Posts by Uure

    PS: Still devs should fix this (likes to the original post mean that I'm not the only one with this problem) but for now here is how to automate the above workaroud:

    When AAH is shown you get a system message. Now from CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM frame's SetPos does not work, but you can call frame's SetPos from OnUpdate of any frame. Which is how most lua timer libraries work.

    So if you use any timer library, you can set it up like this:

    * create a new function that just calls AAH_AuctionFrame:SetPos(0,0)

    * in CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM event handler check the text of the message

    * if it is about AAH being opened then start timer to call in 1s the fuction from the first bullet

    (checked, works for me, AAH window gets opened in a not-useable position, but a moment later becomes fully visible)

    (Not sure if for included addons this should be reported as a bug or in macro/addons section of the forum?)

    Since recently when I open Auction House it looks like this:

    - the top part is not accesible. If I switch to window mode it's even worse. On a big screen making the CoA window full screen does show the top part.

    1. is it possible to move this window from a macro?

    2. how is it anchored? I've kicked out all unit frame modifications and it still looks the same...

    (In a long run: I really like a solution in some linux window managers: you do not need the title bar to drag a window, if you press control than you can press left mouse button anywhere inside a window to drag it.)

    I like the new immediately accessible and immediately applied filter in IS.

    But if you filter for something then close IS and then open IS, then filter field is still filled but not applied. I would classify it as a bug: it is misleading, and not very user friendly (if you want to search again with the same filter you have to e.g. delete and retype the last letter so that it applies again.)

    IMO if IS frame gets opened with search filter filled, the search filter should get applied right away.

    Also two more icing-on-the-cake points:

    * if IS frame gets opened with search filter filled, it would be nice if cursor/focus were right away in the search-filter field (it would both draw attention to the fact that filter is appied, and allow modifying it right away)

    * you could also add a little (x) to the right of the search field so that users could clear it with one click?

    Before we could just throw away old ones and take new ones before instance to make sure they would not disappear.

    That's probably why they thought of:

    • Remove timed buff when talking to housekeeper with no potions/food left in your inventory

    BUT: before you could steer it, e.g. if your food was about to expire you did not need to throw away pots; if you had housemaids on different levels you might know to some extend what you would definitely not get, and decide what to throw away (to get a new fresh stack) and what not.

    Now you will just have to throw away everything? :o

    After zooming out: I guess the problem has always been the randomness of housemaid pots (and rarity of some). But no one cried about this too much because there was the well known workaround (which, fine, you can label an "abuse").

    Now you make things more strict, which in principle would be fine (I might still discuss your priorities ^^). But this disabled the (imo relatively harmless) "workaround" and made the initial problem of randomness obvious and irritating...

    So, yeah, it will need to end up with some way of choosing which pots we get:

    Only if getting housemaid potions is not random and can be choosen.

    Maybe add the option to choose which potion you want?

    The new interaction key (F) is actually pretty handy. :) I have been using it a lot since it has been introduced!

    Could you make it work also for the main housemaid when inside your house (it works outside) and for the hired housemaids?

    The way you describe it would probably work, still being inconvenient - it will be a little game of planning when you want to log-in/plan to play (esp. on weekends) vs when to talk to housemaids vs ... when to remember to throw away all pots. My head explodes when comparing how much of your time was wasted (I hope it was a good exercise and fun riddle for you guys), how inconvenient to players it ended up and ... how big a zero of problems it has solved :D

    IMO that's the stupidest set of changes ever. :D What problem/possible "abuse" are you solving exactly???

    (Maybe I'm missing something, but the thing is that once you have more than a stack of pots there is really no benefit of having more. For those buffs that reset after class change you may need to re-use them a few times, that's it. So what if ppl "abuse" the merging and they would have 10 full stacks of mount-speed pots? Let them have it - it's their bag space that gets wasted without any benefit to them really.)

    PS: if this "solution" stays for good :( , maybe you could add a button to the backpack to throw away all old housemaid pots? (with detailed warning what is being thrown away)

    Just allow merging, and take the longest time as the timeout for the new merged stack. It's really impossible to abuse: for festival items if a player wants, she can merge them and get a stack valid for another month. So what? She will have no possibility to exchange it once festival has finished, and a month later the new stack will happily expire. It's really hard to figure out what abuse you are trying to prevent here...

    It was silly before, with result depending on stacking order. But now after this patch it is just stupid (imo) and makes playing a tad harder without any good reason (wastes a looot of backpack space, will take extra time to be careful to use up older items first etc.).

    I don't really like the idea of having a gear score limit on a instance either.

    Yep, this gear score requirement does not help in anything, just makes playing more annoying (harder to try out different classes, harder to help a friend to gear up faster, cannot swap to more bulky eq with more hp for a moment when it's needed).

    Lots of good changes in the game mechanics, in balancing, quality of life recently. But this single one is the biggest bummer ever imo. Good that you decreased the requirements after initial feedback, but I don't understand why you kept it at all... ZERO positive effect, just annoying.

    When I start CoA

    • I can see list of accounts (as before, just above account name and not to the right)
    • but after selecting one logging-in does not happen, account name and password are empty and there is an empty rectangle in ui that can be closed or opened by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the account name

    (Probably because of "Reworked login screen" or "Fixed account dropdown was buggy" from Worked fine before the last patch)

    It has always been silly, but now after patch 10-7-1-1100

    "Disabled possibility to place time-limited items into bank and house storage"

    there is even no workaround...

