Warden Class [Feedback]

  • Hi tank community,

    what does other tanks think about this change?

    • Reduced Protection of Nature HP share to 4% from 8%.

    Compared to Knights threaten + new Grace of Life, it seems that the 4% is too low.

    We tested yesterday in orkham and a dps closely survived the electrocute hit from mobs. With a knight tank, they also survive a hit. Now with the nerf to 4%, you literally die again with warden tank (yes, you can interrupt, but it is for testing purpose).

    I know it is hard to balance and 8% + threaten from knight dps would be insane. Hence my suggestion:

    • Increase ratio back to 8% and change it to be only share if spirit of the oak is summoned
    • Change knight threaten for dps knight classes, that it does not reduce attack power of enemies
    • Change w/p debuff that it does not apply any debuff on enemies, if you have a warden or champ tank (with Warrior, warlock and rogue tank it is still usefull)


  • Then just interrupt electrocute hit. Warden is not equal knight class, why do you think, that dps must be survive after cast with warden tank in party? Warden have overpowered stuns, use it and all will be okay. 4% its okay now, i think. Developers said me: "Warden is designed to be stun tank". Let it stay that way.

  • That is why I thought about exclusive functions from threaten, champ def and warden HP

    You just read "for testing purpose"?

    And you should know, that you cannot interrupt everything. Some skills just cannot be interrupted and instants btw cannot be by design.

    Don't be so ignorant in purpose of making tank classes equal for the raid. Stuns doesnt help you, if targets cannot be stunned or interrupted:)

    • Official Post


    We generally categorize types of defense into reactive and preventative defense.

    Wardens, by far, have the strongest reactive defense in the game; however, the current endgame instances do not lean very well to reactive defense. Much of the damage affecting the party outside of the tank can't be played against with a stun or general interrupt. In order for Wardens to ever be viable as a main tank in any of the current endgame instances, they therefore had to be given a strong enough form of preventative defense.

    In addition, Grace of Life is now much stronger on tanks than it was before, allowing parties to double dip when both sources of the buff are properly equipped. As stated earlier, we will monitor this closely.

    The combination of Threaten and Traces of the Cross Sword reduce the parties damage taken by roughly 65%. We aim to achieve similar numbers for Champions and Wardens. We do not want tanking to come down to a numbers game, but rather offer unique effects from each class to distinguish them; while it should be possible to conquer the vast majority on the game with just one class(combination) on this role, we aim to have substantial performance differences in instances between them.

    This can be seen to it's fullest in Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom, where a Knight/Champion can easily cut down run times by 40% on the average run by itself. While it is no longer an endgame instance, this was already the case on release. We've seen similar trends in other instances. Wardens were drastically underperforming in both Grafu and Orkham.

    Generally, we'd also rather overpower than underpower with changes on tanks, as it's better for the player base to have a class that is too strong for a week than one that can't be played at all. Unlike with DPS classes, overpowered classes tend not to affect raid speed significantly either. However, we obviously we aim for a balanced environment in the end.



  • A pure "stun tank" is not viable in endcontent. There simply are too many damage sources for the group that cannot be avoided by interrupting. Tanks need to bring reliable damage mitigation in some form to the table.
    The only way of providing "preventative defense", as Brontes put it, via stuns would be some form of permastun. I'm very glad they stay away from such boring design choices.

  • Regarding Warden/Warrior.

    The class has way to many buffs to be played comfortably. This observation mainly comes from a dps point of view, however I've been told by our tank that they face the same issue.

    I suggest modifying Berserk via one of the elite skills to be a toglle skill without duration. The rage cost should be removed too, so tanks can easily toggle it whenever they want.

  • Hello

    Regarding Wd/s.

    What I mean is that every time we change zones or enter dungeons the skill from the centaur (Valiant Shot) ‘resets’, that is, its auto-attack is disabled. Therefore, I propose that when we activate this skill in autoattack mode, any zone change should not affect its deactivation. Furthermore, it would be necessary to solve this problem on the rest of the warden's class combinations.

  • In general, there are regular problems with the centaur. If you start hitting, and the centaur was standing far away and started shooting from there, you don't get a buff on attack speed. He also regularly provokes mobs that shouldn't have been touched. It would be great to improve the management of such pets in general, not just the centaur.

  • Hi, from my experience I don't have such problem with buffing from chiron. He always come to melee with me even if I start hiting in range. The only occasion on which he don't follow me is when my first target is not dead and I go to an other one away from the first. The pet just stay to the first one until the target dies and comeback to me. In this occasion yes he don't buff me because I'm too far away from him. Maybe describe me a place and occasion on which it happens so I can try it.

    For the aggro on mobs, by deactivating the skill ctrl+4 from the pet skill bar (the shield one) I don't have aggro problems or it's really rare. The only aggro problem I can have is when I move a bit close to a boss or a mob, the pet walk in front of me and aggro it.

    One thing I found out is when I want to make the pet stop attacking the ctrl+1 skill is not enough to stop it, I need to press both ctrl+1 and ctrl+2 to stop it, I think it would be nice to change it by just ctrl+1 to stop everything.


    Greetings !