Prestige [Patch]

  • Hi everyone,

    I put this post on hold for quite some time now, because I wanted to see if something changes over time, but sadly it did not and now I am here...

    To start on a bit of a positive note, a big thumbs up for DEV's and GM's that do a great job in my opinion. I really enjoy the game (at least most of the time and that's why I had to create this post)

    After another session of Battle-Pass Quests and in particular one quest in sascillia I want to bring to ur attention, that it feels aweful. A game is meant to be a fun time you can enjoy after work and something you can look forward to in your free time. But it feels more and more like a second workplace, because it takes way too much time to complete.

    The already mentioned quest for example took me over 23 minutes, FOR ONE QUEST OUT OF FIVE!! Killing 64 worms, while there are only 16 and every spawn takes over 3 minutes?! all in all it took me over 80 minutes to get all quests done, because the numbers you have to collect or kill are ridiculous and get worse every day... -.- Highest was over 90!!! Please for the love of god bring those numbers down or reduce the spawntime to like one minute, or if it stays like this then at least push the exp for such a quest, because 1.4k is way too little for 23+minutes running in circles and waiting for spawn.

    I was lucky and could farm alone, imagine if there are 2 or 3 who need to farm them!

    I really hope this topic gets attention and can be fixed a bit, because it feels really shitty and not game like!

    Have a nice day everyone and good drops in your runs :)

  • ich bin bei Halbgott II und heute waren es 156 Rhanka-Wanderer töten in der höchsten Quest, einmal 62 Laphraag-Patrouillen töten und 56 und 48 Blumen pflücken. Rhanka sind 16 Stück da, Patroillen 12, mein Vormittag war gelaufen.

    Ich werde das jetzt gnadenlos durchziehen bis zur höchsten Stufe, weil ich es einfach mal wissen will. Ich denke aber bei der nächsten Staffel werde ich nur die nötigsten Tapferkeitsmünzen farmen und mich mit dem Einlog- und Spielzeitbonus begnügen. Es nimmt einfach zu viel Zeit in Anspruch, die ich gerne für etwas anderes einbringen würde.

    Ich fürchte mich heute schon wenn die Quest kommt, Langlokee-Gärtner abfarmen für 156 Questteile.... nur jeder dritte bis vierte Mob lässt das Teil fallen und natürlich dauert es, bis die wieder auftauchen.

    Ansonsten auch Daumen hoch für die Idee, wirklich gute Idee. Nur die Anforderungen in den höheren Stufen sind zu gewaltig. Ich hatte ja schon vorgeschlagen, dass jeder Mob das Questteil fallen lässt und kürzere Spawnzeiten. Oder zumindest einen zweiten Kanal

  • I played the prestige quests for quite a while now, and there is one thing, that I may suggest as a change @DEVs.

    When the prestige quests reset in the morning, or when I log in, the prestige system automatically "consumes" all quest items, that match the prestige quests. This by itself is a nice feature.

    BUT, sometimes I wanted to do the daily quest, and NOT the prestige quest.

    but this is not possible, as long as you don't complete the whole prestige quest, you cannot do the daily quest, as all daily quest items are consumed, the moment you get them.

    My suggestion is: Make a checkbox for each prestige quest, so I can check on or off any prestige quest, that I want to actually do this day. When prestige quest is checked off, it will leave the daily quest items in my bag, so i can do it.

  • Reason this has not been addressed? I actually enjoyed this for the first 10 days or so, but then the objective of the quest just got to high and was no longer fun. I know the devs want us to do Prestige Plus instead of this one and making it annoying is one way to do that, but that tactic turns people away mostly. I'll let my regular pass expire. I mean, why pay for something that is neither challenging or fun to do.

  • Die erforderliche Kill-Anzahl stört ja keine. Störend ist es, wenn von den geforderten Mobs nur 8-12 Stück vorhanden sind und die eine Zeitspanne von 3 Minuten+ haben. Dann dauert die Quest ewig, zumal es in den meisten Ländern nur einen Kanal gibt.

    Lösung wäre hier entweder mehr Mobs oder kürzere Spawnzeiten

  • Ist halt ein Server für Arbeitslose...kündigt Euren Job werft Eure Familie aus dem Haus und geht aus der Feuerwehr raus oder Sportverein...dann könnt ihr auch die 120 Mob´s kill´n^^

    P.S. Ich als Schichtarbeiter schaff das nicht und deshalb auch keen Prestige!

