Posts by Daleshy


    with latest Patch we introduced improvements regarding this issue.

    Further additions:

    - Packet sent/loss information has been added to the in-game FPS/Ping display (toggle with Ctrl+X).
    If you experience any Backports, please share your Packet Info aswell with us.

    - Additional debug information has been added to assist us in diagnosing the problem.

    If you have experienced any backports, please share your movelog.txt file from your Chronicles of Arcadia folder.
    (Feel free to send me a Forum PM and upload it there)


    Просьба расширить историю продаж предметов у НПС.

    Для чего?

    Чтобы, при случаи случайно продажи предмета, мы могли его выкупить, не имея ограничение в 10 предметов. И минимизировать обращения в техническую поддержку.

    Предлагаемое количество: 50(чем больше, тем лучше).


    This was improved with Patch


    Hello, I recently levelled up a bard from level 1 and the biggest drawback was there's nowhere to get a new instrument other than the Varanas NPC. There were no loot items, and nothing in the quest rewards. Lucky I was a bard-scout with the level 80 scout equipment. Anyway, maybe a suggestion if it's ok to have more of a weapon choice for bards as they level up through questing. I have no idea how many other people quest with one, so maybe it's not that big of a deal.


    You can purchase a new dynamic instrument from the Bard Instructor Miquella (standing in front of the Class Hall in Varanas).
    Additionally, when you obtain new elite skills, Miquella will offer you the option to upgrade your instrument, scaling with your level.



    Спасибо за ваше предложение.

    Мы не планируем добавлять платные функции для гильдий, предоставляющие такие бонусы.

    Если у вас есть другие предложения по улучшению игрового опыта для новичков, не стесняйтесь делиться ими с нами.

    С наилучшими пожеланиями


    Спасибо за ваше предложение.

    Неограниченное хранение жетонов Фириуса было удалено несколько месяцев назад и намеренно реализовано в текущем виде, чтобы избежать накопления чрезмерных количеств валюты. То же самое касается ограничений на другие виды валют в списке.

    С наилучшими пожеланиями

    I realized that game is lagging when i play warlock classes. Even though i see i have only 50-60 ms, i am being teleported back and i cant use my skills sometimes. Developers please investigate this problem and fix it.


    Couple important questions that need to be cleared:

    - Does it happen in any zone ?
    - Any specific Warlock subclass ?
    - Does it also happen for you on other classes or only Warlock specific ?
    - When it happens, do you have any specific buffs active ( for example wl iss that gives movementspeed ) ?


    Dear Chronicles of Arcadia Community,

    Yesterday’s technical maintenance on January 8, 2025, took longer than planned due to circumstances beyond our control.

    As compensation and to thank you for your patience, we’re happy to announce that Celebria and the Boss Spawn event will be available on January 9, 2025, from 00:00 to 23:59 CET.

    We greatly appreciate your understanding and support!

    Greetings <3


    The mentioned items are required for more than one production type, so it is appropriate for them to be sold at this NPC.



    This is intentional and has been further clarified with the launch of Prestige Season 3 through the introduction of the Seasonal Vault mechanic. This system ensures that seasonal items are removed at the end of each season to prevent them from accumulating to excessive quantities.


    Если вы хотите предложить предмет для добавления в акцию, пожалуйста, используйте тему "Item Shop Suggestions". В случае с билетами на ежедневный сброс, они обычно появляются в акциях на выходных каждые 28-30 дней.

    С уважением!

    We have an extensive Wiki with Info all around the game , feel free to check it out -> Wiki Link
