Posts by grox

    Assuming it is same also when you zoom out camera, please contact support in order to perform FDB integrity check to ensure your files were not corrupted while patching.


    Ayelo, Boaedem, 3 cactus cards, Kal'Turssi and Kal'Turstan... don't know how ppl who can't be online 24/7 should have a chance...

    Like mentioned earlier, many of world bosses will be easier accessible.

    Also, making them regular upgrade-able cards instead Unique ones is allowing to obtain additional attributes.

    For world boss cards amounts for upgrading stars are quite low.

    We could also consider just allowing to disenchant old cards as well, but idea about turning it into star sounds more valuable.


    But it is not a minimal effort. Before, everyone who farmed now has to do it again. So you have gamers for idiots, they write that it is minimal effort. Everyone who previously farmed knows how much effort it was and now it is worth nothing, in addition, cards were bought for low prices - due to their rarity and now they are also worth nothing. If you want to go on like this, actually give some bonussy to the new players because the older players will turn their backs on you.

    To get non-rare cards it was possible to just get 2000% drop chance bonus with some items and earlier abusable honor party and get card in every 5 kills. Quite challenging I would say.

    Regardless of all, please note that as mentioned in today's patch notes we are planning to decrease respawn time of world bosses so they are easier accessible.

    Atleast make it possible to exchange rare Cards for Currency to uptodate cards . eg 1k oranges for ayelo etc

    That sounds like an idea.

    We also thought about possibility of turning old card into Star based on rarity or filling some of Kills/Disenchants.


    Fixing an unintended and unnoticed bug is not a crime. Change my mind.

    Entire system was like this from begin. If there is a need, we could think about some ideas for Old cards rather. Like some kind of converting them to New System or selling to NPC. Getting angry about bug fix that was in fact almost giving an abuse (was just missing to actually have "Old Card" in tooltip) surely will not force us to restore a bug. We already keep it like it was for previous zones. So no one is losing anything. We didn't deduct attributes. You weren't lost in anything. To get extra attributes there should be more than minimal effort, because giving attributes for nearly free can cause "attributes inflation", causing every content to be consumed too fast, being bored and not feeling any challenge for becoming stronger.

    As mentioned before, rare cards are always supposed to be changed into Unique anyway, so they are not involved into New System more than card sharing between decks. So even Old card is equal to Unique card in terms of attributes. If we missed some rare cards or you think some should be Unique as well for sharing deck, please just kindly tell us instead reacting with aggression.


    In the past (until Dragonfang Ridge) it was possible to change / roll older cards you still have had before the zone was introduced with new card patch. Now, it seems that you need to farm again every card (think about ayelo and cards like that).

    In my opinion this is a really bad decision and should be changed again to the behavior like it was until dragonfang ridge!

    In the past (until Dragonfang Ridge) it was possible to change / roll older cards you still have had before the zone was introduced with new card patch. Now, it seems that you need to farm again every card (think about ayelo and cards like that).

    In my opinion this is a really bad decision and should be changed again to the behavior like it was until dragonfang ridge!

    Yes please revert that change . Im pretty sure most card enthusiast will be against that change . Feels weird to have spend hours and hours on end to farm a card( like rare rofl cards or the kladoren dipper , ayelo, or create 20 chars for revenge ghost in ystra etc the list is long!) just to have to spend the same amount again to refarm it.


    In first patches of reworked system it never was a case. You had to intentionally obtain card again in new system. Somehow later it got mistakely broken and never reported. We found it and fixed since it was a bug giving big advantage in fact. It was fixed already in earlier added Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Hard Mode).

    Rare cards are always Unique, unless missed (like Vengeful Spirit, will be fixed with next patch).



    Check out the item shop! New weapon skins and shields have been added.

    You can propose visual changes to existing skins or adding them as different weapon type, as well as new skins.

    Please note that suggesting an item does not mean it will be put into the itemshop.

    When requesting changes to items such as a specific weapon please provide ID and name.


    We are planning Newcomers Rework patch this year that would make it easier for new players to dive into Arcadia.

    Current ideas are:

    • Guild Recruitment board where you can add your offer as guild or player.
    • Adding interactive tutorial tips during gameplay connected to Wiki.
    • Tutorial instance that explains combat mechanics.
    • Better starting tutorial zone.
    • Newsletters.
    • Referral system for both invited and inviter.
    • Daily rewards for newbies.
    • Additional collectible activities on all zones with rewards.
    • Information about new possibilities while reaching new level.
    • Reworked Honor party system.
    • Gear Score requirement/recommendation/warning for custom content to ensure new players know where to go.
    • List with suggested content (level/Gear Score).
    • Reducing exp debt for newbies.
    • Adjustments to exp rate to ensure players have enough time to get know game mechanics.
    • Reworked party finding board.
    • Good mount for 3/7 days.

    We would like to get also your opinions on what else would be good. Or which ideas could be bad.

    I will reward every constructive post with cookie reaction &)

    Would you like to participate and give your opinion but it's not your thing to do so in the forums thread? Click to use the Survey and send us your feedback!


    "Fixed house furniture bonuses were providing crafting speed unintentionally for guests."

    It also don't providing crafting speed for you, when you are in own house.


    We are not able to confirm it.

    Can you please tell us if your furnitures are placed and if you are close or far from them? Maybe it is related to distance in external styles.

    Can you please send screenshot of your crafting bonus along with tooltip? Maybe your bonus is too low to give noticeable speed difference.



    Currently not possible, we might add maybe some function in later future. At the moment you can use old technique of addon developers used years ago and just read tooltip lines by strings and extract values or even simply parse item hyperlink. It already contains these information in some format for currents.

    Cards from IDK still not possible to disenchant

    We found reason and will alter a fix in this week.
