FPS issue

  • Hello, I don't know if I'm writing in the right place? With the new patch "Patch Notes" that came to the game yesterday, the FPS dropped too much in the game. Is this problem unique to me? my friends started to have the same problem.

  • Hey ,

    for me everything was fine after the patch.

    Try to run the Game without Addons , maybe an addon malfunctions


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • hi ı started 2 days ago with clean setup. Nothing gone wrong, ı play with addons+high setting and ı gave 120+ fps. But today something wrong. My fps gone 30-50 fps. I cant solve problem. Now ım playing low settings, ı have 80-110 fps. Why suddenly game gone fps dropping?

    • Official Post

    We didn't make any patches in the last 2 days, so it must be something on your client side.

    Try to remove all addons, and reset it's settings by removing "Chronicles of Arcadia" directory in "My Documents" when the client is closed. After that try to launch client at high settings again and check if there is any difference.

  • We didn't make any patches in the last 2 days, so it must be something on your client side.

    Try to remove all addons, and reset it's settings by removing "Chronicles of Arcadia" directory in "My Documents" when the client is closed. After that try to launch client at high settings again and check if there is any difference.

    But anyway we are still discovering FPS drops/lags with mainly healer classes with many HoT-Skills. If you are using a skill, which is healing every person in raid 4 times (2 * 2% + 2 * healing scale value) every 2 seconds (druid/priest for example; but there are also other healer with raid-heal HoT effects), the fps are dropping every 2 seconds. Maybe you can check this, if there are issues with many heal effects? Because as a healer you cannot hide the healing values. whole screen is full of green healing values if you have 12 ppl in raid :/

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.