Rogue Class [Feedback]

    • Official Post

    It is intended, you shouldn't deal more base damage and more bleed at same time, unless you use Sneak Attack.


    Yes, but Shadowstab and Blind Spot are similar, why you just cant increase %damage of Shadowstab and damage dealt by bleed and just remove Blint Spot skill at all.

    This is not supposed to be a linear choice of player. There are times where bleed is better than dealing more base damage and vice versa, usage is expected to be situational.


  • Can Soul Storm fear be changed to something else as the fear is kind of annyoing.

    Maybe silence or similar ( that also works for custom endgame mobs)

    (or just revert it entirely :) )


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

    Edited 2 times, last by Cruvor ().

  • Hey!

    I have a request for a new approach to S/K and S/P. Both combinations are unplayable; they're not good buffers, nor are they related to tanking instances or DPS. Additionally, it would be nice to give some minor buffs to S/WD and S/W. I think an overall buff of 3-5% to damage would help balance the scout class.

  • Hey!

    I have a request for a new approach to S/K and S/P. Both combinations are unplayable; they're not good buffers, nor are they related to tanking instances or DPS. Additionally, it would be nice to give some minor buffs to S/WD and S/W. I think an overall buff of 3-5% to damage would help balance the scout class.

    You should write this in scout class feedback i think

  • About Rogue/Scout Fast Draw changes:

    it literally kill the class with katana, since 3s cast time it's too high. My suggestion it revert changes to 12s cooldown time on Fast Draw and decrease cast time for it.

  • I think Rogue/Scouts major problem is that it´s very inconsistent and weird to play after the fast draw changes . Mobs need to be perfectly lined up and are split up alot of times, you need to be in a very good position to hit most of the targets which is not always possible, fast draw has a low range, means if the mob is getting pulled somewhere else while your cast is running your dmg will be messed up. Cast time of fast draw is also very high, the mob youre targetting is not allowed to die too fast or it interrupts. Then there is also stuns like soulstorm which is ruining lineup or any other stun which keeps mobs separated. Just too many different factors are deciding how high your damage output will be.

    I suggest to make fast draw an aoe where no target is required so it´s not interrupting all the time and it´s just hitting mobs in a radius of 80 how it used to be before it got changed. I would also lower the channel speed to 2-2.5 secs without precision buff so katana players can hit their slice better.

    Of course it would be overpowered like this so you also have to nerf something. You could:

    -decrease the overall damage of fast draw

    -increase the cooldown

    -limit the targets

    Think this would make the class much more enjoyable.


  • Regarding the lastest Rogue changes.
    I get why Rogue/Scout got nerfed, however, why did the rest of them get the axe too? From what I've seen in our guild runs those changes are unnecessary and should be reverted.

  • I also don´t get why Rogue/Warlock is getting nerfed, this class is designed to do a lot of damage in single target situations. There are just not many reasons left to play it anymore except for instances like necro. Why should i play this class now when there are Rogue´s that almost deal the same amount of damage at bosses but have AOE´s or support for the group like Rogue/Druid.

  • I also don´t get why Rogue/Warlock is getting nerfed, this class is designed to do a lot of damage in single target situations. There are just not many reasons left to play it anymore except for instances like necro. Why should i play this class now when there are Rogue´s that almost deal the same amount of damage at bosses but have AOE´s or support for the group like Rogue/Druid.

    that's not a big nerf for rogue/warlock, if you play with katana that slice bleed is compensated this damage, i don't know about how daggers feeling right now on this class

  • Regarding the lastest Rogue changes.
    I get why Rogue/Scout got nerfed, however, why did the rest of them get the axe too? From what I've seen in our guild runs those changes are unnecessary and should be reverted.

    I completely agree with you

    i don't understand the last nerf´s

    most of the villains could not keep up with other classes

    r/ mage r/ champ r/priest for example

    pls reverted the last changes

    and let rouge playable

  • I also don´t get why Rogue/Warlock is getting nerfed, this class is designed to do a lot of damage in single target situations. There are just not many reasons left to play it anymore except for instances like necro. Why should i play this class now when there are Rogue´s that almost deal the same amount of damage at bosses but have AOE´s or support for the group like Rogue/Druid.

    that's not a big nerf for rogue/warlock, if you play with katana that slice bleed is compensated this damage, i don't know about how daggers feeling right now on this class

    It doesn´t matter how big the nerf actually is, for almost any instance it´s just not worth playing it because it has no AOE´s except for Soulstorm. Now i don´t even consider playing it anymore because i can play R/B, R/D, R/Wd... which have AOE´s but also strong single target burst.

  • Hi

    about R/P

    maybe you can change the skill awakening of the monk ID: 491536

    to the old version to immediately gain maximum Patience and Salvation for 30 sek.


    after you aktive Awakening of the Monk / you gain a half of max stacks but is stackable to max

    but i prefer the first option

    i think this is a good quality of life change for this class



    i think a little dmg boost wouldn't hurt

    unfortunately, the combination cannot keep up with the current conten neither in the aoe nor in the single target

    i think a Dmg boost is absolutely necessary

    a option is change Buring Mechanism ID:498837

    increases by 3% of 2%

    or Power Mechanism increase pdmg to 17,5% from 15%


  • Hi, i have some suggestions to make for a few Rogue classes.

