Reworked Monster Cards [Patch]

  • hmm i only see new card system
    and when i scroll to them i still see cards which i have not updated to the new systen

    i wanna filter to see cards which are missed (have this following symbole)

  • Another suggestion:

    I came back to the game, because of the great new card system, so, once again, i really like it :)

    but upgrading each individual card to 5 star is immensely time consuming - but, this is part of the game!

    For green cards, as an example, you need 605 kills and 64 monster card enchants (+ the base card of course).

    In most cases this is just a long time grind and...some day it will be completed.

    There are of course sme exceptions, related to the festivals.

    First: As some GM (or other game responsible) once confirmed, the drop rates for monster cards are intentionally reduced (massively) in specific zomes (like silverspring/dust devi canyon). As of my experience it is a massive 50% reduce.

    ==> This results in almost 1200 kills for the rrequired card drops. (normal zone drops)

    ==> Again, this takes long time, but eventually also this will be accomplished one day (although i have doubts rregarding "Tatus" monster card and one other^^)

    BUT: The festival cards themselves are far from being farmable.

    Some of the festival cards i have never seen, and most are super rare.

    This, by itself, may be a good thing.

    BUT if you consider, you need 65 of them cards to upgrade to 5 star, this will not be possible in a lifetime I guess^^

    ==> So, here is my suggestion.

    Bring a new card colour/type for all festival cards. Maybe turquoise, or brown, something different form the rest of the colours.

    And either lowe the requirements for upgrading, or change the way to upgrade.

    For the new cards you can bring "turquisee monster card dust" when disenchanting festival cards. And use this to upgrade to higher stardom.

    I want to point out, that i am not interested in the max attributes, i know, i can simply push the button and bring the attributes to max values.

    For me, as a collector, it is about the (real) possibility to bring all cards to 5 stars :)

    Thank you, for your attention

    • Official Post

    First: As some GM (or other game responsible) once confirmed, the drop rates for monster cards are intentionally reduced (massively) in specific zomes (like silverspring/dust devi canyon). As of my experience it is a massive 50% reduce.

    ==> This results in almost 1200 kills for the rrequired card drops. (normal zone drops)

    ==> Again, this takes long time, but eventually also this will be accomplished one day (although i have doubts rregarding "Tatus" monster card and one other^^)


    Drop reduction in Silverspring and Dust Devil Canyon will be removed with todays patch. Tatus card is not effected by server drop rate, due to not being killed by player, but is effected by player drop effects, so would be slightly rarer then other cards due to this.

    BUT: The festival cards themselves are far from being farmable.

    Some of the festival cards i have never seen, and most are super rare.

    This, by itself, may be a good thing.

    BUT if you consider, you need 65 of them cards to upgrade to 5 star, this will not be possible in a lifetime I guess^^

    In future, we will make some adjustments to festival cards to make it easier to reach 5 stars.


  • I have 2 more (monster) Cards, that I assume, are quest dependend, maybe you can check these cards/mobs.

    I guess they are related to the stone monument in basilisk pit ID 117605.

    I have those cards in my compendium, but for upgrade resaons. to 5-star, you know^^ , i will require to kill them like 605 times^^

    They do not spawn in the nearby serpent's event, at least after weeks of checking this event several times, they never appear at no time. So, my guess is, they are related to quests that i did "long time ago"....

    Thank you

    Monster IDs:






  • Regarding:

    • Fixed server drop rate bonuses weren’t removed from obtaining new system monster cards.

    it is now really really bad getting cards. full grafu run with around 1200 drop rate and around 10 cards in total by so many mobs and bosses? :O

    please check and adjust.


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    Endgame instances were always having excluded drop server rates.

    I just tested it and for Grafu Castle (Awakened) patch didn't change anything.

    Thought I doubled now (applied without server restart) maximum limit for elite monsters, so it should be now easier to loot cards from elite monsters.

    Current rates can be seen here: https://wiki.chroniclesofarcad…ter-cards#chance-of-cards


  • What exactly do you mean with "server drop rates" ?