    If you have 2 stacks with time limit then the order of merging matters: if you pick stack A and merge into B the B time limit is kept, if you pick stack B and merge into A the A time limit is kept. In particular if you have some time limited items in your backpack and you get some extra then the time limit from your old items is kept...

    So I have set of pots from housemaids, they are about to expire in 45 minutes. What can I do? If I talk to house maids and get more pots, the stack will get auto-merged and now I will have ... a bigger stack that still expires in 45 min. This is silly/wrong, but at least there was a workaround: you could put old pots to your bank, talk to housemaids and then merge old items into new getting stacks of pots that will survive next 24 hours. Now you guys blocked this. The only way to go is what? Throw away every single old item before you ask for new ones? :(

    This is not only about housemaid pots, there is the same problem with some event items. I think Niolka's rewards from crafting festival have 7 days time limit. So how it's going to work now? You do Niolka's quest 4 times, you get 4 items but still even though you did the last quest today the whole stack will expire in just 3 days???

    Or current winter festival certificates: they are valid for 30 days but the festival is usually on for a bit more. So now you kind of have to catch a moment when you have exact multiple of 10, use them to have not a signele one left before you get new ones, right? If you have a single leftover certificate and gather more you run into a chance that all new certificates will happily expire before the end of the festival even though you did last festival quests just a day before...

    Old system with putting items to bank, getting new items to backpack and merging the stacks in correct order always felt as a silly workaround, but now you even blocked this.

    Thus suggestion: please change the way stacks of time-limited items are merged, no matter which one is merged into which the longest time time limit (later expiration date of the two stacks) should apply.

    Great, thanks, yes, works. :D

    PS: Probably adding docu of functions on lua wiki would cost a lot of work. But maybe renaming arguments would be not be too much effort? Good that the wiki is there, at least we can ask questions as above, but if API said

    IsSpellUsable( int SkillId )

    instead of "IsSpellUsable( int Index )", probably no questions would be needed. Esp. when skills are numbered per page in skill book, or by id; or equipment by eq slot or bag slot or item id etc. 3 out of 4 integer arguments are called "index" :P

    Still, this lua wiki, even as it is, is the best thing ever. :)


    Some skills have additional requirements, for example Harmony on B/D requires a staff to be equipped, while Tempo requires an instrument.

    To see from lua if a skill can be used at all at a specific moment, I put such a skill on action bar, and use GetActionUsable(idx). Similarly based on other skills you can figure out if you are in melee range etc.

    Is it possible to get this info for a specific skill without dragging it to a fixed slot in the action bar? Kind of GetSkillUsable(type, idx) = "would it be enabled or grayed-out if it was put on action bar"

    I couldn't find anything in arcadia lua wiki...

    PS: btw, there is a IsSpellUsable( int Index ). What is it? What is the index here? (when I loop from 1 to 100 I just get true for all values of Index...)

    Laisha's StaticPopupDialogs["PARTY_INVITE"] seems simpler, but I cannot access there "PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST" parameters (to check if sender, _arg1, is friend/guildie etc...). What does StaticPopupDialogs["PARTY_INVITE"] return? I cannot call StaticPopupDialogs["PARTY_INVITE"]:IsVisible() :o

    But using anbubg's _G.StaticPopup_Visible from OnEvent works fine. :)


    AGRRRR: Update: OK, my old code works still too :D I had there 3 conditions: friends, guildies or my other characters -> this last check was done by accessing stripped info from loginxml -> after (disabled autologin2) this info was empty, so requests were not auto-accepted :D

    1. really strange imo that you glued 3-4 different suggestions into one thread: YOUR OWN suggestion rules say "One idea = one thread. Do not post multiple ideas in one thread."

    How are we going to figure out which were accepted and which rejected? How are you going to figure out which caught more interest?

    2. @"no need to mention": yep, it's my way of b****ing about this change ;)

    I understand the need of clean-ups. :)

    But I hope you can fix these issues soon - I don't think that I could implement a Verschlimmbesserung in my software making users' life even a bit worse with highest priority, and then postpone restoring past convenient behavior for a long time...

    It was not mentioned in but for me auto-accepting requests (e.g. party invitation or mount-ride invitation from a guild member or a friend) stopped working.

    Any idea how to fix it? For example, in Polish ride invitation is "XXX zaprasza cię do jazdy." The code I had to accept a ride was:

    for n=1,4 do
        if getglobal("StaticPopup"..n):IsVisible() then
            if string.find(getglobal("StaticPopup"..n.."Text"):GetText()," zaprasza cię do jazdy.$")~=nil then

    Anyone knows what needs changing to make it work again??

    Faster logging-in, choosing character directly from account-selection screen

    In you disabled autologin2. ;(

    One of nice things it has allowed was logging in directly from the first screen. You choose account + character from drop-downs and selected character gets logged in right away, without going through manually choosing character from character-selection screen.

    Please add this option. Best would be to do this based on some configuration file, then users could add additional information to character names, change order etc.

    But if not, then you could cache the last list of character names or add api to get it live (for cases where account + password is already cached).

    (Or ... re-enable autologin2, this might be a simpler solution :P )