Posts by Uure

    Well, I have never thought this could work, stone. But he was different. He spoke Dwarven. He hanged out in dwarf bars. He even got our jokes. (I have always suspected he laughed because of wrong reasons though...) Oh, and he looked stone normal. Not as tall as other elves. If he wore three layers of fur, hid his ears, made his skin dirty and kept his mouth shut he could *almost* pass for a proper dwarf. Stone, he would have never made his skin dirty though. Or, for the matter, kept his mouth shut... Ever.

    I sent him a Valentine's card four years ago. I did not sign it. Next time I saw him in a dwarf bar he came right to me. Smart ass. How did he, stone, know? I appreciated he did not try to elvish hint on something but said straight he was seeing someone else. Still, made me angry; dwarfs never get sad.

    A year later I got a Valentine's card. Not signed. But I knew from whom it was! (To be fair, it did not require elvish intelligence, considering it mentioned my card from a year earlier, stone...) It made me not-angry; dwarfs never get happy.

    Since then we spend every Valentine's day in the best way possible: working together! Although when we "work together" it looks like this:


    Oh, well. He could use "Race Change (Dwarf)", but would he then appreciate a good fist fight at a dwarf school, or the taste of a properly burnt mutton stew, or working so hard, you get stone tired at the end of a Valentine's day? We are different, is is fine, stone. At least I don't have to read all the boring elvish books.

    Which would have made me really angry.

    Character: Dwerg

    Grox, the settings were saved correctly. I could log out and log in multiple times and things were fine. But then if like in the last days two clients get kicked out to the login screen at the same time the settings sometimes reset to defaults. This happens often enough to be quite annoying... (I'm not sure if it is just during logging out and two clients trying to write the the same settings file, or maybe I tried to log in in one client while the other was still writing its data and somehow a partially-written file was read and could not be parsed or whatever else it was - the settings got reset to defaults from time to time.)

    (But by the way: the post was not to ask for some fix in the client :P . The question was only if there is a way to protect settings file from being ever overwritten by the CoA client! "The other" global version had for me the same problem with resets, it is not CoA specific. But it did not touch SaveVariables.lua if I made it read only - CoA client is nasty ;) , it still overwrites this file. )

    Especially in last two days, with clients being kicked out to the login screen a lot, SaveVariables.lua gets reset to the defaults very often. Maybe it's just me with a very slow computer but still. Ofc. I do have a backup of this file and I can always restore it but still this is really annoying: even with a little script restoring the latest backup, you have to log out in all clients first (or else they will overwrite it again with rubbish upon logout).

    In "the other" global version it was enough to make the file read-only and it was safe: no crashes or two clients exiting at the same time lead to this file being destroyed. In CoA it is not the case anymore - if I make this file read only it gets read-write rights after the client starts next time. ;(

    Is there any way to protect this file? Somehow make it admin-owned or something? I'm not MS Windows expert and the options I have tried did not work.

    questhelper: Good point, it does have .luc files so it needs an update to 64bit. I have the newest version from Curse but it is from April so almost certainly not a 64 bit... I hope it will be updated on Curse soon. :(

    (Is this the only reason why an addon could be not loaded at all without any error messages?)


    Once an addon is loaded you get errors in the red-dot ui element and you can debug by e.g. writing chat messages or copying strings to clipboard. But what to do if an addon is not loaded at all?

    Example: quest helper should give you a /ql slash command, opening a very good and flexible quest list dialog (you can see dependencies, to which quest line a quest belongs etc.). But this /ql never worked for me in CoA. ;(

    I have CoA version of quest helper (9.1.1 from Apr 4, 2019), I now removed ALL other addons, restarted the game completely fresh and still /ql just says "nil". Now, the registration of this slash command is there (in ui_questlist.lua, listed in QuestHelper.toc). Similarly, if I comment-in the debug /qh section in QuestHelper.lua, typing /qh also just says "nil". So my guess is that quest helper is not loaded at all. But there is no red-dot button to see errors etc. (Note: the location of addons folder etc. is OK, if I unpack other addons there I can use them.)

    So I have two questions

    * any idea what I am doing wrong for quest helper? (Is it supposed to run if it is the only addon or are there some dependencies?)

    * but more general: how to debug this kind of situations? (I guess, the answer depends on what the problem was; but if my guess that there was an error while loading is right: does CoA leave somewhere an error log from addons not loaded at all on start-up? If so, can I write to this log from an addon code?)

    PS: Note: I have only been playing CoA for a couple of days now - I may be missing something very basic! &)

    There are more small differences...

    Example: API:GetGuildRosterInfo : as described in the link, LogOutTime should have format 00:00:00. But in Arcadia we get values like "0:18:30:32" - neither number of fields nor 2 obligatory digits in each. This means that for example vanilla GuildPanel addon does not work (GuildPanel.helpers.ParseTime() assumes format as in wiki...).

    I wonder if this kind of differences are described somewhere. Some addons were adjusted to run on Arcadia: is there some info somewhere (wiki? a forum?) that describes what needed changing?

    PS: a quick fix for GuildPanel: