Posts by Cruvor

    Hey ,

    for me everything was fine after the patch.

    Try to run the Game without Addons , maybe an addon malfunctions


    If you are talking about extra assignable macro buttons, they are not a static key, so they can't be assigned to hotkeys in game. Best thing you can do is assigning F1-F12 to your mouse button.


    No not for macros , just normal skills like Surge of Awareness

    Hey ,

    Currently it is not possible to bind Buttons from your Mouse too your Ingame Actionbar and i would ask if it is possible to change that .

    It would be a Huge Quality of Life change too have more easy usable Buttons.(as for example i am running out of keybinds on my warlock and using the F1-12 would be really painfull for my fingers because i have a rather Large Keyboard ^^ )

    I cant think of any negative impact this change would have on the game , if anyone does find one please let me know.


    2 Questions . Where is Melodic flaming the Warlock in this post ? Why are this only empty words for you ?

    I am a bit confused as he is only pointing out facts ( that Wl has by far the best Group Support Kit , combined with good Dmg can be a bit too much utility)


    Hey ,

    We found a Bug with Wl´s Surge of Awareness(621280).

    When u have the Lute Buff and use a SoA it overrides the Play Lute II Buff(1501469) that gives Castspeed.(

    When u play a Guitar and use Soa you dont get the bonus of SoA , there is eventho an animation as if you would get it but the buff bar is empty ( Character Info also shows that your Matk/Patk does not get increased).


    HI there!

    Has anyone created a spreadsheet that shows where this merchant spawns in Limo, splitwater coast, etc?

    I can never find this NPC and im not sure if it really spawns at this point. Does anyone have a screenshot of what he sells?

    Hey ^^

    as far as i know , there is no spreadsheet or anything similar in the forum or elsewhere.

    He only spawns on Ch1 , maybe that is why u never find him. And the Items he sells are bound to the Currency he is selling them for. For Example he is selling a 30 Day House Transportation Rune for Gold , but when he sells Items for Mementos , there is no 30 Day House Rune ^^


    In such eq every connection in the game will be op.

    That is simply not true , there are many combos ( talking from a Scout perspective) that aren´t op or any close to being viable ^^ (and what i have seen in some testings , same goes for chain and Cloth)

    In my opinion, opinions of players with full gold eq in t12,13/runs 12,13 and weapons t16 + , are not authoritative.

    Why so ? When i compare classes to others i only do it with People who have +- the same Gear level as me. And the balancing should take place in all "categories" not only Highend and not only low end.


    "Values in character frame might appear different due to internal changes made in recent patch, but it wouldn't affect your damage output. There is no change made without announcement neither to mentioned class nor other reported classes with similar reason."

    Quote from Dev Byte in another Post where someone had the same problem as you.

    Was also mentioned in recent patchnotes "Fixed some of character frame values were indicating wrong values sometimes."


    i can say the same :/ why only s/ch have that ability ? with high dmg attached to it ?(

    to me its not about the healers, it is about asking for some of the same skills as other classes.

    Because Runes of Magic / Coa has a Dual Class System that makes it uniqe.Other combos have other Skills. No need to try and make Classes have equal Skills imo.

    Scout/Champ has the strongest Scout Single Target Burst but thats it . for Other parts there are other scout that are performing better ( and get nerfed in the future) so all good imo

    funny how you only quoted that part lol:D.

    Why should i quote another part that is not relevant for my question?


    alicandoit44 That would explain it ^


    Scout/Champ is still the strongest scout burst class and overall a strong class.

    strong yes, but no explanation is made in the patch notes there is no such explanation in the patch notes

    What is there to explain ? Class was overperforming in some ways in comparison to other Scouts.

    If a class gets nerfed in dmg it is self explanatory


    Hey ,

    i have the same Problem sometimes as wl/mage ,it says i have X Amount of Psi but it is a visual error . When i press/use any skill that gives me PSI e.g AntQueen (lvl 75 ISS ) it will resett and display the Psi correct .


    Try to disable "automatic detail adjustment" this caused me some trouble in the past , maybe it helps you too ^^


    Huhu ,

    some small feedback regarding the last patch /post patchnotes .

    • Added temporary combat controller to Realm of Forgotten Legends to attempt to prevent permanent combat issue.

    Tried it out with severeal Heal Combos (Guildmates also) and we almost always have instant Fight end when the last aggroed mob dies :thumbup: Good Job on that.

    From a Support Warlock/mage POV not soo great cause u loose some PSI here and there but atleast for me managable.

    • Reduced Spatial Rift cast time to 1 second from 2 seconds, changed damage type to dark damage from raw magical damage, reduced its cooldown time to 30 seconds.
    • Reduced Otherworldly Whisper channel time to 6 seconds from 8, reduced Psi cost to 1 from 2.

    For Support Warlock super nice Quality of Life change :thumbup: Helps alot

    • Reduced Flaming Heart Strike Psi renewal amount to 2 from 3.

    :/ not so nice change imo but the reduced PSI cost for Otherworldly whisper kinda balances that out (atleast for Supp)


    • Added aura for several class buff to Baltons in Atlantis, also some of your spell cooldowns will tick faster while around these Baltons.

    ^ Was added with the Post Patch Notes


    In our latest runs I realized that Balton had a quite long immune phase after respawning the first time. Can you somehow reduce this, since it's annoying not to be able to aggro him asap as a tank and in some cases he runs straight to a supporter and onehits him. Thats kinda rng and shouldn't happen imo.

    From what i have observed after balton "respawns" when u do the Map event right , he is immune until he hits a Player once . (correct me if im wrong )

    So just let him hit one player and it should be fine ( if he gets oneshot he should use some dmg reduce obviously)


    Thats why i said, probably u are right that for a extremely short fights and when r/w cant get to the mobs (well like any other rogues) its nothing wrong with that combination ,and you cant really see difference on pdps fully. Our party is always full of pdps (not all are full gold geared, but 3 main rogues - 2x r/w and r/d or if he swap to r/p, and they are full gold) and its really really noticeable.

    I see .

    But now i would like to know how you are comparing the classes , when i read that only(?) the main rogues have full gold gear / not everyone has gold gear in your runs and if it is a fair comparison of the classes.


    Sorry, but i must say that u probably havn't played as r/w properly if u say so. And saying that there are classes that are better than (or as good as) the r/w... well, nothing more to say. You have told before that u are running most of time in party with ~ max 1-2x pdps, maybe thats why u cant see such a difference :).

    Just no offence ;)

    Anyway, developers pls look into it! Thx!

    Well from what i have seen on our Guild runs is the big problem that trash / bosses die too fast that the r/w cant play his full potential.

    One main reason to this is that the r/w has a fairly long rotation to do prober damage and of course benefits from other rogues bleeding debuff ( what in our runs rarely happens , we run mostly with 1 rogue ) -> Longer Fights -> better r/w performance


    Hey ,

    "#Make dex a useful stat (Make rogue scale a bit more with dex and a bit less with str so ppl full dex would hit harder and ppl with half dex half str would hit the same and dex stat would be usefull and not a trash one"

    Personally i dont think this is a good idea because at the current state of the game many players have chosen to go 3x Str / 3x Dex for Rogues´s and have finished a red or even Golden Gear with those stats , that this change would (probably) make useless .

    "Just get golden armor that solve the leak of dmg/resistance for going rolf"

    Have u tried rogue /priest ? currently the dmg is nice and it also has many ways of defending itself with dmg reduction and the priest aura for example . Maybe that would be worth a try for u ?
