Posts by Laisha

    While we are suggesting buffs for Knight/mage. Maybe you could change the elemental damage of "Lightning Shield" from wind damage to light damage. Every skill on this class that deals damage, or is supposed to, is based on light damage. If "Whirlwind Shield" would do light damage this class would also have a decent aoe skill.

    I have a suggestion for Mage/Priest. Since you buffed the water damage (e.g. Tide Mastery) could you change the Elemental damage of "Rising Tide" (ID 499608) from fire damage to water damage again? Because at the moment Rising Tide is a really bad Fireball (does half of it's damage) so there is no use at all for this skill.


    Also about mage/rogue, I would like to report what I think is a bug. The skill Gift of the Baron is taking 5% of your HP every second and Night Refuge is a 3 hits inmune but both together dont work, your own bleed consume those 3 hits inmune in a moment. Could you please change it so your own bleed to take it off?

    I wanted to report/mention this as well but a guild member told me that this is the case with all sorts of selfdots/damage absorbs which is why I did not report it. Could a dev give a statement please whether or not this is intended?

    I have a question about the Mage/rouge skill "Shadow Shroud" (ID 492927). Would it be possible to change this into a buff? Although I like the change, because the damage of that skill before the patch was way to strong and overall your aoe skills deal more damage, there are some situations in instances whrere it would be better to recieve 10% less damage than to deal more damage, so it would be nice if you can choose whether you want to activate this or not.

    Why do the following buffs work together for magic classes "Water embrace" ID 491323 (priest/ scout), "Essence of magic" ID 491587 (mage /priest) and "Mysterious reward" ID 494372 Druid /wardens. And for physical classes, only one thing "The Awakening of the Savage" ID 494364 (druid /warrior) or "Increased attack" ID 490491 (priest).

    Why does Hot Stew (ID 200359) only increases physical attack? It's the same thing.
    Why do you want to buff the pysical and magical attack of every class into infinity?

    So I tested the Warrior/Mage today in Rofl (with Mage/Warlock and Warlock/Mage as support as well as Druid as Heal).

    Overall I like the changes since the damage you deal now is higher than it was before.

    The only thing I really don't like nor understand are the "Blasting cyclone" and "Whirlewind". Both deal no damage and now that the Cyclone hasn't any croud control both skills are (imo) useless right now. So maybe give the skills their cc back or at least buff the damage they deal.

    Warrior/Mage has always been a class that needs high magical attack, taking away it's magical attack and exchanging it for magical damage will only reduce it's viability in higher inis and increase it's viability in lower ones.

    In HoS for example, warrior/mage would probably be one of if not the top dps, but take it to gorge and up and it might be one of the lowest ones.

    Please, consider keeping the effect amount per stack the same but changing it back to magical attack power.

    I have not tested it yet, but I will later today, but I don't totaly agree with that. The Warmage still has a decent amount of maggical attack (I have fullbuffed with w/m about 1,3kk to 1,5kk magical attack) and with recent changes to Mage classes you see many different class combinations that can reduce the magical defense of tho bosses (Mage/Warlock, /rouge, /druid) or buff your magical attack further (/priest) not to mention all the other class combinations that either buff your attack or reduce the defence even further.

    As mentioned above I will test this later today but overall I think this class can deal decent damage in all instances.

    I don't know what to think of blasting cyclone. The damage this skill deals is really low and know that it doesn't have the "knock-down" effect I think it's not that usefull. (Again, only tested on puppets and Balton clone)

    The skill Shetamb's Think Tank (ID 850148) sometimes is not active anymore although the skill is equiped (e.g. after you died). You have to switch it with another setskill or un- and reequip an item in order for it to work again.

    You don't need to kill zhe Cavys. You just need to pull a certain amount of them in the circle. After that you can kill the boss. You need to find out (with the hints from the plates) which instrument you need and then lure the cavys in the circle.
