Posts by Baboon

    I think, if they change bleed from katana, it should be enough, if u already seen new sets and buffs that sets will give you, katana should be a bit stronger.

    Regarding energy restore:

    I guess its depends on your current energy, so if you have 75 energy it will be restore only 25, because for me its always restore 50, if I have less than 50.

    You don't test anything before complaining?

    Это не жалобы, а констатация фактов. Если бы это было что-то сложное, требующие измучивающих тестов - одно дело, а это видно невооруженным взглядом. Просто элементарно, если спросить игроков какой связкой играть на том или ином классе - сразу слышишь ответы, люди даже раздумывают :D Почему? Потому что, повторюсь, здесь нечего проверять.

    well, and who did you ask? :D are so funny, while do quests you already know whats class is balanced and whats not, even not being in instance, except malatins....better ask Zyrex, Kaga, Lutine, Black or someone else about class balance, but Zyrex told you before, how we builds raids and etc. As rogue player i can tell that all rogues combination are good.

    При чем уважении, баланс полностью отсутствует. Люди бегают конкретными связками, потому что они имеют преимущество над другими. Классы просто делятся на 3 уровня. 1 уровень - топы(рог/колдун, вар/скаут), 2 уровень(перечислять не буду, но это классы которые еще хотя бы что-то могут), и 3 уровень - мертвые классы.

    Система требует тотального баланса, рано еще говорить о ПВП, когда ПВЕ не готово от слова: "совсем".

    at the moment the whole classes in game is way more balanced than like 5 years ago, when only a few combos will playable(w/m, s/wd, k/m and wl/m as support). all rogue combos are good right now, except r/p maybe. most of warrior combos are good, champions is not too bad also. mages is way different thing, but anyway they are good and +- has a same dps as others than like before, when mages was op. there is a few class combo like k/wl, that you can play with chain/leather/plate gear, d/wl dps class for priests. even scouts are good, but i think they should a lil bit buff it.

    regarding pvp:

    there is will be a new pvp system with own pvp items, stats, skills and etc. so, talking about pvp is not entirely appropriate at the moment, just my opinion.

    Now im agree with devs about Agnes changes. it's really helpful for new players. I was banned for 7 days, i had nothing to do and i created a new character. After i finished WB quests line i already got 1k+ dias by sell gold from quests. 1k+ dias at the start its good. I can get elite skills, buy magical parfume to farming 99 lvl for gold and sell it. its simple for new players.

    And players who play on this server like about 10 years i guess they should have a millions of diamonds. Just look at Stunter, i remeber him when i came to the sever at 2016-2017 and we was farming tikal and then im left when they released infenro and then im back again at 2022 he still playing and already have a 3 gears. I think for him and for someone who playing on the server for a long time its not a problem to spend 1k diamonds to get 100kk gold. If someone dont have, just a spend like 20 mins at 99 lvl inst. + we have Agnes who still gives us 30kk + Atlas Defense.

    They need to change combat system in the game, now combat system work like if someone from party/raid start combat whole raid will entry in combat(if you are in range ofc.). In others mmorpg combat system working like, if you start combat then only you will entry combat and your opponent, and after some seconds if you dont do nothing, you leave from combat.(i mean if you are not hitting a target or not healing someone who already in combat and etc.) Thats how combat system works in WoW.


    Remove npc Cedric and add new exchanger npc.

    Add new npc who will be like Agnes and Cedric at the same time, Cegnes.....

    What will he do:

    This is npc will have something looks like a bank, so when newcomers or someone exchanging his gold to diamonds, this gold will be adding to bank of NPC and then an old player or someone else who needs a gold can exchange his diamonds to gold and this diamonds will be adding to bank also.

    But the 1st problem is:

    If newcomers will not exchange his gold to diamonds, so other players will not to see a gold. xD

    But anyway i think this suggestion is not bad, because it will help to control a price of currency on the server. So, for example right now the price of gold on AH is higher then was npc price and some people who wants to get more diamonds put a offer like 100kk for 10k diamonds and etc.

    regarding last change with gold npc

    1) add npc who will sell rofl fragments, like gorg and inferno

    2) reduce cd time to exchange cores, like up to 2 per day or remove it all

    it really helps for newcomers to get gold gear and start farming dc

    because rofl is already old ini and for some people rofl it just like AC farming and get some gold pulls to sell it for diamonds

    3) remove gold cost for guild buffs and rune extracting

    And as Ramer said you still needs a bunch of gold to create a tier stones and upgrade cards. So now tier stones will cost more, because you need to spend more time on it, so it is bad for newcomers, who dont want to pay money for diamonds.

    Is it possible to change proc effect of perfect slice skill from exclamation mark to screen effect or volume up sound to be higher then other spells?

    My suggestion to rogue classes.

    1. Reduce cooldown of Assassins Rage from 5 to 3 minutes.
    2. Reduce to half physical defence reduction from Fervent Attack like Bersek spell on warriors.
    3. Shadowstab and Blind Spot. So this two spells got a same mechanics, i dont understand why some rogue combination uses Blind Spot and some not and the class combination who using Blind spot using it in a stupid way, for example rogue/priest got the same buff effect from Blind Spot and Low Blow, same way as rogue/knight and also get elemental damage from this spell. So it makes Shadowstab useless, except if Blind Spot have CD and you can use Shadowstab. And by the way theres an old bug with this two spells or it just mechanics feature, i dont know. But if you using Blind Spot first it makes bleed to a target on 6 seconds and then if you using Shadowstab you can easily rebleed this effect to 10 seconds. But if using Shadowstab first and then Blind Spot nothing happend, Blind spot just make a damage but without bleed or rebleeding even then timer on Shadowstab Bleed less then 6 seconds. So my suggestion is merging this two spells to one, for example delete Blind Spot and change Shadowstab damage and bleed as well.


    1. Change Fire Concentration to increases fire damage from 50% to 100%.
    2. Change Hell Blades to increases fire damage to 15% from 40%.
    3. Remove 8% fire damage from Blade of Tartarus.
    4. Change damage dealing by Chaos Dagger up to 100% or 110% for example.


    1. Change An Old Friend to increases physical attack power to 12% from 8%
    2. Change Thunderous Rage to increases wind damage to 50% instead of physical damage.


    1. Remove reduction cooldown on Assassins Rage from Remodeled Assassin. Based on first point.

    Some QoL:

    1. Change Poisonous and Energized Hands to can be casting while moving.

    about katana it's really good mechanic, but it will be nice increase a lil bit reaction time of Perfect Slice spell, like up to 2 sec and add some visual effects.

    There is allready a visual and sound effect for perfect slice


    yes, but it's pretty hard to see when u fighting with big packs of mobs, i mean will be nice if they change the "exclamation mark" to kind of screen visualisation like that or make a screen text like <Perfect Slice>