Warden Class [Feedback]

  • 8e77b962af4b51978f3df293607fb9de.png

    Can you consider updating this global value to ~ 50%? Wardens and Priest/Warrior are currently underperforming heavily, even in Orkham.

    I also did not hear that Mage/Scouts and Priest/Scouts are breaking the meta.

  • I suggest to change sonic chop from warden bard to dynamic cd like piercing arrow min: 1 max 2 sec cd depending on mainhandweapon atk speed


    No Guts No Glory No Legend No Story.

    Edited 2 times, last by Idhril ().

  • Hello, in my opinion wardens are not strong as other chain classes and they need some changes. Can you change some skills :

    Make this skill increase our physical damage by 16.2%

    Make this skill also increase our pet's physical attack speed by 15%

    Change this skill to give us 18% physical damage instead sword and axe damage.

    And you should also change base damage of pets. Pets need higher physical damage in instances.

  • I disagree.

    Pets are very strong right now. Especially Warden/Rogue and Warden/Scout can compete with any strong class.

  • I disagree.

    Pets are very strong right now. Especially Warden/Rogue and Warden/Scout can compete with any strong

    Well, i play warden/mage usually. I didnt play warden/scout or warden/rogue so much. Classes like warden/mage need some changes My pet does 20kk hit maximum on burst. I dont know how much your pet hits. But in my opinion 20kk hit is not enough for burst to compete with other chains

  • I disagree.

    Pets are very strong right now. Especially Warden/Rogue and Warden/Scout can compete with any strong

    Well, i play warden/mage usually. I didnt play warden/scout or warden/rogue so much. Classes like warden/mage need some changes My pet does 20kk hit maximum on burst. I dont know how much your pet hits. But in my opinion 20kk hit is not enough for burst to compete with other chains

    Do you already have the two new sets? Pets scale enormously with your patk (apart from Chiron, which scales with your pdmg), so the difference is very noticable.

    Moreover, Warden/Rogue deals quite significant burst damage on its own and Warden/Mage should be played with Nature Crystal for the major part of the instance, so you can't reduce those classes to just their pets.

    In my experience, the only Warden that performs under the average is Warden/Warlock.

    Moreover, if you want to maximize Oak walker pet damage, you have to adjust your titles, robot and dynamic attributes.

    PS: My highest Sepal Stab (with patk roll) was 60kk with Xemens bugged dmg mitigation and 39kk on Runic Machinery I believe.

  • Well, i heard that warden/rogue is good. But i can also say that warden/warlock is very bad and it really needs some buffs.

    They should increase pet's attributes

  • Warden/Scout

    • Changed Sacrifice of the Pirate to be toggleable skill.

    With the toggle, the -dmg debuff on Chiron is temporary so basicly Warden/Scout now has free perm 30% pdmg buff. Please fix the debuff on Chiron to be permanent and to reapply the debuff if summoning a new Chiron.


    • Increased Essence of Poison damage gain to 32.5% from 24%.
    • Increased Psychic Shadow physical damage scaling to 20% from 10%.

    Could still need some love. I like the idea to make it scale more with physical dmg but the physical attack scaling is still so much stronger, making pdmg food useless in comparison. Can you further increase the physical damage scaling, but reduce the physical attack scaling?

  • Warden tanks still have the problem with big pulls, because Power of the Wood Spirit only hits 6 targets and Cross Chop hits around your target.

    I suggest to change Cross Chop for warden/knight, /Champ and /warrior, that it is an AoE around yourself like Whirlwind Shield from knight


  • Regarding Warden/Warrior

    Right now Coat of Arms is kinda useless imho.

    I suggest to change Coat of Arms (ID 494611) that it is an aura to oneself. giving the same buff to oneself like it is now (30% def and 20% parry) and giving all raid members in 200 range pdef based on 5% of the caster.


  • Warden/Bard

    Nothing changed on Warden/Bard this class ok but cant really compete because ID (1491274) has such high cd (3sec) so i suggest to reduce the cooldown from this skill to 2 sec cooldown or increase the damage from skill ID (493385) from 1926 -> 2550.

    Kind Regard Idhril


    No Guts No Glory No Legend No Story.

    Edited 2 times, last by Idhril ().

  • Warden/Scout

    • Changed Chiron the Centaur damage scaling to be based on ranged damage, reduced scaling to 175% from 400%.

