Posts by Xanadú

    yeah, maybe it could have a red card like some other quest related mobs, or be given as quest completion reward.

    I think there are quite some mobs out there that may have the same "characteristics" ^^

    I think, as the mob itself is rare to find, and is essential for some story quest, it would be challenging for people to complete the quest, when others are out to farm the card... but maybe there is a way to solve this

    The vast extent of these changes sounds really promising, let's see it soon.

    For the Prestige-Quest-Section, there is a ranking, for completed Prestige Quests.

    I surely have not completed all possible quests throuought all the seasons, but the ranking seems a bit strange to me. How is it possible to get so many quests done ? My approach would suggest, it could be rather a number between 2200 and 2500 or maximum of 3000 quests.

    As yu can see in the screenshot, there are some entries with FAR more completed quests.

    Will you review this ?

    Or - is there a way to ckplete more quests on a daily basis than the 5 quests i can see ?

    maybe there is an option I am not aware of....

    Aber Queststate weist bei mir die gleichen offenen Questen auf wie bei Kleos. Keine weiteren. Gibt es noch eine andere Möglichkeit zum überprüfen, welche Questen noch nicht erledigt sind? Queststate bringt jedenfalls nichts brauchbares

    I am not sure if Queststate is 100% reliable. I had still quests to do in Rorazan and Chrysalia, even though Queststate tells no more quests. one of them was part of the big quest chains. Not a hidden quest (as far as i know).

    On Elven Island i did the quests long time ago, and I have 113/113, but I don't know of any specific mission that would be hidden. Maybe some of the elites drops an item which starts a quest, and this may not be shown in the queststate.

    Maybe, if considering, it could be a system where you could "upgrade" these items in arcane transmuter.

    e.g. 2 oe 3 purple upgrade items ==> 1 orange upgrade item.

    and the opposite way, disenchant an orange item gives 1 or 2 purple upgrade items.

    Just an idea.. :)

    Any official reaction on this ? Relating to quest-related mobs/cards.

    I know, in theory you can farm, but I did farm the Dreamland-Demon, and then you released it as 5-star default.

    So, I am asking about the same-kind-of-card issue with these cards/quests...

    thank you

    What will happen to some of the Prestige "Boost-Items" ?

    There are items to complete green, blue, purple etc. quests, and also items to give more XP or Coins for the quests.

    With the new design there seem to be different types of quests, no longer green, blue etc.

    Xana alle farmbar mit Geduld. Hab noch ein Mop gefunden ohne Karte in Talaghan.

    Den Traumland-Dämon hab eich auch "mit Geduld" manuell auf Grad 5 gefarmt, und nun wurde er auf "default 5 sterne" gesetzt. Deswegen wollte ich das mal anbringen bevor ich wieder Lebenszeit investiere...^^ Muss ja nicht alles unendlich kompliziert/langwierig sein.

    Wobei diese mobs in Chrysalia habe ich nie wieder gesehen und stunden dort verbracht in dem bereich, hast Du denn da einen Trick, oder muss man da mit nem Twink hin, der die Quest nicht abgeschlossen hat ?

    There are afew more cards related to quests, or questitems.


    Quest ID: 425020 [Gegenangreifer] - this quest is race dependend (dwarf only)

    Card ID: 771251 / Mob-ID: 106561 [Card - Auflauerer-Phantom]

    Coast of Opportunity


    Quest ID: 423834 (Gefährliche Mission)

    Card ID:771024 / Mob-ID: 105276

    Card ID:771025 / Mob-ID: 105277


    Quest-Item(random drop, quest then disappears, mob never respawns after quest completed)

    unfortunaletyl, i don't remember quest. But maybe you can check spawn conditions for these mobs

    Card ID: 778355 / Mob-ID:106874

    Card ID: 778349 / Mob-ID:106773

    Card ID: 778348 / Mob-ID:106772

    I think this problem is already in the base game, and always was. There are not many occasions when so many players gather...

    However, it is really paingful.

    I did not even see the Boss, the screen just freezes, no movement, no reaction from game client.

    might not affect all players, as many player do damage and can play, but it is unplayable for many as well.

    You should maybe consider deactivate all effects from skills/char modification, in this specific zone/area.

    Well, let's say "nice try".

    but 0.5fpm is the result of players participating. And I am not saying many players like 1k-2k, just maybe 100 ppl, and it is absolutely unplayable.

    I am actually in Wodjin kill raid, and for the last 2.5 minutes the client does not even respond anymore....

    I suggested/reported to balance the Yrvantis dungeon lvl 8-10 to have the same card rearities, as they should have compared to other dungeaons, especially to the samel lvl 8-10 range dungeon in howling mountains.

    Yrvantis has green trash mob cards, boss is blue, meaning, it requires at least 485 kills of the boss hence dungeon runs to bring the card to lvl 5. whereas Anglo, the ebd boss in the same lvl dungeon in howling mountains is purple, requires "only" 243 kills a t least.

    My suggestions was "put down" because it would be unfair to other players who might have done this before, although i doubt many people did 485 dungeon runs in yrvantis....

