Well, not that easy to find a solution that is not op, but does not make low level heals in small instances useless.
Posts by Gjiara
Or instead of making new options, maybe at least exclude boss events and the "worldboss guild mats lights" from being able to be hidden.
Well a GM told me once that they are not as dumb as to make a PoM Event.
Mirrorworld is easy enough to farm PoM if you rly need them that much and the price is a joke today. (I remember being able to sell them for 900-1000 per proof after a new stat was released)
since player skills count as "on mob" effect, the current hide effect on/of monster is not as good as players would like it since without the option, you get a lot of laggs from player skills, but with the option, you don't see part of the boss events.
Is it possible to split that option into two options? So you can hide the skills used from players, but not the boss skills/events? -
i dont like the clean t6 items to farm, because now its a lot easier to tier up your gear like a god. no one need a t12 statted gear, but for the most highendplayer it will be now
ofc the most will say now how you can say this, but well its my opinion heheWell, it had to come at some point of time. Some patches later you will get clean t6 from npc (white 101+). It is the same as t5 or t4 back then. On the other hand, items get higher base tiers over the time, so you still have the same difference than before.
Btw. I was just looking around the internet. Do we get new SW titles and setskills too?
When none of your classes ist lvl 80 or above yet, you can go to the starting map and get one of your classes updated to lvl 80 from a npc there and get a good equip for that class to quest.
I understand drop rate changes were implemented because rare items were dropping to frequently or something along those lines but now tier stone making is a lot harder. Going into bone peak with lucky target and a party with one person, I could obtain 2 green items and 2 blue items, the blues I would pick up, but now I have gone in and killed 5 mobs and out of all of them, with those same drop rate increases, I have gotten one blue. This is an irritating change and I believe I speak for a large portion of the ARoM community when I say the changes to the drop rates should be reversed.
You can get more drop rate buffs than this, then it is ok. Just One buff and expecting a lot of drops was too good anyways. Use pets, titles, potions etc.
Do you use drop buffs?
Tips for doing research expert faster and with less errors:
-use right click to click bottles or disable click to move -> you won't accidentally move around
-hold shift while clicking the bottles -> players won't bother you if they are standing in the way (for pets, just flame them a bit until they put them away)
-take npc into your target + daylie notes + "attack" skill on your favorite keyboard button -> well pretty obvious and mostly everyone should be doing this already (faster taking the quest and completing it)-if you want to do daylie tickets, put them on a key too
-and I think there was an option to disable camera movements via mouse buttons
Hi there,
I've got a toon (Wd/D) which is currently doing the
quests in Sascilia Steppes. For the past few times I've noticed that
this toon can be 1-hitted by the mobs there, which is strange because:- My Wd/D is currently lvl 52/80
- The mobs are lvl 12The
strange part is, that when I'm 1-hitted, I look into my combat log and
see a hit of 1K, but my HP unbuffed is 6K. This happens sometimes when I
battle multiple mobs (where it could be that they are hitting me faster
than my Recover can heal me) but it happens also with single mobs who
attack me, and when I want to attack back, I'm lying on the floorIs there a solution for this bug (and no, I don't want to quest on my lvl 80 Druid)
Well, regardless of the fact that you can open your own thread for your problem:
the problem is your briar shield or your lvl 30 elite skill (the one that gives your whitehits more dmg), that kills yourself if it makes too much dmg in the wrong moment (something like mob dies and the hit has no target, so it targets you)Most likely it is the elite skill and it is like this: whitehit kills mob -> extra hit kills you. that hit does not appear in the dmg log
1. Language: DE
2. Client version:
3. Problem description / suggestion: Bei den neuesten 3 Spiegelwelten wurden die Übersetzungen vertauscht. Den Bildern aus den Patch Notes zufolge sind die Namen auf Englisch richtig. Der Screenshot zeigt an, wie die Namen geändert werden müssen/sollten. Ob noch weitere Sprachen betroffen sind, weiß ich nicht. -
Es gibt übrigens eine "Localization" Unterkathegorie im Forum. (da kommen Dinge hin, die falsch benannt sind)
An sonsten, müssen die Namen nicht immer nach deinem beschriebenen Prinzip vergeben werden. (siehe z.B. Dämon/Illusion)P.S.: Costum -> Custom
You can send me the recipes, I take them.