    • Official Post


    Hakurren, Deki, Elfentrampel, Xanadú, Shimpoo, Walsroder,

    We will make every effort to weaken some of the current quests to an adequate level so that the time spent at the highest Prestige levels will not exceed more than 20-30 minutes for 5 quests, not just 1.

    We also expect these changes to appear as early as the new season. Thank you for waiting, for your patience and of course for your feedback!

  • First of all, I would like to say that I find the concept of the Battle/Prestige Pass very cool, as it offers many useful features for both free-to-play and low to high spenders. However, even for a highly investing player, achieving everything at maximum level is hardly feasible. Especially with only daily quest completions, reaching the maximum level will not be possible, and even if one manages to reach it, it's likely to be just before the pass expires. In my opinion, this is very unfortunate because it means you cannot fully utilize the entire splendor of the pass over a longer period of time.

    Now, onto my suggestion: the pass typically runs for 90 days, which means at least 4 passes per year, starting from scratch each time... This doesn't really improve the situation. Therefore, I believe the best way to enhance the pass is by extending its duration to at least 180 days, resetting it twice a year. Players, regardless of their financial means, will be motivated to invest more time and money, perhaps even purchasing higher-tier memberships. With the longer duration, completing the pass becomes more achievable. Consequently, players can benefit from the pass's completeness for a longer period.


  • The way I see it, the Battlepass as it is now is pretty crap. In my opinion, other battle passes are such that you permanently unlock something like a skin or whatever. so if I finish the battle pass by the end of its time, that's good and I don't need it any longer. But here, you mainly unlock passive bonuses that don't actually do you any good until you're at a higher level. But once you've reached this level, the 90 days are most likely over or you're a complete idiot and spend 100k diamonds...

    My suggestion would also be to increase the time period, at least to half a year. or simply leave out the reset completely.

    And I think adding gold and platinum memberships is a bad joke.

    • Official Post

    A detailed description of the latest Prestige patch.

    • Courage Coin currency, Prestige progress, and benefits from the start of Beta Season have been reset. All Courage Coin currency purchased with diamonds has been saved.
    • Added 2 new Prestige subscription types: Gold & Platinum. The difference between the subscriptions will only include the availability of new benefits. To purchase new subscriptions, use the in-game store to purchase a Prestige Pass.
    • 20 new benefits have been added:

    Prestige (Gold & Platinum Pass)

    - Prestige Boost Accelerator: When you complete daily Prestige quests, you will automatically receive +X minutes to an active boost. This works with both manual and auto-completion quests for diamond.

    - Courage Coin Subscription: Allows you to receive X Prestige currencies daily.

    Cells (Gold & Platinum Pass)

    - Wardrobe Magic Expander: Increases the available number of magic wardrobe cells by X.

    - Partner Bag Expander: Increases the available number of cells in the partner's bag by X.

    - Transport Book Expander: Increases the available number of teleport book cells by X.

    Social (Gold & Platinum Pass)

    - Harmony of Hearts: Additionally increases the relationship experience by +X%. The function works only if the benefit is active for both partners.

    - Love Bridge: Allows you to teleport to your partner X times a day for free.

    Craft & Gathering (Platinum Pass)

    - Rune Economy: Allows you to use crafting without using crafting runes.

    - Resource Locator: Displays the location of resources on the world map.

    Housing (Gold & Platinum Pass)

    - Plant Shield: Protects 100% of any kind of plants from wilting.

    - Energy Boost: Provides X energy for your home once a week.

    - Hospitable landlord: Increases the available number of furniture cells by X units.

    Care (Platinum Pass)

    - Aura of Rebirth: Allows you to respawn without losing the hero's effects, which usually disappear at death.

    - Immortal Experience: Allows you to be reborn without the debt of experience.

    - New Dawn: If you die in the dungeons, you will be reborn at the beginning of the dungeon, not in the open world.

    - Exploration: Notifies in the center of the screen with a message and also displays the location of elite monsters and bosses on the global map. The feature is only available for the open world.

    - Loot Collector: Allows the pet to collect loot from slain monsters without having to use potions for X minutes. The last level allows you to use an unlimited amount of time.

