawn there, that only spawn once in hundred years when killing millions of mage/warrior fungi^^ So that they become at least available to farm. I need 605 kills and 64 cards of each to upgrade them, and in 6 months i have only seem one of them spawn 2x... would be nice to have them in some instanced Fungus Garden :)

    Is there any sense in activating Prestige-Boost ? In 10 days it ist today the third time, that my bosst was terminated half way through the 6 day period.

    Means: I pay for 6 days, and after 3 days you guys simply turn it off, right ? Happened 3 times at least in 10 days.

    So, honest question, is there any sense in activating it at all ? and paying for it ?

    Another strange behaviour is, my daughters ran out of prestige trial, ok.

    But there is still the "free teleport portal rune" availbel 3 times.

    At least, it says so.... using this free transport consumes portal runes, so text is quite confusing/misleading.

    Are you guys sure, the boost timer is working corretly? I already bought 2x 6 days booster, but seems to expires way faster than 6 days.

    Prestige is not even out for longer than 10 days.

    As for the VIP Rewards, i don't mind if you give us Goblin reset as well as Malatina, like 4/4 instead of 8 malatina (or 3x8 as before).

    4 Goblin + 4 Malatina would be quite fair i think.

    Ok, thank you very much for taking the time to answer this question in this detailed manner.

    For me as VIP-Player, i see this is positive - for me.

    For free-to-play players, that spend little money from time to time and enjoy the game a bit slower, this is by no means helpful.

    As i understand, you need to pay for Prestige Regular, just to get the possibility to do Quests, which give you Prestige-XP and Prestige-Coins you can use.

    Over time, and i say over a long period of time, you will unlock better benefits.

    But, the good benefits will only unlock shortly before you get a season reset. So you pay, you put effort in, pay maybe more with diamonds to get a boost, and in the end you only benefit a short time of the best ranks before reset.

    I am wondering, if you can at all unlock the highest ranks within the season time, without paying even more.

    But don't get me wrong - the idea of Prestige is great, i really like it. And i will unlokc some benefits, that are useful for me.

    Thank you for putting the effort and development into this Prestige System!

    But i recommend thinking about ab Prestige Basic Version without payment.

    So all players can participate and at least get some basic benefits.

    Maybe you can limit a Basis Prestige Version to the "green ranks".

    So people can regurlarly play and unlock these ranks, once they want to proceed, they need to upgrade.

    Maybe this you could at least consider :)

    I was wondering if there is a free version of Prestige Pass, or only paid versions ? :)

    At first I was sure, there was a free basic version, without paying PNC, or diamonds, or money, to participate in the Prestige, at least the basic version.

    I have VIP, so I do not notice a difference.

    but my daughters have not, and I am wondering now, if the 4 (+3) day trial period expires, will there be a basic free Prestige at all?

    Thanks for clarification :)

    Regarding the Cashback-Feature.

    How exactly do you calculate what and how much count towards this values ?

    I did many Monster Card activities, and bought 10-15 items in Item-Shop, but i can only see 6/291 progress?

    Is there an overview what exactly gives xp towards this ?

    I played last 7 or 8 years ago, so many things changed.

    How is creation of manastones now?

    Which items T6 or T7 do we use and where to farm the items? Is Talaghan region the way to go, or only in dungeons ?

    And i remeber there was a cheap fusion stone like 3k gold, now i can only find 11k or 12 the cheapest, ist this intended for gold sink?

    Thanks in advance :)

    hi folks,

    i was wondering if anyone has an overview what kind of movement speed buffs and potions are available to use simultaneously.

    I know the housekeepers potions, only one of them is longer duration, the other 2 have short time use, and override the "longer duration potion".

    There is a skill from siege war that gives 50% for 10 sec. if i remeber well.

    My pet can prodive some minot movement speed buff

    ofc there is a craftable potion, but also overrides the prior housekeepers buff.

    so is there anything i am missing?

    It's because i often see players run like god speed mode around the area, like 3 or 4 times my speed, and i can't check their buffs^^

    Is there anything else, some permanent title better than the one from Demon lord dungeon ? (gives only 10% i think)

    Thanks :)