Talaghan [Patch &]

    • Official Post


    Your feedback for Patch - Talaghan, Bard, Spring Rain Festival & Patch - Arena of Darkness, Talaghan Skies, Prestige may be posted within this thread.

    Please provide us with your thoughts and opinions while keeping all respective rules in mind when you click the reply button.

    Please use this thread only for Talaghan.
    For Dark Core please use Dark Core [Patch] thread.

    For Bard and class balance please use Class Balance [Patch] & Bard thread.

    For Kalin Shrine (Hard Mode) please use Kalin Shrine (Hard Mode) [Patch] thread.
    For Arena of Darkness please use Arena of Darkness [Patch] thread.
    For Prestige please use
    Prestige [Patch] thread.

    Feedback should be constructive and provide detailed information, thoughts, and ideas.

  • Hello,

    Reduce the Time of Infected Talaghan Soldiers getting the debuff for the Daily Quest "Bring them back to Light"

    Would make it a lot better especially if there are multiple persons doing the quest.

    Kind Regards


  • Hi,

    With the introduction of the Bard this patch I was confronted with the following issue:

    The iss related GetSuitSkill function lists Bard with the index 11 and Common Skills with the index 12.

    However, SetSuitSkill sets 11 as index for Common Skills instead.

    Sadly this mixup causes a lot of problems for some addons. Please change SetSuitSkill to set 12 as index for Common Skills and 11 for Bard.

    It would make me and everyone else who uses the two aforementioned functions very happy.

    Edit: Thank you !

  • Hello,

    With the changed codex book it would be cool to have a function like "Skip to last page" or a search function for an instance. Would be very nice since u need to skip a lot of pages for example if u want to go to lvl 100 instances.

    Kind Regards


  • With the changed codex book it would be cool to have a function like "Skip to last page" or a search function for an instance. Would be very nice since u need to skip a lot of pages for example if u want to go to lvl 100 instances.

    This will not help you if you want to go e.g. a couple of times to Grafu Castle to finish quests. Or you use any other instance just as a way to get to a specific zone. Used to be convenient, and it is a looooot of annoying clicking now.

    So even better: please restore the old by-continent grouping, just add on top the 2 groups for Core and Nostalgia, and sort the rest from the highest-level continents first? This way Arcadia instances would still be directly behind the first 2 top options, while choosing any other instance would still be only 2-3 clicks, just as it used to be. :P

  • Events is good but the times are long and there aren't always enough people

    So Shorten The Times Let the event begin with the farm?

    Example 10.000 Bloody Bee kill after event can start.

    or Quenn Hive near Talaghan soldiers can fight, If no one kills the mob, it starts automatically in 7 hours.

    this way it is possible to speed up the event

    Dark core event and Hydra event need strong title or bounties

    Edited once, last by yali61: Extra suggestion ().

  • Hi, the second Talaghan Title has a badge bonus but no badge, can't put it into my badge interface.



    Hey ,

    same issue goes for Talaghan Titles 532075 and 532078. Seem to have a badge title but in the Title interface it is not shown/ not usable


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • The Talaghan Questing Experience


    First of all i really enjoyed the whole quest experience Talaghan, the quest are a lot better designed than the usual Quests and i enjoyed that i actually needed to read what the quest said in order to complete it.

    What i really disliked in the first Zone was the general design on how you were pushed from one end to another.

    After completing the first few quest this zone felt a bit centralized on Zando and u only had a very few points where Quest NPCs where located anywhere else in the Zone.

    What i think could be done better in future Zones would be a more decentralized questing experience and setting up more little outposts where u stay for a few quests before returning to the main city.

    In my feeling Talaghan missed 1 or 2 more little outposts filled with NPCs/Safe Zones/Quests, Especially in the North/North-West portion of the Zone.

    Kind Regards


  • Hey ,


    I cant see any instances further then lvl 80 and cant get back to main menu with the recent changes of the Codex Transport Book.


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • Hello,

    Question for the change at the bee event that the party with the most participation gets the loot.

    What does it mean. Is it overall damage/most kills/most damage on the bee or something else.

    Kind Regards


  • grox

    Changed the title of the thread from “Talaghan [Patch]” to “Talaghan [Patch &]”.
  • Hello, hello!

    Please, change daily quest ID:428014 "Bring them back to the light" in Talaghan.

    Make the knights active for everyone, because now only one person can do it, everyone has to wait till that person to finish.

    Very annoying with fact that you already disabled bottles daily.

    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

    • Official Post

    Hello, hello!

    Please, change daily quest ID:428014 "Bring them back to the light" in Talaghan.

    Make the knights active for everyone, because now only one person can do it, everyone has to wait till that person to finish.

    Very annoying with fact that you already disabled bottles daily.


    This quest is completable inside a group for multiple players at once, we don't plan to change it currently.


    • Official Post

    we tryed 3 days a row and max what we get is -32 stars 18 left tryed by 14 ppl 8 ppl and 9ppl is unable to do

    event shadow - stars fly in small amounts, even though mobs are killed immediately and loot is collected from them :(


    This event is working as intended. Reason for "Low star spawns" is missing majority of stars and not collecting them. Event was already simplified and made easier over last 2 years, there is no plans to change it further.
