Kalin Shrine (Awakened) [Patch]

  • If there are players here who want a bigger challenge, and at the same time a lot of players for whom it is very difficult now, then I suggest what I have already proposed for the hoto, add a RT board with additional difficulty and let the bosses give more resources and that's it. Everyone is happy :)

  • I would like to ask if every "%dmg reduction skill" is working as intended on whole instance? I feel like i doesn't matter if i go as mage/x with no %dmgreduction or as d/wrl with 75% reduction. Hits from many sources fills same for me.

    Any one had some experience in this matter?

  • B1 is also strong to beat for lower dmg groups.

    it is a kind of gearcheck.

    I think it's good requiring a well geared tank, since the instance gives a (new) best-in-slot gear piece. But I think, it's more a tank check than dps check. Even with lower geared dps you can just wait longer and deal max damage, but the tank has to sustain for longer. However, tank gear is not that expensive I guess. Even titan or unknown stats are quite cheap (afaik). And with some timing of your defensive cooldowns and support, you can stand up to 60 stacks more or less easily.

    In my opinion most of the instance is fine as it is. Maybe b1 can do a bit lower damage for lower players (don't know the values of boss, but with strong dps a red gear tank with few dps Chain parts is enough. But I think at a certain Point even gold gear is not enough)

    I think, requiring golden tank gear makes playing tank finally more useful. Before, everyone was able to tank the "endgame" with red gear, some even without plate gear. Now, the tank needs way higher values, which is awesome in my opinion.

    Well, the boss is growing to infinity, if I guess right? The buff is never ending to stack up, so in the end it's just a timing of the right immune/dmg mitigation skills in the right order. I think, it's quite fine as it is.

    Quote from deszcz2

    I would like to ask if every "%dmg reduction skill" is working as intended on whole instance? I feel like i doesn't matter if i go as mage/x with no %dmgreduction or as d/wrl with 75% reduction. Hits from many sources fills same for me.

    We also experienced some flat damage hits, like the buggy b2 "bloodthirst of whatever" oneshot and also the Icicles from Muses seems to be flat. There no dmg reduction doesn't work. I think, that's intended, since it IS possible to outplay these flat damage values entirely at some point. ;)

    @Devs: I really appreciate the instance and the gameplay as a tank. Even as a dps you have to watch out where to stand and if you fail, you just die. I also like that some mechanics are not displayed in tooltips and need to be found out by us. It's quite a good challenge and I'm looking forward to the fixed Regin event! <3

    Go hard or go home

    That's what she said...

  • 2) At least for the dps artefact, the passive doesn't work. Couldn't test it for the other 2.

    It is supposed to inflict an extra damage if target's HP is low, not exactly increase the damage of your spell.


    I just tested that, and nothing happens. I hit a mob below 15% and after that just used white-hits (so I don't kill it with 1 shot). The mob was below 15% for over 10sec and nothing happened.

    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

    • Official Post

    It is supposed to inflict an extra damage if target's HP is low, not exactly increase the damage of your spell.


    I just tested that, and nothing happens. I hit a mob below 15% and after that just used white-hits (so I don't kill it with 1 shot). The mob was below 15% for over 10sec and nothing happened.

    White hits aren't included to this artefact's passive, but this may be changed in next patch.


  • I just tested that, and nothing happens. I hit a mob below 15% and after that just used white-hits (so I don't kill it with 1 shot). The mob was below 15% for over 10sec and nothing happened.

    White hits aren't included to this artefact's passive, but this may be changed in next patch.


    Skill hits don't seem to work either....

    Edit: in SoK it works (although it works funny) but open world it didn't work

    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

    Edited once, last by Laisha ().

  • I just tested that, and nothing happens. I hit a mob below 15% and after that just used white-hits (so I don't kill it with 1 shot). The mob was below 15% for over 10sec and nothing happened.

    White hits aren't included to this artefact's passive, but this may be changed in next patch.


    Can you please check why the amulet deals 1 damage at some mobs?


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Hello,

    the Tank-Artefacts effect ist nice, but if i get i right it only works if the mob has 100% HP. So it works only for the first hit on the mob? If the mob is pulled by an other player, for example with aoe or by a low aggro skill of the tank it is useless. Compared to the other artefacts i would like it if the effect is changed to work for enemies with HP>95%.

    Best regards

  • Hello,

    the Tank-Artefacts effect ist nice, but if i get i right it only works if the mob has 100% HP. So it works only for the first hit on the mob? If the mob is pulled by an other player, for example with aoe or by a low aggro skill of the tank it is useless. Compared to the other artefacts i would like it if the effect is changed to work for enemies with HP>95%.

    Best regards

    only healer artefact skill is nice.

    I ran rofl yesterday with dps artefact. It triggered exactly 0 times btw...

    An other player had 9 trigger with 1 dmg each xD

  • So it is bugged?

    Do you think it is usefull if it would work fine?

  • The dps one yes, I think it should be reworked.

    The tank one: I just don't care about the passive skill tbh

  • Artifact Bonuses:

    TANK: I think it would be much better if it was a permanent aggro buff regardless of the hp mobs. And if you want to stick to this assumption, let it be up to 95%, because the first skill that uses a tank is a skill that increases aggro ^^

    HEAL: I think there are class of healers who will not benefit from this buff as they have no mana issues

    DPS: This is probably the most useless skill, I think it should give 0.5-1% to the damage permanently.

    • Disabled loot from monsters before first boss due to overuses.

    A bit late for all those people who already have the item don't you think? This change make things really unfair to the rest.

    • Disabled loot from monsters before first boss due to overuses.

    A bit late for all those people who already have the item don't you think? This change make things really unfair to the rest.

    Making this change so late is unfair to other players

    I am the player who obtained most of the resources from the trash before the first boss, because I didn't need a strong team as for the rest of the instances. Making this change is now simply unfair to others, especially weaker players. I believe that this change should be reverted.

    Additionally, with this change, a large part of the zone is actually useless. Now that every strong player has an artifact, it is merely increasing the disparity between players.

  • If you want to encourage players to make the entire instance, I suggest increasing the drop from the last boss, currently the reward for completing the instance is inadequate to the effort and strength of the team that you need to have.

    Maybe instead of disabling drop before 1 boss, which is absolutely bad, it is worth increasing the chance of dropping monsters after 1 boss?

    Or to increase the drop rate on the bosses themselves?

  • If you find this so unfair to weaker players, I honestly don't understand why some ppl of you sell legendary materials for 10-15k dias at Ah xD. Just give it away to weak players for free if it's too unfair and you've already farmed so much ^^. ;) ^^ ^^

    WTS orange item from KS

    pm in game Johnkopytko



    nice promotion john^^ interesting view of cheap xD :D :D :D