Another suggestion:
I came back to the game, because of the great new card system, so, once again, i really like it 
but upgrading each individual card to 5 star is immensely time consuming - but, this is part of the game!
For green cards, as an example, you need 605 kills and 64 monster card enchants (+ the base card of course).
In most cases this is just a long time grind and...some day it will be completed.
There are of course sme exceptions, related to the festivals.
First: As some GM (or other game responsible) once confirmed, the drop rates for monster cards are intentionally reduced (massively) in specific zomes (like silverspring/dust devi canyon). As of my experience it is a massive 50% reduce.
==> This results in almost 1200 kills for the rrequired card drops. (normal zone drops)
==> Again, this takes long time, but eventually also this will be accomplished one day (although i have doubts rregarding "Tatus" monster card and one other^^)
BUT: The festival cards themselves are far from being farmable.
Some of the festival cards i have never seen, and most are super rare.
This, by itself, may be a good thing.
BUT if you consider, you need 65 of them cards to upgrade to 5 star, this will not be possible in a lifetime I guess^^
==> So, here is my suggestion.
Bring a new card colour/type for all festival cards. Maybe turquoise, or brown, something different form the rest of the colours.
And either lowe the requirements for upgrading, or change the way to upgrade.
For the new cards you can bring "turquisee monster card dust" when disenchanting festival cards. And use this to upgrade to higher stardom.
I want to point out, that i am not interested in the max attributes, i know, i can simply push the button and bring the attributes to max values.
For me, as a collector, it is about the (real) possibility to bring all cards to 5 stars 
Thank you, for your attention