Posts by Laisha


    Changed Meteor Shower to be point and click spell, increased base damage to 1400, removed interruption on getting attack, reduced damage decrement for each extra target to 10%

    Thank you!

    - MK sustained dmg got improved and make a good combo with static field, fireball and stars of light. Glad spammable 3s skill got a bit boost aswell.

    I agree with this completly. I only think that "Holy Light Strike" need a little push upwards with its damage. Even though that skill got buffed by 20% and "Stars of Light" got nerfed by 20%, Stars of Light is still doing more damage than "Holy Light Strike". "Fireball" is also alot stronger so there is no real need tu use "Holy Light Strike" atm.


    A few suggestions regarding Mage/Rogue and Mage/Champ.


    After recent buffs this combination is really nice. It's AoE damage is really strong (especially after catalyst changes) but I think this class still lacks a bit of single target damage. Since this class has great raid support its fine that it does a bit less damage than other classes but still here are my suggetions on how to improve this class (a little bit). So imo either buff "Cursed Fangs" a little bit more or, and I prefer this, change "Throw" to deal dark damage and remove its cd.


    I really like this class and enjoy playing it. I don't have Rage problems with this class but thats just my way of playing it so it may differ with other ppl. My only suggestion would be that when using "Plasma Arrow" not the "charged"- effect gives you 5 rage but the "plasma effect". That way you still generate rage when using "Static field" so you can't go out of rage.

    These statements are all based on my experience and can be different for each player. I'll test other combos in the next few days and write bout them then.


    Warlock/Rogue: Allow to use rogue teleport inside organs or losing 30% dark dmg permanent make the class really bad inside. I would suggest also to use the 3 bleeds this class have to improve Crime skill dmg in only one 0.5s cast.

    !!! Please, change that! That is the main reason I do not want to play that class in rofl


    I have a question regarding Warlock/Rogue.

    Is it intended that "End of Thought" deals less damage than "Shadowstab" or even "Throw"?

    As described in the loca "End of Thought" deals 3824 + 0.3 x INT dark damage, while "Shadowstab" deals 2982 + 0.3 x INT dark damage and "Throw" deals 1924 + 0.2 x INT dark damage. None of these skills have a cast multi so, logically, "End of Thought" should deal the most damage.

    In reality it is quite the opposite, it deals even less damage than "Throw".

    Edit: Thanks for fixing it so fast. :thumbup:


    Summon it up, I woulnd't pick this class yet, it isn't the good choice in any aspect comparing to other dps. Decent in some parts, terrible in others.

    I partly agree. While I haven't tested M/ch and /s yet I think the m/r is (compared only to MAGE) pretty viable. He has a nice group support and does fairly good aoe dmg. I will, however, test other combos as well and give a report then.

    My main problem with the Mage is imo, that he is complety useless compared with other classes. Every pdps easily outdamages the mage (single target and/or aoe) and don't get me started on wl/ch. This class still deals way too much damage compared to other mdps.

    As mentioned above, I will test other combos in the next few days and then write another statement.



    Changed some class pets and cenedrils to update their attributes dynamically depending on owner attributes instead of only during spawn.

    First off all, thanks for also changing cenedrils as well. Now they have a use other than passivly giving you stats. In regards to this I have a question. Is it intended that you can't summon a cenedril and a pet (e.g. of mage/scout or warden) at the same time? If it isn't intended it's bugged atm.


    First of all, I totally agree!

    In addition to that I have a suggestion for Mage/Rogue...atm "Throw" is totaly useless. Other combinations that have rogue as second class have modified "Throw" skills so here is my suggestion. Reduce cooldown of Throw to 1sec and let it do dark magical damage. If you change that skill in this direction, please don't make it as strong as "Shot" because then Mage/Scout would be useless again, because Mage/Rogue has better group support and aoe skills.

    A suggestion regarding Pets. Atm ALL pets, e.g. Mage/Scout or any Warden pet is way too slow. With the amount of additional movement speed you get (ring buff, wings, skills, setboni, etc..) it takes forever for a pet to follow you. This is quite annoying since your pet is supposed to do something on a boss but can't do it because the boss is dead (or in an event phase) before the pet is close enough to use those skills.

    So my suggestion is that you scale the movementspeed of the pet with the movementspeed of its owner.


    Tested Mage/Rogue: Overall dmg is decent but isn't really real. Gift of the baron is hitting things that shouldn't take dmg. Is doing 200-400kk in boss 2 to something with similar name to boss name but isn't the boss itself. Also hits Balton mobs. Single target dmg is probably lowest out of all combos, like 20-30% behind of what I usually do with other mages.

    /Rogue has stronger aoe but i think it's still not viable compared to other classes.

    I tested this comination yesterday and I can't completly agree with this. While I think that the Cursed Fangs need another little push (maybe another 10%) ,because atm their damage is only higher than Flame when it doesn't trigger eruption, I think this combo is very viable in instances.

    It has quite the good aoes (I really liked what you did with "purgatory fire") the single target is not that low either and, as Lutine mentioned some posts earlier, this class has quite good group support skills and debuffs for the boss (which only the mdps benefit from but still good ;))

    These are just my testing results so maybe in a different group with different classes this would be different.


