Kalin Shrine (Awakened) [Patch]

  • I think the port crystal should be right before b3 instead of after b3.

    I think most groups have problems with B3 and need several attempts. Would be better to replace the crystal that you can port to b3 before you killed it.

    Just my thoughts :)

  • The fact that someone wants to earn dias is probably a normal thing. As soon as I think about it, I can see the prices of items from WB very quickly in front of my eyes, issued by the first guild that beat the WB :)

    There is a difference between the fact that the player wants to earn something and the systemically, the weaker player has it up the hill.

    Let me note that I sold the first orange item from ks for 3k to someone who then sold it for 10k ^^

    I honestly admit that I do not understand your argument. I understand that you think this change is good? The stronger ones (including you) have already got artifact, all the rest is unimportant?

    This is not the first time you represent such views on the forum, there is no way to look only at your own good.


  • Mister has already proved whose good lies in his heart while making a world boss :) And the fact that we sell these items by making the entire instance without any problems is not in our favor so that everyone can collect items from the trash. Rather, it would be the other way, but it should be fair to everyone, if some of them had a chance to feed the materials without hitting barefoot, others should also have it.

  • Did I write, that I like this change? I just think it's funny that you write: "Making this change is now simply unfair to others, especially weaker players." Of course, such a change increases the prices of the materials, but instead of complaining for weaker players and selling them even more expensive, you can just give them away if it's so easy for you.

    Then you write: "The stronger ones (including you) have already got artifact, all the rest is unimportant?" This is completely contrary to what you preach here. Maybe it may be that it is also a problem for you that you can no longer farm quickly and therefore complain^^.

    Oh yes and regarding worldboss: If you dump us, then we dump back and especially I think it's good that we always gave the title away for free when selling an item^^. But claim that I am only concerned with my well-being.

    Good Job!

  • If you find this so unfair to weaker players, I honestly don't understand why some ppl of you sell legendary materials for 10-15k dias at Ah xD. Just give it away to weak players for free if it's too unfair and you've already farmed so much ^^. ;) ^^ ^^

    The point is, everyone should be able to get it in their group in the same way people had in the beginning. The change came too late and is unfair. Now weaker players have to break through b1 to get materials.

    As for the price, nobody tells anyone to buy. I also don't understand why anyone would give someone something for free in the name of equality. For me, equality is the same accessibility. Which has already been picked up.

  • Dear friend, the most expensive materials on ah come from your guild. And somehow I do not see a voice of opposition on your part, do not judge me by your measure. You want to give away something for free then give it away, I want equal opportunities for the players.

    In a situation where I have my artifact and the drop is reduced for all players, including those who do not, this is depriving players of an equal chance. I protest against it. Regarding the first question, everything you write gives me the impression that you like the idea. Instead of supporting me and Madoxx, you are trying to create an aura of greedy people around my guild, while as I mentioned yours has the highest price on ah at the moment.

    It's great that you were giving away the titles for free, it makes my eyes tear when I remember your WB items at a noble price of 500 000 diamonds.

    Don't worry about my farm, I have no problems with it, after the last patches, cleaning up the instances is also not a problem now that it works fairly well.

    And the topic of your WB... Well ... Better not to comment ...

  • He puts it in ah 1 day ago . New change = New prices...you are the best example for it, just take a look in AH.

    Maybe i gave you the impression, idk...but I have never spoken out positively for this change. What can I do if you interpret something like that?

    You are absolutely right, you do not need to comment anything about the WB, because you do not know the circumstances at that time according to the truth. You're probably also interpreting a few rumors here.

  • Well. You claim that this change is in our favor and now it will be more expensive and we, like such leeches, use it. Well, then, since it's more expensive now, and we've put it cheaper than your guild member, I'm afraid to think what's going to be like a new price in a moment.

    As for the impression, you can write "I do not support this change": D

    Regarding WB, I wish you were right :)

  • I don't like the latest change of

    • Disabled loot from monsters before first boss due to overuses.

    If you want to suppose players to run the instance completely, just disable the complete loot of monsters and let the endboss drop 5 orange. That is the amount of all materials of full runGreetings

  • My opinion on the change is that if u want to make it more viable to go for full runs instead of farming the first rooms then change the droprate from mobs and give the bosses more loot.

    This way it won't be as valuable to farm the first mobs and more valuable to go for full runs.

    And to the other people here. If you have problems go and talk about it in private chats this should be for feedback and not for some private war thanks.

  • My opinion on the change is that if u want to make it more viable to go for full runs instead of farming the first rooms then change the droprate from mobs and give the bosses more loot.

    This way it won't be as valuable to farm the first mobs and more valuable to go for full runs.

