Keep going like [others].
Some Guys doing [illegal things].
Before you ask why we edited your post, please check point 2.
"Alternate spelling or partial masking of such words will be reprimanded in the same manner as the actual use of such words."
Thor already said - if someone do illegal things you should report this instead of publishing in forum how they are cheating.
i talk with other players what they are thinking about and maybe we need some better rules here.
Lets do this, i hope in constructive way, because only in this way it can bring success for both sides.
Some Guys doing [bad things] and dont get a bann, so i want to know on what it depends
Its depend of EULA& TOS & Arcadia rules.
a forum is there to talk with the community or not?
Yes it is, from what i see 2000 post are not Team posts.
How about to answer why looks the second item promo like an scam?
Could you stop attacking? I dont think someone force to buy Itemshop items? You opened thread with question, maybe as suggestion.
When responsible person will be online i think he can answer you in dedicated thread.
and why has every GM the same answer if you ask something "pls open a support ticket"
From what i see "open support ticket" is not mostly answer. This answer is used when something should be resolved via support ticket.
If i good understand, ppl got banned cuz [...] | You can't tell that this char was bottng for sure.
No - you understand wrong, anyway we not publish our detection methods. Yes - we can do this, especially when we are sure what player doing.
He only fired micromacro on this char...
Please read this again, easiest conclusion is even if you used this with your client without ingame reaction, it will be detected and its not allowed.
But you dont have a proof.
We ban only with proofs.
add the same rubies bonus as a normal itemshop offer
Yeah, thats about what im really talking about, constructive suggestion with player idea.