    Base drop chance for new cards ar elike

    green 1% ==> max 10%, so with 1000% drop bonus from buffs/pet/potions etc. will give a max 10% drop rate, correct ?

    blue 2% ==> max 20% so with 1000% drop rate bonsu will givethis ? In practise, this also caps aout at 10% i think, never ever get to 20%.

    and what exactly are server drop rates in this regard ?

  • What exactly do you mean with "server drop rates" ?

    Base drop chance for new cards ar elike

    green 1% ==> max 10%, so with 1000% drop bonus from buffs/pet/potions etc. will give a max 10% drop rate, correct ?

    blue 2% ==> max 20% so with 1000% drop rate bonsu will givethis ? In practise, this also caps aout at 10% i think, never ever get to 20%.

    and what exactly are server drop rates in this regard ?

    blue cards are not always "elite" mobs. the percentages are based on monster type, not card rarity


    that are server rates

  • Hello,

    there are several cards in Grafu Awakened that are not dropping, because mobs never get killed, are vanishing or don't have loot at all :)

    Following cards are:

    • 778334
    • 778325
    • 778324 ( I guess here was something changed, that it doesn't get the card. maybe bcs of the chest?)
    • 778340
    • 778311
    • 778335
    • 778341
    • 778342
    • 778339
    • 778338
    • 778313
    • 778336
    • 778337
    • 778312
    • 778310


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    Some of these are obtainable, and were already obtained by players. Some we will review.


  • yes we also obtained 778324 some weeks ago, before several changes.

    The problem is, all those cards don't drop in the current state by just killing the mobs/bosses.

    So, it is more or less irrelevant, if players in past (even us) got 1 card. the current state is what matters for players :D

  • I have a suggestion regarding cards, which have been maxed with diamonds.

    I suggest that if you have maxed the values of a card with diamonds once, the value stays maxed even if you reroll the attribute.

    This would benefit players, that e.g. switch classes while not having maxed out one deck. Or if a player finds out that HP is for new content better than def and he has to reroll it.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

    Edited once, last by Laisha ().

  • I think this is the reason for the additional "decks", so you can set up different preferred attributes, dependng on the class you want to play, so you can swith between these settings, without always rerolling the attributes on certain cards.

  • Yes but that only works if you already have a completed deck. Let's say I play mdps and start making a deck for mdps. Halfwaydone my guild needs more healers or I wanna play a heal so I swap classes. Since I don't have a maxed out deck yet I can't do a complete second deck.

    So I either have to complete the first deck for mdps and then do a second one for heal OR I need to reroll half the cards again and spend another shit ton of time/diamonds.

    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Well, if you just want to change one stat, having to do an entire second deck is quite annyoing. I too wish there was another option for that.

  • Could we get an official response to this suggestion?
    Today's patch made my str/patk/stam/defense cards much worse compared to /hp, since new Grace of Life brings % hp boost to the table and Warden hp buff forces you to use life instead of def food.

    This means I'm now stuck with an unoptimized card deck, since paying 1k for each card in a second deck is not feasible at all.
    Please consider said suggestion or provide an alternate way to change a single attribute only without needing to maximize values again.

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    We are currently working on global changes to the monster card enhancement systems and cannot consider this possibility as it may conflict with future changes. But rest assured that this issue will be partially resolved in favour of players.

  • Hi Rake,

    what about improving "rerolling" second/third/fourth deck?

    Imagine you have over 2k cards and want to set all attributes in an additional deck. it's like to injure your hand to click all stuff one by one o.o

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    Do you want to have some sort of "template attributes" that you can save and apply to next cards?

  • Hi,

    for example this yes, or a "bulk change" to all cards in the deck, which haven't set to specific attributes.


    Deck 1 has 2000 cards with all rolled to stamina/dex/strength/patk. All card maxed or 5 stars

    Deck 2 then has also 2000 cards available, but you only had set 1000 cards to for example "stamina/wisdom/HP/pdef". The other 1000 cards don't have any attributes set. Now it would be nice to bulk change all left cards, that has no attributes set, to "stamina/wisdom/HP/pdef" with the least costs (this example needs 25 dias for every attribute to set). Or the bulk change should only be available for cards, that have matching attributes to change to the target attributes for 25d each