Posts by Gjiara

    Parcour is doable and as they said, the tiles are not random anymore and all your
    experiences from x years ago where you were unlucky and had to to barrier with dmg don't matter.

    Other minigames need a bit time too and you don't have to rush all the titles in parcour since the last ones don't give a bonus in the title system.

    If you missclick it is your own fault, because the tile gets highlighted if you move your mouse over it and you can choose a camera position where you won't accidentally click on the wrong tile.

    If you want the titles so badly, buy the cards in shop offers and if you want shells so badly, buy them from the permanent offer in shop.

    Now that you need a bit longer in the parcour minigame, it makes sense again to make the malatina survival game too with the repeat ticket. Ty

    Edit: and don't use the missiles to do the plants, you can burn them.

    when I logged in today I noticed that the VIP Buffs where adjusted (EP + TP are now 7 days) and I can't unbuff the ep and the tp buff. Would be nice if you can fix that.

    Well they finally changed the shot to the normal value too.
    Since I can't come online atm I got a question:
    is only the dps changed or the cd too? (does the cd now depend on the attack speed of the ranged weapon?)

    Well it is true that it is not in the description, but I can confirm, that it works. I started gearing a battlemonk a while ago and it was ok with my scout gear + weapon. Not the main dd, but I think you would play it for the fun anyways. Did not have much time to finish the gear, but hopefully after I finished moving I can play him for real.

    Well, if you farm in Kashaylan you can also have low lvl pets yes. But if you farm in starting zones you won't have those high lvl pets and only low level ones.

    well, farm minigames, get proofs from shards and find a group that lets you take the YELLOW(hos) stats (nobody should care about them) and you will get enough equip to start. If you don't expect to get arcadia stats without having equip there should not be a problem

    lvl 92 with lvl 102. but you will mostly get high lvl eggs. low level is better to start a pet with and will get you more diamonds too

    Was it both at the same time of the day? Because if you don't pay extra money to your provider, you get every 24 hours a new ip address and then you will be logged out of course.

    As i said i run tikal and many party on call mage to be mdps so if other class combo is better then why everyone still only call mage or warlock for mdps in tikal only? i have yet to see the call for scout/mage

    Because the ppl are "intellectual handicaped" (maybe someone finds a better term that sounds politically correct lol).
    It is the same with ppl only wanting mdps and no scouts in hos or looking for mdps for cl. They see one player with overrated equip and another player who can't play his/her class and think they have to run only with exactly this class(-combination) instead of thinking for themselves, what can be good.

    Arthuria, you said in one of your posts before in this thread, that mage is needed in tikal. Since there are other options like scout/mage who can do the mdmg instead, this point is invalid. No point further discussing this. You don't even need to compare mage with other mdps classes, since the topic is to buff the mage. If you want to discuss other mdps classes, you where asked several times to make a new thread, so either open a thread or be quiet, thx.

    The whole calculation is about the total loot. Or do you think you would get all 4 arcadia stats per run?

    And if you can exchange it as currency for other things, you won't need it for extra stats (you get enough in the runs anyways), so it's not that severe to have a 10:1 exchange rate if you want a stat after all.

    Let me rephrase it:
    A lot of people run hos anyways. When they run it, there are 4 arcadia stats that drop each run (sometimes only 3 when the weapon only has one stat). This is an easy way to get the stats (it is not hard anymore).
    The survival items can be collected to get additional stats, but the cores are hard to get. Sometimes you have runs without any cores, so you need over 100 runs to get your 90 cores.
    If you can get 4.5 cores each run for exchanging runes for cores, you only need 20 runs to get your 90 cores. This is still at least 5 times faster than now to get additional stats.

    Additionally you don't even need to get the items as fast as you could get them historically, since you can farm the ini much easier than back then.