Posts by Daleshy

    1) I have reached level 20 in Knight and now want to add Druid as a second class. How do I do this?

    2) I've never seen an explicit statement in the docs, but can we create more than one character. If so, can they be played simultaneously on the same team

    Hello and welcome to CoA!

    1. Yes, you can have all 11 classes on a single character. To do this, you need to use the Race Change Item/Class Maximum Expansion Ticket (available in the Item Shop) to switch your race to Elf or Dwarf. This will allow you to select classes like Druid, for example.

    2. You can have up to three game clients open simultaneously, but only one character per account can be active/online at the same time (so you would need a seperate character at a different game account)


    Hallo hätte hier auch noch kurz eine Frag dazu. Ist schon ein paar Jahre her. Da gab es die Kominationen noch nicht.

    Muss man dann hier extra einen Rassenwechsel o.ä. durchführen um an die Rasse des anderen Volkes ranzukommen?


    Exakt! Du kannst hier alle erdenklichen Klassenkombinationen spielen. Du musst lediglich einmalig die Rasse wechseln (möglich über das Rassenwechsel-Item im Itemshop), um die Klasse von den entsprechenden Klassentrainern zu erlernen


    Для класса Разбойник - метательное оружие и для Скаутов - стрелы. Эти предметы можно только покупать у НПС?

    Можно ли крафтить их самому (лучшего качества чем продают неигровые персонажи)? Посмотрела рецепты на аукционе и у НПС - ремесленников, ничего похожего не нашла. Т. е. никакое ремесло не позволяет их крафтить?


    большинство боеприпасов можно купить за золото у любого обычного торговца в Таборее.

    Есть особые боеприпасы, которые продает семья Эдвардсов в Атласе за монеты Аркадии, а также существует возможность создавать боеприпасы из компонентов, добываемых в финальном подземелье Оркхама.

    С уважением



    Most ammunition can be purchased for gold from any general merchant in Taborea.

    There are also special types sold by the Edwards family in Atlas for Arcadia Coins. Additionally, there is an option to craft ammunition using components obtained from the endgame instance, Orkham.


    Can anyone provide a guild to the rationale, The Use, and Abuse of Monster Cards. I imagine someone has done this, but I can't find out WHY I should pursue them. I have 3 of them and they don't show up on "P".


    We have a full Wiki page dedicated to the new Monster Card system. Feel free to check it out!

    If you have any more questions, let me know.


    What is meant by an item being "Bound". How can we change this property and why should we?


    If an item is bound, it means it cannot be traded with other players. (most Item Shop items are bound)
    You can buy a Bind Lifter or an Advanced Bind Lifter in the Item Shop to unbind your equipment for trading.

    Bind Lifter: Unbinds equipment items that are "Bound on Equip."

    Advanced Bind Lifter: Unbinds equipment items that are "Bound on Equip" and "Bound on Pickup."


    1. My left mouse click does not function correctly. On occasion it will not serve a "go to" Function, will not select a distant NPC or item, will not execute combat or pick up functions.

    At one time I encountered the menu controlling left-click, but don't know where it is anymore or the default selections.

    2. What is "experience modifier", how do I change it?

    1. I received a storage chest with supposedly 20 slots of storage space. I put it into my abode, but do not see it in the room, and have now way of accessing that storage.

    Please help


    Check your Interface settings. ESC -> Interface Settings -> Controls

    You can cancel the experience modifier buff with just righ clicking it with your mouse.
    If you want to use it again , you can find it in your Skillbook (Default "K), and then adjust your wanted rate with the Slider


    Open your House Interface (when you are in your House, top left corner of your screen is an arrow that opens it aswell)

    Navigate to Furtnitures

    Then search for the Storage Chest and place it with the Icon i highlighted below.
    After you have placed the Chest you can access it.


    I think that the "vegetation" is actually my character's hair -- green, leafy crap. I'll try to figure out how to change that. Suggestions on where to get grooming?


    near your minimap, at the top right of your screen, is an icon for the styling shop, where you can change your characters appearance.


    Thank you.

    Related issue was found and will be fixed.

    Edit: Fixed for Patch set in 5h



    in the Video i see you got Interface Errors.
    Could you write /bug in the Chat and send a Screenshot of the List that appears?

    You can PM me with it aswell.



    When your House Interface is closed , you can open it again with clicking on the downward pointing arrow on the top left of your screen.



    can you provide a Quest ID or Quest Name ?

    Would help solving this issue much quicker
