Is it intended that the "Horizontal Blow" portion of Devastating Blow only hits 1 target?

Warrior Class [Feedback]
Is it intended that the "Horizontal Blow" portion of Devastating Blow only hits 1 target?
It is supposed to hit to a horizontal line in front of you, not quite big area to notice/test in Atlantis punchbags.
About Warrior/Mage
Electric Attack skill (ID : 493001) has very low damage and it has 1 second cooldown. Warrior/Mage should deal damage with auto attacks also. Since you changed 60 level Elite Skill, auto attacks became useless except stacking Electrical Rage.
Can you change Electric Attack to be a passive skill that modifies auto attacks deal fire and wing damage ?
About Warrior/Mage
Can you also make Lightning Burn DoT damage to increase with casting speed ? Physical warriors gain extra DoT damage from their attack speed. I think warrior/mage's DoT should benefit from casting speed.
Regarding Warrior/Warlock.
This class currently has very low single target damage. I suggest changing Spirit-Cracking Blow dot to be unique, so you can stack it with Spirit Wound dot. This way the skill would be more useful, since atm you don't need to use it, except as a filler.
About Warrior/Mage
Electric Attack skill (ID : 493001) has very low damage and it has 1 second cooldown. Warrior/Mage should deal damage with auto attacks also. Since you changed 60 level Elite Skill, auto attacks became useless except stacking Electrical Rage.
Can you change Electric Attack to be a passive skill that modifies auto attacks deal fire and wing damage ?
We do not plan to change Warrior/Mage auto attacks to deal damage anymore. Players should actively play their rotation in order to deal damage, rather than dealing damage passively. Electric Attack deals less damage than before, but in return the class got DoTs and more overall damage for a better sustain damage.
Our goal for the last changes to the class was to force the player to actively engage into combat in order to keep up the Possessed by Anger bonuses and Electrical Rage stacks, rather than press a button every 30 seconds for the majority of its original damage output.
About Warrior/Mage
Can you also make Lightning Burn DoT damage to increase with casting speed ? Physical warriors gain extra DoT damage from their attack speed. I think warrior/mage's DoT should benefit from casting speed.
Cast Speed scaling for magical DoTs will be considered for the future. But for now, only Magical Attack and Damage over Time increments play into Lightning Burn. We already observed data from players using an optimized setup for the DoT variant which seems to perform quite well.
Best regards
Regarding Warrior/Priest.
This class always had problems with overcapping attackspeed in burst since it has a 24% attackspeed buff and Opportunity (lvl 35 elite) forces you to use a Katana, which is a very fast weapon. With the latest changes to Frenzy Warrior/Priest substantially lacks burst damage. You can't even mitigate the overcapping issue by switching to a 2h sword, because of the aforementioned weapon requirement.
I suggest the following approach:
Modify Frenzy to increase attackspeed by 10% and weapon damage by 20% via elite skill.
Hello there,
can a dev elaborate more about the new Warrior/Knight skill "Unwavering" (ID: 491334) and its buff (ID: 1500548). Descriptions says, you are immune to Stun, Root and Slow. Are you supposed to be immune all the time or for a specific duration or does it only affect specific debuffs?
I have the buff active, but still getting slowed:
Currently for me this skills feels very useless, either it doesn't work as intended or you can't really controll when cc-immunity is really active. Would love to hear some feedback of a dev or other players.
Hello, i wanna ask if its possible to change (Moon Cleave)(490121) to 2h hammer or without weapon requirement for Warrior/Champion, class has only 2 useable AoE skills that are useable with 2 hammer, which compared to other warrior/classes is very low, so if this skill was changed to 2h hammer or no weapon requirement it would be balanced.
Kinda not true. This combo has one specific 2h-hammer skill (whirlwind), one standard aoe skill which requires 2h-hammer (rather new skill of warrior, opposite of moon cleave but for 2h-hammer, ID: 1492578), standard warrior skill zyklon, standard warrior ISS Crecent Moon Cleave and ofc champion skill shock strike (with a 2 sec CD).
I think your request is kinda against the idea why they changed Moon Cleave and added a second skill for different weapon types. This class combo has good single target dps, aoe dmg is ok, but buffing it would definetly making it too strong and you can still use a lot of shock strike.
no point of using the CMC Iss if u cant use crowd dispersal skills
no point of using the CMC Iss if u cant use crowd dispersal skills
Devastating Blow is also a crowd dispersal attack.
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