    Rogue in general:

    -Remove Energy costs of Sprint (ID: 490341), it´s only 8% compared to the ring and i don´t see the point why it should cost us ressources, it´s a class specific skill and should be viable


    -Change Enlivened Blade (ID: 491180) to not be a ground target AOE Skill anymore. The skill doesnt work that smooth and the class feels very unpleasant to play like this (at least for me)

    Rogue/Knight (as DPS):

    This class is lacking Single Target damage so i would do something like:

    -Add light damage to every Skill

    -Increase damage buff from the Perfect Slice stacks (ID: 1503810 and ID: 1503811)

    -Increase damage of Wound Attack (ID: 1492414)

    -Allow Low Blow( ID:490323) to provide a buff that increases your light damage (would need balance for the tank though)

    The next suggestions are for more survivability.


    -Change Wound Patch( ID:494921) to not have any downtime and trigger for every hit you get (maybe even increase the heal of it)


    -Change Quick Light Protection(ID:494924) to only heal yourself for like 30-50%~

    -Change Erosion(ID:499568) to also improve Mother Earth´s Protection(ID:493533) - increase the buffs duration from 10 to 30 seconds


    -Change Skill(ID:492921) to allow "Patience" (ID:1501423) to stack up with offensive skills as well

    -Change Sinister Methods(ID:493020) to heal you for ~1% for each target you hit with the buff(ID:503265)

    All these changes should help Rogues to be able to farm things solo/in smaller groups more efficiently. Feel free to add some more ideas. Looking forward to see some of these (if not all) for the future.


  • Can you fix Perfect Slice to be not dodgeable or to apply the buff even if target dodges? Worst feeling you failed stacking not because of gameplay, but because of RNG.

  • I think that r/w should be a bit up , it was already not the best rogue in single target but now even in aoe it's very low (at least in orkham) when it suppose to be a good aoe combo like it was before all the nerfs.

  • Rogue/Warden:
    -- I think something wrong with this class for instance releasing time of the ''Power of the Wood Spirit'' is kinda slow if you compared to other classes like Rogue/Priest you can see the difference.
    -- Aoe dmg is kinda low, ''Power of the Wood Spirit'' lands only 6 target , in this context it would be better if it lands 12 target instead of 6 target.
    -- Apm is too low.


    • Official Post

    -- I think something wrong with this class for instance releasing time of the ''Power of the Wood Spirit'' is kinda slow if you compared to other classes like Rogue/Priest you can see the difference.

    Damage numbers may appear with different delays depending on skill visual effects. Try to disable aff visual effects to see if this behaviour is being changed.


  • -- I think something wrong with this class for instance releasing time of the ''Power of the Wood Spirit'' is kinda slow if you compared to other classes like Rogue/Priest you can see the difference.

    Damage numbers may appear with different delays depending on skill visual effects. Try to disable aff visual effects to see if this behaviour is being changed.


    Behavior is always the same whether effects are active or not. I also realised, backports usually happening when go as r/wd.

  • I was looking through nearly every possible combination and noticed that no rogue combination could be played with mage gear and so i would like to suggest to implement this on rogue/mage or rogue/warlock.

    I've seen that the Scout/mage can deal magical and physical damage depending on the stats and wondered if it would be possible to do the same to one or both of the above mentioned combinations, so that players who already have the physical gear for their class combination wouldnt be upset if the class would completely be changed from physical to magical.

    I hope there are at least some people who like the idea of a rogue that could be played as a magical dps.

    Best Regards,


  • Not sure if it got changed but if I remember correctly it's already possible to deal play rouge/mage with mage gear but I could be wrong here,it's just what I remember

  • Regarding:

    "Fixed elemental physical damage over time effects not being affected by related elemental damage boosts."

    Could you please check into Perfect Slice? Even though it’s an Elemental skill for many Rogues, the DoT it applies is purely physical and doesn’t benefit from Elemental damage boosts.


    Physical Skills that have been changed to Elemental Physical Skills via Elite

    Many Rogues gain an elemental modifier based on their secondary class (e.g., Rogue/Mage gets Fire damage, Rogue/Druid gets Poison damage). These classes also receive boosts to Fire damage, Poison damage, etc. However, the DoT from these skills remains purely physical.

    Could you adjust the Elite skill so that when a physical skill is modified to elemental, it also affects the DoT portion accordingly?

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    These effects are raw bleeds and doesn't have any element damage. As long as skill doesn't mention damave over time (not damage of skill) is elemental based, it won't get affected by elemental damage boosts.


  • Could you kindly specify which physical class has benefited from this change? I’m having trouble finding a physical class that has both + elemental damage and a skill with elemental DoT damage.

    Regardless, I hope my suggestions to also consider DoT effects for elite skills that transform physical damage into elemental physical damage are helpful. I’m not referring only to Rogues but also to other classes with transformed skills, such as Scout/Mage’s Vampire Arrow and Druid/Warrior’s Slash, among others.