Scout Class [Feedback]

  • Hi, its all about casting time and being interrupted when moving. In scout/warlock, cooldown of 2 skills are depending on ranged attack speed . But these skills are really so weak. Their damage is even lower than . Other single target skills have casting time-channeling time. We cant use these skills while moving. And even if use and cast those skills while moving, our targets die even before spells are being casted. As you can see, scout/warlock's single target rotation can only be used on boss when you have . It is almost impossible to use your single target combo against mobs.

    So, there are 2 options for this class to make its single target rotation something we can actually use :
    1- Make an instant skill. So, we dont lose our time (which i think not a good idea beacuse this class would be so powerful )
    2 - Make this just like what you did in scout/mage class. It should be a magical skill which deals poison damage. And its cooldown should be scaled with our ranged attack speed.

    Please reconsider my second suggestion. If we could use + while moving, this class wouldnt be so annoying on most single target situations

  • In the current period of the game, scout pretty underperforms at large scale mob packs. I would recommend increase the damage of the "Hurricane of Downpour" from %250 to at least %600 and reduce the focus consumption from 40 to 10. Also reduce channel speed from 2 to 1 and reduce the hits in seconds. And finally reduce its cooldown from 10 to 5 seconds.
    Additionally make it uninterruptible.

  • In the current period of the game, scout pretty underperforms at large scale mob packs. I would recommend increase the damage of the "Hurricane of Downpour" from %250 to at least %600 and reduce the focus consumption from 40 to 10. Also reduce channel speed from 2 to 1 and reduce the hits in seconds. And finally reduce its cooldown from 10 to 5 seconds.
    Additionally make it uninterruptible.

    Edited once, last by grknkrdn1299: grknkrdn1299 tarafından oluşturulan bir mesaj bu mesaj ile birleştirildi. ().

  • In the current period of the game, scout pretty underperforms at large scale mob packs. I would recommend increase the damage of the "Hurricane of Downpour" from %250 to at least %600 and reduce the focus consumption from 40 to 10. Also reduce channel speed from 2 to 1 and reduce the hits in seconds. And finally reduce its cooldown from 10 to 5 seconds.
    Additionally make it uninterruptible.

    Thank you, seeing this and whos are reacting has once again proven that I am right.

  • In the current period of the game, scout pretty underperforms at large scale mob packs. I would recommend increase the damage of the "Hurricane of Downpour" from %250 to at least %600 and reduce the focus consumption from 40 to 10. Also reduce channel speed from 2 to 1 and reduce the hits in seconds. And finally reduce its cooldown from 10 to 5 seconds.
    Additionally make it uninterruptible.

    If you want better dmg you should make other weapons .You should make a bow with attackspeed alongside with distant dmg and damage bonus weapons. Then your damage will be fine xD i can almost hear you saying, "are we going to make that many weapons for one class?" Unfortunately, it has to do so to reach its full potential.

  • Hey! I don’t see S/R or S/D, S/Ch struggling with large groups of mobs. Was Hurricane Shot supposed to be changed? – I wouldn’t want that. Against large groups of mobs, this skill still deals massive damage, while on smaller groups, it’s useless. In my opinion, you just need to test when it makes sense to use this skill and when it doesn’t. Changing it to 600% would mean you’d be killing large groups of mobs with a single skill, making the scout simply too strong.

  • Heyho, I think Hurricane is realy great atm, i think maximum a bit buff enough for it, like 250->275% not more, the real problem with it, the small range. So sad you need to go almost melee as a scout just to use it, so i think increase the range, the rest is fine in my eye.

  • Heyho, I think Hurricane is realy great atm, i think maximum a bit buff enough for it, like 250->275% not more, the real problem with it, the small range. So sad you need to go almost melee as a scout just to use it, so i think increase the range, the rest is fine in my eye.

    stay range while cast this skill would be also a hugh dmg improvement since dmg scales on range plus time for moving is reduced which also brings dmg. this change should be well checked if devs consider it to implement. Scout metas dont underperform i think but some scoutclasses need some love i guess.


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