Grafu Castle (Awakened) [Patch]

    • Official Post


    Your feedback for Patch - Grafu Castle (Awakened), Prestige Season 2, Crafting Festival may be posted within this thread.

    Please provide us with your thoughts and opinions while keeping all respective rules in mind when you click the reply button.

    Please use this thread only for Grafu Castle (Awakened).

    For Prestige please use Prestige [Patch] thread.

    Feedback should be constructive and provide detailed information, thoughts, and ideas.

    You have ideas how to improve Grafu Castle (Awakened) and don't want or can't write in the forum? You can write us your ideas here.

  • Hello,

    I think it would be a nice QoL change to make the mobs that spawn on B5 (Barkud) attackable and lock their HP at 99% or something like that. That way the tank could at least aggro them.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Hello,

    I guess the tank artefact is kinda weird / not really usefull.

    • Especially as knight with ISS, you absorb a lot of dmg and don't get stacks.
    • on mobbing / trashing the buff is not triggered on all dmg instances. for example it seems that mob skills does not trigger it, only auto attack. it's really really rare up
    • if the use of the artefact is for more aggro -> for burst it is even useless, bcs you literally have 0 stacks for first ~10-15 seconds and they disappear fast. You dodge quite often
    • Incoming damage to buff conversion only 10% -> maybe increase?

    maybe a slight change is needed on any of those points to make it usefull. I guess the intention was more aggro for tanks? While jumping in and initiating combats, you don't have any benefit. Mobs getting stunned and mostly you have no benefit in a full trash fight, especially as knight

    • Official Post

    Maybe you should increase a bit the amount of arcadia coins. Actually 5900 seems a bit low for 7 bosses.


    This is not planned. Soon all Arcadia Coins instances will be rebalanced which includes reducing coins on newer instances and increasing on old ones.


  • I wonder how this is supposed to work since lower instances have nothing that high players need anymore and considering the cost of the new arrows it would not be nice to now lower the amount of coins inside Orkham,since even now the amount of coins gained from Orkham is not enough to keep up with the amount of arrows etc needed. Skills like the AOE iss eats a LOT of arrows.

    So if this would be done than consider to finally lower the price for Arrows from over 8k coins +100 dias for crafting one stack to like 4k please 🥺

    • Official Post


    I think it would be a nice QoL change to make the mobs that spawn on B5 (Barkud) attackable and lock their HP at 99% or something like that. That way the tank could at least aggro them.



    Reason for immune is due to fixing issues with how mobs were originally aggroing to meat (Or often not in the past). We want players to engage with tactic, rather then skipping this and instead allowing tank to replace the meat. Currently there is no plans to change this.


  • I like that you want the players to engage with the tactic. However sometimes mobs ignore meat and will aggro the healers. Or they play aggro Ping-Pong between meat and heal (or other players).


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Reduced offensive attributes of Insidious Bears during Annelia fight

    Reduced damage of Quick Claw Swipe Dot.

    Finally Chain gear can tank again? x.x

    It was supposed to tank with 2 Tanks in original form and I could even tanked both bears before nerf now x.x boring tank instance again.

    I don't know, but the only interesting part as a tank is "how much can I survive". Ask other real tanks that love tanking

    Deleted bcs I can't read english very well

    Reason for immune is due to fixing issues with how mobs were originally aggroing to meat (Or often not in the past). We want players to engage with tactic, rather then skipping this and instead allowing tank to replace the meat. Currently there is no plans to change this.

    Event is not accurate enough. Mobs ignore food. Waves spawning faster than food is respawned. Mobs has eaten food before all were close together. It is luck based atm and a kiting fiesta

    Edited 3 times, last by xLutinex: Ein Beitrag von xLutinex mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. ().

    • Official Post

    Event is not accurate enough. Mobs ignore food. Waves spawning faster than food is respawned. Mobs has eaten food before all were close together. It is luck based atm and a kiting fiesta


    Event was sped up vs original, it will require changing gameplay vs original event, about ignoring meat, it is simply about that meat is having delay when taunting mobs, but we can look to improve it further if there is still issues.


  • If Albert event is active while Albert dies the players that are getting pulled stay marked as enemies and get damage from raid members. Even when revived. You only loose that if you leave the instance

    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • About new Lunar Wrath / Artefact Special Skill.

    Currently feels very underwhelming.

    Besides its low dmg (ranged) making around 1-2% overall, how its activated feels very unsatisfyng as you cant controll it and happens alot that its not up when you need it/up when you dont need it.

    Not sure increasing its dmg output more would be a good idea due to power creep , but changing it to be useable at will with same cooldown would be a nice change.


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • Regarding Freakshow Sidekick card.

    Since the door event in front of b1 in Grafu Awakened has been changed to include a timer (and a delay for klicking), it's nigh impossible to spawn the mob.

    Please consider adding the card to the event reward chest.

  • Hi,

    is the title ID 532344 possible to receive? O.O

    I mean there seems to be no hint at all.

    Same with the title ID 532341. killing Iron Maidens does nothing. Burst boss without iron maidens does nothing.

    People need to get any kind of clue how to achieve things or get frustrated at some time :(


  • Hello,

    the cards with the ID 778342 (Wrestler Mirage) isn't dropping anymore as far as we observed.

    Furthermore, since it doesn't drop anymore, also the mob "Magic Mirage" doesn't spawn anymore and therefore the card ID 778341 cannot drop :D

  • I would like to describe my perception of Grafu from the eyes of a melee dps. I manage to interrupt most of the ALWAYS lethal casts(mostly 1 hit sometime 2hit depends of buffs but - not only 1 mob casting) , sometimes you miss a mob because you still don't see the cast bars under the life bar. Sometimes you die because you get a stun and can't interrupt. Some casts cannot be interrupted 100% of the time. I ask myself every time why only melee dps get such an ass-kicking. Fears,Stun,Deadly Aoes. If you play champion now it gets even worse because you can interrupt every 3 seconds (if you hit them all) but the positioning must always be perfect. I always have the feeling (which is confirmed) that ranged dps only have a fraction of the mechanics they actually have no deadly aoes and only a few stuns and mostly they can just hit stupidly. What do you have against melee dps that you have to punish them like that?

    I would suggest adding mechanics that are also deadly for range dps and stun as soon as they don't get close or don't interrupt the stun can come without delay like in meleerange. it makes it harder but fairer


    No Guts No Glory No Legend No Story.

    Edited 4 times, last by Idhril ().

  • I would like to describe my perception of Grafu from the eyes of a melee dps. I manage to interrupt most of the ALWAYS lethal casts(mostly 1 hit sometime 2hit depends of buffs but - not only 1 mob casting) , sometimes you miss a mob because you still don't see the cast bars under the life bar. Sometimes you die because you get a stun and can't interrupt. Some casts cannot be interrupted 100% of the time. I ask myself every time why only melee dps get such an ass-kicking. Fears,Stun,Deadly Aoes. If you play champion now it gets even worse because you can interrupt every 3 seconds (if you hit them all) but the positioning must always be perfect. I always have the feeling (which is confirmed) that ranged dps only have a fraction of the mechanics they actually have no deadly aoes and only a few stuns and mostly they can just hit stupidly. What do you have against melee dps that you have to punish them like that?

    I would suggest adding mechanics that are also deadly for range dps and stun as soon as they don't get close or don't interrupt the stun can come without notice like in meleerange. it makes it harder but fairer

    Teach your mates to play safety and help you with control :D