    Not a bad idea overall, but you got a bit carried away with the damage reduction. You could have at least reduced it to 200%.

  • Warden


    • Reduced Chiron the Centaur attack scaling to 4% from 5%.

    Why are you so keen on this connection? You are beginning to overdo it with this nerf. And frankly speaking, I think you're aiming at making this class completely useless, first from 400 damage to 175, now every now and then you reduce the attack ...

  • If not already planned for the upcoming patch, please reduce the patk/matk scaling of Warden/Rogue and Warden/Druid Oakwalkers. Both pets are currently overperforming.

    As you can see, hits go up to nearly 100kk on some bosses in the highest instance right now (Grafu). Even the best burst classes can hardly compete with that kind of dmg and sustain is even more unmatched.

    • New
    • Official Post

    If not already planned for the upcoming patch, please reduce the patk/matk scaling of Warden/Rogue and Warden/Druid Oakwalkers. Both pets are currently overperforming.

    As you can see, hits go up to nearly 100kk on some bosses in the highest instance right now (Grafu). Even the best burst classes can hardly compete with that kind of dmg and sustain is even more unmatched.

    Warden pets are naturally performing better against high-defense targets provided enough attack player has due to high attack ratio. This is difficult to balance for more than one content, however some Wardens will get changes to the way pet scales attack/damage.


  • I understand it is difficult to balance pets for different types of content, however Wd/R and Wd/D are just too strong for Grafu. I hope some kind of adjustment can be made and look forward to the changes you mentioned.

  • Regarding:

    "Reduced Oak Walker physical attack scaling to 9% from 12%, increased damage scaling to 150% from 120%."

    Changes like this can be a bit unclear, as it's hard to tell whether this will actually nerf the pets. If this is intended as a nerf due to some Wardens overperforming, I’d suggest focusing specifically on Warden/Rogue and Warden/Druid. A blanket nerf to all Wardens may not be necessary and will negatively impact those who are already in a decent spot.


    "Reduced Psychic Shadow attack scaling to 12% from 20%, increased damage scaling to 200% from 150%."

    Again, it’s a bit difficult to determine whether this is intended as a buff or a nerf. Could you consider providing example attack and damage values to illustrate how the pet performs with the old scaling compared to the new scaling? This would help clarify the impact of the change. Without this, it may delay feedback from players, as they might struggle to assess the impact of the changes.

    • New
    • Official Post

    Warden/Rogue doesn't have much to change to restrain pet power except the scaling. Its powerspike comes from dual attack weapons and this change may help it.

    Scaling change is also aims to promote attack weapons more if player actually wants to make pet stronger, as currently Warden pets are having excessive attack amounts which makes them less likely need an attack weapon.


  • Wardens will continue to use attack weapons not just because they boost Warden Pets' attack, but also because they enhance the physical damage of Warden Pets. I understand that this scaling change will impact Warden/Rogue (with high attack but low physical damage) more than other Wardens.

    1. This doesn’t mean Wardens will suddenly switch to using physical damage weapons, even though they have high attack values.
    2. The blanket approach you’ve chosen affects other Wardens who are currently in a good position.
    3. Let’s not forget that removing Power of the Oak has already indirectly buffed Warden/Rogue.
    • New
    • Official Post

    1) Goal is not to make Wardens to switch to damage weapons though. It is opposite. Lower attack scaling, hopefully, should bring the need of more attack so using a damage weapon will not an appealing option.

    2) Oak Walker attack will be changed even more in future to restrain basically infinite attack possibility of pets, and instead to make them actually feel weak against high defense targets, like any other player character. Regardless, majority of other Wardens doesn't rely on pet damage as much as Warden/Rogue and such change shouldn't break them.

    3) Correct, this is an overlooked change, however Warden/Rogue pet is not getting much benefit from this change, which is not related to the actual issue of the class.


  • Regarding Warden/Scout.

    The class is currently overperforming in all content. This largely stems from powerful buffs and their low cooldown.

    I suggest reducing the pdmg increment of Sacrifice of the Pirate from 30% to 20% and to increase Morale and Desire/ Dark Waters cooldown from 60 to 90 and 90 to 180 seconds respectively.

    Regarding Warden/Warlock.

    The class is currently underperforming, both compared to other Wardens and other classes in general. I suggest increasing Phantom Contract pdmg increment from 20% to 30%.