It has always been silly, but now after patch 10-7-1-1100
"Disabled possibility to place time-limited items into bank and house storage"
there is even no workaround...
If you have 2 stacks with time limit then the order of merging matters: if you pick stack A and merge into B the B time limit is kept, if you pick stack B and merge into A the A time limit is kept. In particular if you have some time limited items in your backpack and you get some extra then the time limit from your old items is kept...
So I have set of pots from housemaids, they are about to expire in 45 minutes. What can I do? If I talk to house maids and get more pots, the stack will get auto-merged and now I will have ... a bigger stack that still expires in 45 min. This is silly/wrong, but at least there was a workaround: you could put old pots to your bank, talk to housemaids and then merge old items into new getting stacks of pots that will survive next 24 hours. Now you guys blocked this. The only way to go is what? Throw away every single old item before you ask for new ones? 
This is not only about housemaid pots, there is the same problem with some event items. I think Niolka's rewards from crafting festival have 7 days time limit. So how it's going to work now? You do Niolka's quest 4 times, you get 4 items but still even though you did the last quest today the whole stack will expire in just 3 days???
Or current winter festival certificates: they are valid for 30 days but the festival is usually on for a bit more. So now you kind of have to catch a moment when you have exact multiple of 10, use them to have not a signele one left before you get new ones, right? If you have a single leftover certificate and gather more you run into a chance that all new certificates will happily expire before the end of the festival even though you did last festival quests just a day before...
Old system with putting items to bank, getting new items to backpack and merging the stacks in correct order always felt as a silly workaround, but now you even blocked this.
Thus suggestion: please change the way stacks of time-limited items are merged, no matter which one is merged into which the longest time time limit (later expiration date of the two stacks) should apply.