    Auction House (Gold & Platinum Pass)

    - Auctioneer: Offers X Free Gold Auction House Promotions per month. (Maximum Length of Promotion Time: 7 days)

    Utility (Platinum Pass)

    - Priority Mail: Your letters for other players will be delivered in priority order, they will always be in the first place for the recipient and highlighted in a special color. Also, when sending and receiving emails, players will receive a notification in the form of a running line in the center of the screen.

    - Magic of Conversion: Allows you to use a magic converter without using cores X times.

    • A new store for Prestige currency has been added. You can find it in the main menu of Prestige. The store offers unique items for sale, which will help to speed up the process of improving monster cards, as well as accelerate the progress of Prestige.
    • The intermediate rewards for Prestige level upgrades have been completely changed. You will now receive items that will be sold in the Prestige store. We believe that this way you will be able to get to know these items better, and will also allow you to better diversify your gameplay.
    • Benefit prices have also undergone changes to reflect their popularity. The price in each new season will depend directly on their value and will change dynamically.
    • Official Post

    The way I see it, the Battlepass as it is now is pretty crap. In my opinion, other battle passes are such that you permanently unlock something like a skin or whatever. so if I finish the battle pass by the end of its time, that's good and I don't need it any longer. But here, you mainly unlock passive bonuses that don't actually do you any good until you're at a higher level. But once you've reached this level, the 90 days are most likely over or you're a complete idiot and spend 100k diamonds...

    My suggestion would also be to increase the time period, at least to half a year. or simply leave out the reset completely.

    And I think adding gold and platinum memberships is a bad joke.


    First of all, I would like to say that we are grateful that you leave any feedback by dedicating your time to this. Additionally, for my part, I would like to add that any "imperfect" ideas that may be present in one idea or another in our game will be improved. However, we do not plan to increase the season from 90 days to 180 days, but to consider a balance where players can reach higher ranks to be able to enjoy all the benefits in a longer term we will definitely consider. Please be patient and in time you will see all the positive changes.

  • Maybe add the feature, that you dont loose your prestige level for gold+ members, when new seasons start. Maybe you can earn more money with that feature

  • Greetings.

    First of all, I would like to say that we are grateful that you leave any feedback by dedicating your time to this. Additionally, for my part, I would like to add that any "imperfect" ideas that may be present in one idea or another in our game will be improved. However, we do not plan to increase the season from 90 days to 180 days, but to consider a balance where players can reach higher ranks to be able to enjoy all the benefits in a longer term we will definitely consider. Please be patient and in time you will see all the positive changes.

    Maybe add the feature, that you dont loose your prestige level for gold+ members, when new seasons start. Maybe you can earn more money with that feature

    Gold+? For all types of subscriptions.

    It should be understood that 90 days is very short for today's realities. To raise the level without buying coins / experience - it will turn out somewhere in 2 months +, that is, there is simply no point in prestige, because using it for 1 month, and paying for 3 is not good.

    You have several options:

    1) Leave everything as it is, and make the season 180 days

    2) Leave 90 days, but increase the reward for quests x3

    Also, to change the price for prestige, no one wants to pay for a regular premium, which does not really give anything as much as 50 euros. That's a lot.

    Make the price 25 and 30 for gold and platinum.

    Your kill with the latest prestige update all desire to buy prestige, no more.

  • Ok, first of all, I really love this game, been playing on and off again for the last 14 years. I do realize that I am speaking of RoM, however...I think you understand my meaning.

    Ok, I've played CoA on and off for the last two years, I've always preferred this game over the OG RoM because of the ExP buff, class freedome, much less grind and the obvious love of the the developers have for this game. I have never minded giving you guys money, it's a great game a the developers need to be paid. Long story short, I paid for prestige+, I did all those quest, time out of my life to complete. At first no problem, but near the top tears.... 109 worms that spawn every 10 min.... I bitched but I kept going. I finally got where I was making some progress with my purchase and time investment. I saw a plan for all 11 toons to finally get to 105, a sweat buff and a joy at spending money in this game.

    Then I awoke a few days ago, I found all my work and time that I paid for in questing and in Courage Coin was "reset" after 90 days. This was totally my fault and my misunderstanding. I was stated clearly in the forums and on the wiki. This was always the way Prestige+ was supposed to work. I get it.

