Posts by Cruvor

    Hey ^^

    Is there any news from an Offical what is planned/going on with the Class Balancig ?

    Last Balancing Done was on 18th of July and since then there was nothing . This Thread is not closed , there wasnt any offical announcement and we still have the conversion ( stam ->wis) buff for healer that was introduced with the Balancing.

    An update of any kind would be Greatly appreciated from me and i think also many other Players .



    Phantom Blade (494922) has a weird interaction with organs @B3 Rofl .When i used the skill on an organ no Oak Walker was spawned (greenish animation still worked) and i also did not get the dmg/Patk buff from it , eventho according to scrutinizer my skill hit the organ / did not miss.


    Hey ,

    Wanted to know if we can get an update about the Class balancing ?. There hasnt been any Balancing patches in the last 3 weeks . Planned Change log hasnt even been moved from the last festival to the current one.

    Are all available DEV´s working on the delayed worldboss ( that we also have no news about :c ) and thats why there is no balancing currently ?


    1. Split this thread into multiple class-related sub forums, each class gets one sub forum (as it was on the offi forum)

    2. Remove the useless pvp arena from Itnal Camp (which is never used at all afaik) and replace it with an advanced damage testing environment.

    3. Add some single target Baltons with full debuffs/playerbuffs with enough space in between, so that you don't hit more than 1 at a time with any existing AoE spell (like Soulcrusher, Thunderstorm, whatever).

    4. Add some multi target Beavers (groups of 3, 5, 9, 15 or such) with some basic debuffs/playerbuffs (no burst buffs, but sustain stuff like Charge Warp, etc).

    5. Profit.

    Really Good Idea about the revamping of the PvP Arena

    But about the multiple threads i have mixed feelings. I can imagine some will get totally Flooded with feedback and others will be as good as Empty ( e.g Scout subthread . i saw over the last months 2 maybe 3 players giving active feedback to scouts , me included).



    From my/our Inital Tests the overall Dmg of the PDD Version seems to be ok .Really Good Burst Aoe dmg , good aoe sustain but therefore singletarget okay-ish. Maybe other PDD Scout/Mages can comment also how they feel about this class.

    I had the chance to test and compare a bit more / get to know and play the Class better (PDD version) and i think i have to revoke my original inital test statement .

    As Lutine allready said the Aoe Burst is by far the strongest of all Scouts (possibly even all classes).

    Same goes for the Singletarget burst , also reallyy strong atleast on-par with the /warden or slighty stronger.

    Overall the major damage (~30-35%) comes from Incineration so for nerfing the class i would begin to reduce the dmg there too maybe ~140% for the PDD to start with and see how it goes.

    Another option that would affect single and aoe burst would be to reduce the 20% Fire damage you gain from Inevitable Ignition to 10/15%.


    T12 Statted MDD Xbow vs t14 PDD Xbow).

    That is not a good comparison. Mdps xbow is like idk 20% or 30% of total mdmg? Would need to do the math. Most of it come from staff and I imagine you are talking about Persil, that's t17 vs t14 :)

    Ah yes i forgot about that you can wear a 2h Staff and that also counts in not like traditional scout :rolleyes: silly me

    Thanks for pointing that out

    About Scout/Mage


    From my/our Inital Tests the overall Dmg of the PDD Version seems to be ok .Really Good Burst Aoe dmg , good aoe sustain but therefore singletarget okay-ish. Maybe other PDD Scout/Mages can comment also how they feel about this class.

    For the MDD Version i can only say what i saw , maybe the Washing Detergent(:D) will comment specifically for the MDD Version.

    As Zyrex / Laisha allready wrote , the MDD Counterpart seems to be overperforming by alot .

    As i see that the Aoe allready is planned to be nerfed , maybe also reduce the DMG of the MDD Joint Blow as it is in burst too strong ( does around the same dmg as a PDD Snipe , pretty good for a 2s instant :) )



    new Target Lock of Scout/Warrior does not working in the intended way. If you do your normal skill rotation (which always do more damage than only using autoshot), same amount of Autoshot is "used" / hitted like rotation without Targe Lock skill.

    Maybe change the skill in something else or revert it to the original one

    Before the "change" i got +- 45 autoshots out with my skill rota before targetlock ran out ( 30 seconds) now only 20-25.

    Something feels really odd about the whole skill


    Yes it was moved . 10 min ago it was Post Patch notes ^^

    • Fixed Entling Offering was not triggering with Wind Arrows.

    Im standing in Atlas Ch4 and Wind arrow is still not triggering Entling Offering

    (or does "May not be visible in game tooltips" also include the dmg numbers poping out of enemies ?)


    Hey all,

    About the latest Scout Changes :


    As Lutine allready said above , with the new Target Lock active the class feels super weird /laggy , either you get no autoshots out or you get your rota not completly out. The main reason i think is that the animation cant keep up with the Autoshots all 0.2 Seconds?! . If you want to make this auotshot mechanic a thing , maybe change the animation ( if this is the reason its not working , im just guessing here ^^) or change it to a substitue that does the extra attacks like rogue/scout ?


    I like the 3 Changes made to /warden they make the Class more fluent / enjoyable to play BUT with the 100% Trigger Chance the Entling Offering is too strong in my opinion and i would suggest to reinstate the Strikethrough change you originally had planned for the Entling Offering to reduce the dmg from it when it gets triggered by an Aoe Skill by 40%.



    Changed Soul Crusher set skill to consume 3% HP every second, allowed it to heal during Jerath event.

    You devs know, the most warlocks will be totally useless in rofl then? Soulcrusher is the most important AoE for most of the classes,

    Why ?

    With the current state of Healers you get Hotted for 200k + all 1-2s and in the Jerath event you can heal urself

    Heyo ,

    2 small improvement Ideas from my Side.

    1. Implement a Filter function for the Auction House if you want to search a Card with specific Stats or 2 or 3 Attributes

    (the Filter $three or similar is not working , if anyone knows if there is allready such thing please let me know ^^)

    2. Currently the Priece of the Green Stones in the FFA-Shop is constantly increasing (+- 10 buys increases the Stones Priece by 1). The increase is not much but over time they will become really expensive ( currently its at 360 iirc) . Would be cool if the Priece would also reset with the Shop refresh all 6 Hours.


    I do not understand being that the dex provides more attack to the rogue or scout in theory going with 6 dex should be stronger compared to 4 dex: 2 str or 3 dex: 3str, I can not understand how a dex character scales better than with force that with its main attribute is something ridiculous or simply its programmers are incapable

    Rogues get less patk from 1 dex compared to str, but 90% of the spells have an additional small dex scaling. And tbh i dont see the problem with 3:3 statting, you can take the 3 highest stats which is an insane advantage over other classes. Imagine mages with 2x int int rofl/gorge/inferno :O

    From what i know Rogues get 1,3 Patk from 1 Dex and 1,2 Patk from 1 Strength for Scouts it is vise versa ( so i have read in forums some time ago^^).

    90% of the Skills from rogues that have a Dex Scaling are from what i have seen are useless(0.2x Dex for example) and only /Druid has a really good Dex scaling (correct me if im wrong here ) .



    as far as I can say from guild runs and random runs,t leather is less in group than all others 8|

    I can only agree.

    From all runs i have done in the Past Weeks there where (me included) around 2 Leather classes per run from whom all where rogues except me as a scout, and most of the time the dominant "faction" was Chain .