    And to the other people here. If you have problems go and talk about it in private chats this should be for feedback and not for some private war thanks.

    I fully agree with you. I also think that unnecessary comments about the displayed items and their prices should not take place when we are talking about the instance and the method of dropping raw materials on it

    let's just increase the drop on the barefoot from 1 to 5 x 2 and it will be ok :)

  • The slightest change would be completely unfair. Some people or clans have already completed their artifacts by farming.

    Everything should be as before. The best work you will do now is to avoid such a problem for the next artifact. Making it harder or easier right now will be unfair.

    In addition, the point I do not understand is that the innovations brought were not tried by you. Didn't anyone in your development team think this could be farmed ?

    For example, class balancing Why are they so unstable when they first come out. Why do developers make plugins without checking them? Don't you get tired of constantly balancing afterwards?

  • Regarding WB, I wish you were right :)

    1) wow wow and wow again. Let me remind you that we got a ban precisely because we deliberately didn’t finish the ini (which is absolutely similar to farming frogs)

    2) As a player who has not done this with the frog farm, I say that I like this change.

    3) If we are talking about justice, then let's take artifacts from everyone who has them and issue mats to the post office minus the resources that were farmed before the 1st boss. I don't mind at all

    4) You talk about our high prices (I agree), but you are the first ones who want to cash in, for example by always listing items cheaper by <5%.

    PS You can not answer, I'm still not interested in thoughts about pricing.

    But I would like to hear the opinion of the administration: what is the difference between farming frogs for the endgame item and farming Fargos (except for the presence of a daily debuff, although at one time they were not banned for farming macaque cards (Aldo mob)), and was it worth 2x-weekly ban?

    super PS I'm not forcing anyone to ban now, but it's really annoying. It's even more frustrating that some people think that we really use third-party software or something like that => it would be nice to explain publicly the reason (although even we don't know this, we only assume the reason)

  • I do not understand your statement of abuse, has it ever, anywhere, been forbidden to farm trash in the instance? Following this line of reasoning, when making tiers, you also need to make a full instance and then break the team. The same applies to the monster card farm. I think the words of the team are not thought out, just like the SK drop system was not thought out. The milk has spilled and you have to take responsibility for your mistakes, not the mistakes of the players. There is no 24-hour ban on any instance after taking it all, so that no one has abused anything. It is you who have not thought about what you are introducing and any change is not fair now for the rest.

    Go back to what it was and don't make the same mistakes when creating the next instance

  • @monster in kalin:

    Why they have so many %-damage over time effects. No dps can survive a hit like backstap from mobs to get a bleeding. For tanks it is again something like: oh % hits again. Rest is very low. For tank challenge and for tank balance, mobs should do high hits instead of % bleedings. Or bleedings depending on tank def

  • @monster in kalin:

    Why they have so many %-damage over time effects. No dps can survive a hit like backstap from mobs to get a bleeding. For tanks it is again something like: oh % hits again. Rest is very low. For tank challenge and for tank balance, mobs should do high hits instead of % bleedings. Or bleedings depending on tank def

    Use antidote skill, please. How can you not know that?

    To Devs: Disable making dirty tiers 15 and higher - overuses

    3 card decks/stars in cards - overuses

    recharging more than 1PNC per year - overuses

    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

  • I do not understand your statement of abuse, has it ever, anywhere, been forbidden to farm trash in the instance? Following this line of reasoning, when making tiers, you also need to make a full instance and then break the team. The same applies to the monster card farm. I think the words of the team are not thought out, just like the SK drop system was not thought out. The milk has spilled and you have to take responsibility for your mistakes, not the mistakes of the players. There is no 24-hour ban on any instance after taking it all, so that no one has abused anything. It is you who have not thought about what you are introducing and any change is not fair now for the rest.

    Go back to what it was and don't make the same mistakes when creating the next instance

    So the question is, was it ever banned?! we didn't get any clear answer, and to be completely accurate, then no

    What is the responsibility? for what? what have we done forbidden? Maybe you know more than us?

  • I do not understand your statement of abuse, has it ever, anywhere, been forbidden to farm trash in the instance? Following this line of reasoning, when making tiers, you also need to make a full instance and then break the team.

    Apparently it was forbidden (wb case), because we also only "farmed" and now noone gets punished(luckily). Isn't it fair? XD. The Statement of Kaga is totally valid and as you already mentioned, we farmed stats and items like t stones at worldboss, because the design allowed it xD. So why should we think, it is not allowed. But the difference is, that we got a 2 week ban. In the World boss case we alone were able to farm == exploiting and abusing, caused a ban . Now all ppl were able to farm ago the change in KS == no exploit, no abusing, though it is the same case...

    Can anyone explain the rules? Are the rules the same for everyone?