    Guys, it took the wind out of my sails. I just wasted all that time, all that grinding. I bitched on the forums about the time it took to clear some of the higher prestige quest. But when it seemed like all that work was just tossed. I no longer look forward to coming home after work and playing this game. I no longer care about spending money on PNC on this game when my grind, my daily qust grind gets pissed away every 90 days.

    So some suggestions...

    When you paid for the advantage of earning courage coin you get a percentage (say 20%, enough to matter in a menial way) of them returned to you if you continue your prestige+ sub at the end of 90 days, the ones you earned, not paid for. If you let your Sub laps then you do have to start all over from the beginning. Yes, people that keep playing and paying will max this system out. That is called loyalty, something that should be celebrated, not shunned because it doesn't bring in the big Euros.

    Aslo, adding the ability of wasting CC on the chance of buffing your prestige + exp, ect... that is just money grubbing and sad. Whoever made that suggestion... "yes, every employee knows who you are". Please go, and keep your profit expansion ideas away from the audience of gamers that support this game. And, i'm not talking about Whales, let them fools waist there money on the top spot. Fish them for everything they are worth. Remember, make them feel special and let the rest of us have fun.

  • Hi all,

    maybe add a benefit to whatever Prestige level, that you can hide your class. So nobody can see in ranking and cannot even see in open world or in the group, which class you play :)


  • Why this stupid idea is needed or should be ...

    why not? Maybe some ppl want to play classes and don't always want to be copied?


    Courage Coin Subscription is a little bit scam I guess. for example at purple stage, you pay 1537 courage coins and get 10 for free daily? within 90 days it would be 900 free coins for price of 1537 :D

  • You mean your getting copied? Your serious? I don't want to offend someone but I think it's really obvious what the "meta" is and most end game players know which class combis are strong they most proly play classes and test them because they can read patch notes imagine.... ,only people that might copie without having clue are low lvls and newbies and I can't understand why it should be bad if they look into leaderboard and play stuff very high people play to be inside "meta" you can't tell every newbie or casual to always know about all classes and combinations and which on is strong^ but just my opinion so yeah I can understand Idhrils statement

  • Why so offensive? It's ok to have priority mail but class hiding makes you ppl so offensive?

    It is just an idea and nothing impossible to implement. It is kinda same like ranking hiding.

    No need to be such offensive.

    If some ppl would like such feature and therefore buy prestige, why not.


    What about adding no gear durability loss with the aura of reviving?

    Right now some features of the gold and platin subscriptions are very low or even useless to activate compared to the plus features

    Edited once, last by xLutinex: Ein Beitrag von xLutinex mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. ().

  • Yeah I am offended you got me. I always watch other ppl xD and ask them how to play classes :D

    I am not. I think this is just not necessary.

    Beside this:

    "What about adding no gear durability loss with the aura of reviving?"-Lutine

    Is a very good idea since this upgrade is quite "expensive".


    No Guts No Glory No Legend No Story.

    Edited 2 times, last by Idhril ().

  • Honestly I don't get the fuss about Lutines suggestion.

    Is it a necessary feature? Quite obviously no. However, neither are priority mail and many of the other features. These, as far as I can tell, are meant to be gimmicky and there is no harm in that.

  • Hello,

    In my opinion, there is a big difference between the login reward + 10 Minute + 30 Minute exchanges and the 60 Minute + 90 Minute exchanges.

    In my opinion, while the Login+10+30 Minute rewards are so valuable, I think the 60 and 90 Minute exchanges should also be more valuable?

    • Official Post


    What about adding no gear durability loss with the aura of reviving?

    Right now some features of the gold and platin subscriptions are very low or even useless to activate compared to the plus features

    We can't give a definite answer to your question about adding a zero wear feature to equipment when activating a resurrection aura. However, we will take your suggestion into account when developing future benefits. Thank you for your idea.


    In my opinion, there is a big difference between the login reward + 10 Minute + 30 Minute exchanges and the 60 Minute + 90 Minute exchanges.

    In my opinion, while the Login+10+30 Minute rewards are so valuable, I think the 60 and 90 Minute exchanges should also be more valuable?

    Rewards available in the first minutes of game activity have been carried over from the old VIP system. They are a fixed component and cannot be removed from the system. At the same time, subsequent rewards were developed independently and are not directly linked to the initial rewards, which explains the difference in their value.