    This "issue" is real, but, n the other hand, all other players in the passing years had to farm these mobs with exact this low respawn rate. So i think it might que quite unfair to change/reduce the respawn time for players who farms these mobs now. It is time consuming, yes, and i wished the respawn would be better, but... from the beginning, not now.

    You could consider to analyze this for the zones, which are not yet changed to the new card system and make adjustments BEFORE you implement the new system, to have fair chance for everybody.

    In this game, not all is really standard as it should be, or as you would assume it should be....

    With most recent patch there were some changes to monster card compendium.

    First, all cards seem to show 4 attributes, when in reality most of them do not have 4. also for red cards shows 4 attributes. this is not helpful when sorting by attribute number^^

    second observation:

    when using item 1244417 - it should usually just change the number of attributes (randomly) on the card, without asking

    annoying confirm dialogue. recently, there is a dialogue, this is annoying, as the chance to get a desired outcome is very low, it is necessery to use it MANY times, always having this dialogue is extremely annoying.

    so, please remove this dialogue, or make at least a checkbox so people can decide if the want to see this.

    There was a condirmation in the past, when the attribute had MAX vakue, but this is for all values, no matter what....

    also the info shown... does not even show the attribute for which this dialogue may appear^^

    edit: the same applies to itemd 1244419, this is intended to change a random attribute, gives same dialogue, again, without telling the attribute's name (the space is empty).

    Same for me, i only clicked "take gold", takes all items nontheless. Deleting mails, results in deleting mails WITH attachment, item gone. Something might nit yet been optimized....

    I think this is the reason for the additional "decks", so you can set up different preferred attributes, dependng on the class you want to play, so you can swith between these settings, without always rerolling the attributes on certain cards.

    What exactly do you mean with "server drop rates" ?

    Base drop chance for new cards ar elike

    green 1% ==> max 10%, so with 1000% drop bonus from buffs/pet/potions etc. will give a max 10% drop rate, correct ?

    blue 2% ==> max 20% so with 1000% drop rate bonsu will givethis ? In practise, this also caps aout at 10% i think, never ever get to 20%.

    and what exactly are server drop rates in this regard ?

    I have 2 more (monster) Cards, that I assume, are quest dependend, maybe you can check these cards/mobs.

    I guess they are related to the stone monument in basilisk pit ID 117605.

    I have those cards in my compendium, but for upgrade resaons. to 5-star, you know^^ , i will require to kill them like 605 times^^

    They do not spawn in the nearby serpent's event, at least after weeks of checking this event several times, they never appear at no time. So, my guess is, they are related to quests that i did "long time ago"....

    Thank you

    Monster IDs:






    Another suggestion:

    I came back to the game, because of the great new card system, so, once again, i really like it :)

    but upgrading each individual card to 5 star is immensely time consuming - but, this is part of the game!

    For green cards, as an example, you need 605 kills and 64 monster card enchants (+ the base card of course).

    In most cases this is just a long time grind and...some day it will be completed.

    There are of course sme exceptions, related to the festivals.

    First: As some GM (or other game responsible) once confirmed, the drop rates for monster cards are intentionally reduced (massively) in specific zomes (like silverspring/dust devi canyon). As of my experience it is a massive 50% reduce.

    ==> This results in almost 1200 kills for the rrequired card drops. (normal zone drops)

    ==> Again, this takes long time, but eventually also this will be accomplished one day (although i have doubts rregarding "Tatus" monster card and one other^^)

    BUT: The festival cards themselves are far from being farmable.

    Some of the festival cards i have never seen, and most are super rare.

    This, by itself, may be a good thing.

    BUT if you consider, you need 65 of them cards to upgrade to 5 star, this will not be possible in a lifetime I guess^^

    ==> So, here is my suggestion.

    Bring a new card colour/type for all festival cards. Maybe turquoise, or brown, something different form the rest of the colours.

    And either lowe the requirements for upgrading, or change the way to upgrade.

    For the new cards you can bring "turquisee monster card dust" when disenchanting festival cards. And use this to upgrade to higher stardom.

    I want to point out, that i am not interested in the max attributes, i know, i can simply push the button and bring the attributes to max values.

    For me, as a collector, it is about the (real) possibility to bring all cards to 5 stars :)

    Thank you, for your attention

    Ok, so i understand the message that you give.

    the new monster card system is a great idea and great implementation in my opinion, but it has some minor weakness or faults, anyways, i undersatand that there is no will to improve or correct this. got it!

    but, as you have a vast understanding of the game, maybe you can enlighten me, and tell me, from a game design point of view, how am i supposed to bring these cards, let's take ID 100560 as an example, to stardom 5.

    Can you please describe the process, what is from game design intended to do ?

    For my character, it is impossible to do, if not using alt chars, just as a hint.

    So, please enlighten me, what is the "plan" ...

    With the new card system, some of the monster cards, especially quest dependent monster cards were given a special rarity.

    This makes sense to me.

    However, some monster cards which require a (low lvl) quest, still need kills and card enchants to upgrade to stardom (*5).

    I suggest changing these cards, at least removing the kill requirement, and/or changing the monster card rarity. If not to special, then maybe to purple.

    There may be more monster cards, but i am still busy with others^^