Macro for doing something when away = bot = not allowed
Leveling defense is for the cool kids and so you have to do it active. Best way to do it is with knight/priest or knight/druid since the defense skill max is the highest on knight and you can heal yourself.
Wasn't there this garden eden where you have your own mobs? use this to raise the skill with no one interfering.
When you heal yourself there is no need to repair your equip btw because it works even with damaged equip.
It is still part of rom, so it has to be considered. Just because you think it is dead does not mean the dev team should just ignore it. That is just a constrained way of thinking.
I don't mind if the dot's are buffed, I just reminded you to be careful when doing it, like you should be in fact with everything regarding balancing. -
You have to be careful with buffing dot's, since it would easily lead to being too op in pvp.
You can get your first class to lvl 80 via npc in the starting ground and you get a starting equipment that is enough to quest on top of it. Do you want to have some gold so you can get your first diamonds from the exchange npc in varanas?
And I propose that they just do what they do and not let the players vote for everything. Just let them make the items how they think it should be and it is fine. Since we don't design/program it, we don't need to have it perfectly like we want it. That's how it works and to get it perfect for every player is just wishfull thinking anyways.
Ps. nobody is going to stop me from writing my opinion (if I don't insult anyone), even if it leads to the apocalypse (not the guild)
to overpowered with 330 damage more and 15% movement speed? Are you for real looking what are you writing?
If this could be setbonus same or better than aoth, here we can speak about being overpowered with it.are you for real looking what you are answering on?
not the new rings that you want to change are overpowered, but the items as a whole that you already have before the patch, so if this new set makes it even better, with all the set bonis, it would be way over the topedit: you farm for new stats and because it is a new ini with new boss events and new environment, not just items
Nadana is totally agree with your post and we seem to think quite alike
For me being a long time player of ROM, since 2009, we always see the few that will always expect brand new best gear at each level cap or new instance, it has never been the case. You always skip a few levels to get the best new accessories or gear in general.
But you even dont know what was from beta server our the 1st purpose to gave them advices of adding theese rings. IT WAS TO REPLACE 2nd AOTH RING AND GETS 3rd SETBONUS.
Well, maybe you would like to replace it, but that does not mean that other players or the dev team have to agree with you and make the set so that you can exchange it. Did you think about the fact, that items are way too good for the content anyways? If you get even more sets to complete, you will just be more overpowered and soon you can run the inis with 2-3 ppl and you will have nothing challenging. So pls don't always want better items.
Sorry - but what do you expect. Do you even know how long Player was testing new instances in the past?
My guildmates was on beta server just like you and some other ppls. So they now how long players was testing.
They gave propositions to open 2nd beta server. To remove all bugs and shortcomings. So we have right to complain about it.I don't think Nadana is talking about the time ppl tested this ini on test server, but about how long ppl needed to try new inis like grafu castle, before they cleared it, way back in the good old times.
As mage/warrior you will get a elite skill that gives you rage. Additionally you can use a skill from a varanas nightmare cape to get full rage and there are always rage potions. That is enough for you to use as Mage since most of your skills will need mana and as Warrior/whatever you would have to use the cape/potions anyways for rage.
PS. Oh yeah in Dalanis you can buy a setskill that regenerates you rage.
Do ypu guys still use dirtystated manastones for tiering up weapons?
PS. maybe not the best thing to do, but if you don't want to learn to play druid as main class, you could do quests up to 10 lvl above your druid lvl with your mage and get the reward with druid to lvl it.
btw. HoT = Heal over Time, not Heal of Time. There ain't no way to heal time itself.
Pets are dying Tikal 2nd boss because of players exploiting the boss.