Posts by Zetsu99

    In the current period of the game, scout pretty underperforms at large scale mob packs. I would recommend increase the damage of the "Hurricane of Downpour" from %250 to at least %600 and reduce the focus consumption from 40 to 10. Also reduce channel speed from 2 to 1 and reduce the hits in seconds. And finally reduce its cooldown from 10 to 5 seconds.
    Additionally make it uninterruptible.

    Thank you, seeing this and whos are reacting has once again proven that I am right.

    In the current period of the game, scout pretty underperforms at large scale mob packs. I would recommend increase the damage of the "Hurricane of Downpour" from %250 to at least %600 and reduce the focus consumption from 40 to 10. Also reduce channel speed from 2 to 1 and reduce the hits in seconds. And finally reduce its cooldown from 10 to 5 seconds.
    Additionally make it uninterruptible.

    The major poroblem is that ppl not even be able to run these dungeon. You mention that it was difficult to design, but i cant get that point so ppl also have to suffer when they playing this game? This is the one of the most ridiculuous argument i have ever heard. Thats the thing you need to keep going for your life and you always need to work hard, but these maps designed to keep up your business and targeted to make more profit so you wouldnt expect people to suffer , People supposed to get enjoy while playing anygame but i cant get enjoy rather than suffer and i believe thats the main problem about CoA, it's just painful..

    -- I think something wrong with this class for instance releasing time of the ''Power of the Wood Spirit'' is kinda slow if you compared to other classes like Rogue/Priest you can see the difference.

    Damage numbers may appear with different delays depending on skill visual effects. Try to disable aff visual effects to see if this behaviour is being changed.


    Behavior is always the same whether effects are active or not. I also realised, backports usually happening when go as r/wd.

    -- I think something wrong with this class for instance releasing time of the ''Power of the Wood Spirit'' is kinda slow if you compared to other classes like Rogue/Priest you can see the difference.
    -- Aoe dmg is kinda low, ''Power of the Wood Spirit'' lands only 6 target , in this context it would be better if it lands 12 target instead of 6 target.
    -- Apm is too low.



    I would like to share my thoughts on the current state of the game.

    Firstly, I believe that the activity in game has decreased over the past few months. I'd like to admit this, old players have consumed all the content. As a result, server is only active from patch to patch, which is causing significant damage to the game's economy. For example, selling DC pulls and gold pulls has become quite difficult. Additionally, the gold prices is in a terrible state, which we can consider these as a example of server activity.

    In this context, we can easily see your player policies need to be changed. I believe realistic steps need to be taken to help new players adapt to the game.

    I have a few suggestions:

    I believe the starter set should be improved.

    I think the Talaghan quests are extremely challenging and nearly impossible to complete without a guide.

    The required number of dungeon entries for nostalgia quests should be reduced.

    Finally, when you introduce a new patch, I recommend making changes to previous patches based on realistic ideas. Otherwise, players who cannot catch up with the latest patch will have to spend too much time in order to have requirements of older patches and they usually give up.

    In an MMORPG, a way to pull new players must be intended and when a new patch is introduced, the requirements of previous patches should be made easier to obtain. This is an unwritten rule.


    Hello, I think the current state of the game is unnecessarily challenging for the players that not endgame.

    The requirements for a new player to reach main contents are ridiculously too many , and most of these requirements also needs a significant amount of currency and equipment. If you haven't found a guild or a team to help you with your quests, your job becomes incredibly difficult.

    The main issue I want to discuss today is that artifact quests are designed just for the period when it released. For example, to unlock a defensive rune slot, we need 20 Splinter of Form, but nobody wants to enter the IDK on the server. As a result, players resort to chasing Sathkur, but there's still a problem: we can't guarantee getting Splinter of Form from Sathkur. My request is for Splinter of Form to drop guaranteed from Sathkur or for the required number of items to be reduced.

    Thanks for reading this post.

    I think most of the opinions expressed under this topic are from endgame players who view the situation from a single perspective and ignore the other side of the coin.

    In some countries, the average monthly salaries are not even 500 euros. With a significant number of players playing the game without spending money, I believe this player base should not be disregarded. Realistically speaking, this player base doesn't have many options to sell for diamonds. For example, I am trying to enter arenas all day to farm cards, but most of the time, I can't get into any arena throughout the day. This leaves gold farming or tier farming as the only options. If the server's need for gold is reduced, it will have a significant impact. For instance, with decreased demand for gold, it will take longer for gold to be sold in the auction, gradually affecting gold prices. I believe the example I provided is sufficient, and when the market takes this form, new players will lose their limited ways of earning money, making it difficult for non-paying players to find reasons to play the game effectively.

    I also want to emphasize that I don't want anyone to misunderstand me. Of course, I cannot oppose your complaints. However, as I mentioned, the most effective and simple way for a new player who has just started the game to earn diamonds consistently is to farm gold. If the impact of gold is reduced, the prices of diamonds in players' pockets will increase, leading to higher prices for items auctioned, which can be considered as inflation.

    I believe these reasons could lead to a serious loss of players.

    New players and casual players have always been the cornerstones of MMORPGs. If you are willing to accept a decrease in the server's size and a greater distance between new players and Arcadia, then changes to gold might be a logical path for veteran players.

    Thanks for reading this comment.

    I've been playing almost for a week and decided to post about new map icons. The new icons that has been changed they're unseeable at all also as i see there's no section to set it all. Can't even figure out which one is daily or normal quest. I think it would be great if the configure section to set scale of images been added.