    A suggestion for the Warden/Druid.

    Since this class is designed to be a mdd, could you change "Energy Absorb" so that instead of pdmg your mdmg is increased? Because honestly there is absolutly no use for this skill atm (on this class combination). The 10% -dmg debuff is nice but not needed since no tank (full buffed, during a boss fight with everything ready) needs this because the don't receive much damage anyhow.


    Maybe attach your addons and graphic settings and not mine ;)

    Is doing 200-400kk in boss 2 to something with similar name to boss name but isn't the boss itself.

    I think that are the circles that appear. At least this was the case the last time I played him.

    Regarding the Balton mobs. I noticed yesterday that "Frantic Briar" also hits the Balton Mobs.


    Regarding Mage/Rogue

    Thank you for buffing Cursed Fangs again. I only tested this in Itnal Camp, I'll test it in an actual instance tomorrow, but it seems that Cursed Fangs are now slightly better than Flame (unless it proc Eruption). So maybe buff "Cursed Fangs" a little bit more so that there is a real reason to use this skill (and not only once every 15sec).

    But as mentioned above, I'll test this in an instance tomorrow.


    Thoughts on the Warmage after recent changes.

    Overall I like the changes that you made, they buffed the Combo quite a bit so that it is pretty decent now.

    The only skill I have a suggestion for is "Thunder Sword". This skill ,atm, is a waste of talent points. It does absolutly no damage whatesoever (Lightning Touch does 4x its damage) , it is a chanal, so you can't use anything else and it does single target damage.

    My suggestion is that you increase its damage (a bit) and change it to an aoe skill (like "Chain of Light" of Priest/Warrior), so the skill is at least viable in larger mob groups.

    Another thing I noticed is that you are oom really fast with "Whirlewind", "Blasting Cyclone" and "Shout". I think 8% Mana on cyclone is a bit too much so maybe change it to 5%?


    Just a question for rofl. I have not tested it since the patch but there was nothing written in the patch notes. It occurs at Boss 3 in Rofl. While eaten by Jerath you can cast the ISS Siphonic Etching (Level 70) and you will heal yourself with it. As I understand it you disabled that with the Level 100 Version so I just wanted to let you know that the 70 Version still works and wanted to know whether or not this was intended.


    I can't tell you exactly in what situation this occured since normally there is more than one person interrupting a skill. But It seemed to me that it doesn't work sometimes and some guild members said they had similar experiences.

    We will keep an eye on it and should it happen again, I'll let you know.


    As I see, Defender's Roar and Grace of Life effects are stacking and working together with all effectiveness. If you share more details I can investigate further.

    In just tested it again and they work together for about 1 min. After that I lose the 10,4% HP (I don't of which skill since they both add 10,4%. (Without any buff) (With Grace of Life) (With both skills at the beginning) (With both buffs after 1min)

    Morale Boost stacks are being deducted only by spells which are tagged as physical attacks, if you share which skill isn't deducting stacks of it, I can investigate it either.

    First of all, the buff is provided for the whole raid (not only the party) which as I understand it should not be the case. ALthough members that are not in the party get the buff it does not work ( stacks are not deducted and the buff just runs out). On party members it seems to me that only the first attck (in my testing it was an auto attack) gets buffed and the following attacks only deduct the stacks but don't amplify the damage.

    (And in addition: The loca of that skill still says 4stacks)



    -Lighting's Touch: Add: "Increases Wind damage taken by the target by 2%, can stack up to 3 times."

    -Wind Bastion: Add: "Your Probing Attack increases your magical attack by 10% for 6 seconds."

    -Thunder Sword: Increase damage to 2000 + 0.25 wind damage

    In addtion to that I suggest that maybe 1-H weapon mastery is increasing wand damage (or mdmg in general, e.g. the way it is for the Warden/Druid). If this would be the case pls don't use the 82% it gives now but maye half (or even a third of it or 10%).

    If this is what you tested then maybe it is true for you. All I can say is that this is not true in my case and therefore I don't think this class is dead. And since we're starting to get OT here maybe we should stop this here or continue this discussion in a private conversation.



    Why did the warden/druid weaken so much? You just killed him. Get him permanent damage. He was inferior to the others on zerg.

    I completly disagree. The change on Sepal Stab was more than necessary since the Oak Walker did way too much damage so I think this change was good. Overall this class did not loose that much damage. Yes, one perma buff git nerfed but in addition he got a really stron new buff that more than compensates for that.
    Regarding the AoE damage..this class still does decent aoe damage. Yes you have to play it a little bit different compared to before the changes but it still is decent.

    And lets not forget the fact that this combination has several group/raid buffs that increase the damage of the whole raid(!), which makes it valuable in other ways.

    I tested it in rofl (an NO I don't have golden gear and NO I don't have a T18 weapon) and overall the damage was pretty nice. Not overpowered, not dead.

    Edit: I really like the fact that there is another class you can use then wand on. Thanks for that!
