Class Balance [Patch] & Bard

  • I agree that the dr/wl is to owerpowered now, but i dont think that the class need a "massiv" nerf. The nerf of 100% aggro to 75% aggro is ok, but you shouldnt forget that this class gain a lot of aggro by doing dmg it should have a higher aggro because of that. it was same with all the other dpsclasses that you also could play as a tonk.

    As example the kn/m with magical tankgear at hos, tikal, infernotime also gaines toons of aggro. i think it should be like it is, a little damagetank should gain more aggro. If you compare it with a ch/wl the dmg is similar. The aggro also is similar. You only can do a half or one third of a full buffed dps all over the ini thats ok and funny to play. Make to play tonk more interesting and the server need more tonks.

    With Int/int gear the class do to much dmg the planned nerf from 130% to 120% poisendmg is a good idea for first and it also will reduce the aggro. If you nerf the 10% dmg and the 100% to 75% we should check both before it get more nerfs to dont destroy the class again and balance it. Dont make it so low like it was before again.

    So dont nerf it massiv its a bad idea, because its near to balanced if you take a little bit of the dmg and the aggro.

    m/kn, s/wr, dr/wl are very strong atm, but i dont know which dmglvl playernet want to reach. I still think the scale should be the r/ch atm. This is a good balanced class in my opinion. i think dr/wl, m/kn, s/wr and all the other classes i forgot that got a to high dmgboost should get a nerf to the r/ch dmglvl. Not only nerf the dr/wl thats not fair also nerf the other owepowered classes at the same time pls.

  • Also agree on what u said on debuff WWC and d/wl but should we think like that ? Should we balance one class depending on other classes ?

    Actually this is, what we do here. Without the support of given support classes, some classes would just suck. So we already "are" balancing depending on other classes' synergies.

    For the rotation, write me ingame, I can tell you mine there by linking the specific skills. Would be much easier than any explanation I could post here.

    If you nerf the 10% dmg and the 100% to 75% we should check both before it get more nerfs to dont destroy the class again and balance it.

    As a d/wl tank I just need to press Sandstorm to hold aggro on both trash and bosses, no need to buff up at all... so... yea, I think, even if we cut the entire 100% aggro to 0, it would still be able to tank. But I also prefer smaller adaptions, but more in the long run. Adapt, test, adapt, test, adapt, balanced. But thinking about how long this entire process is already running, I have lesser hopes here :D

  • Imagine a druid/warlock with such support.. :pinch:

    This says more about the opness of the druid/warlock (which it is(!!!) and I don't think that the 10% nerf on all poison skills will help that much) and less about if the skill should increase poison damage. From the normal wwc benefit all classes that deal dark damage, so it would be the same for the few posion classes.

    However, if I remember correctly, such a change was already asked for (quite a while ago) and I think it was explicitly declined.

    Can we nerf all talisman classes while we are at it maybe?

    1h staff+tali W/M is better than 2h sword.

    M/Wl gets a rly nice offburst boost (which it didnt need) by using 1h + tali as well.

    Wd/D is overperforming since a long time with new tali.

    D/Wl no comment here everyone knows about it.


    Edit: D/Wl needs more than a massive nerf. It needs giga op massive nerf. At least -200% of everything.

  • Since we are in the same guild, i know that u dont have a WB-Talisman, so please at least build one, test it and give meaningful advice to the CoA team pls :)

    In love your Dönermen

  • I think, he's right on D/Wl, and also W/M is better with 1h, even after the recent changes. But Wd/D is far away from being op imo. It has potential, but the talisman at least balancing it. About the M/Wl I have no idea, never tried with 1h tbh. But the D/Wl is just too sick at the moment. Maybe this is a good time to rework the class to a CPS one, as it was done with the D/R in the past? And the D/R is pretty well balanced and useful for any raid nowadays.

  • But i am serious about the W/M thing. I like the 2h variant more! :)

  • Since we are in the same guild, i know that u dont have a WB-Talisman, so please at least build one, test it and give meaningful advice to the CoA team pls :)

    In love your Dönermen

    But i am serious about the W/M thing. I like the 2h variant more! :)

    Than don't propose that all tali-classes should be nerfed.

    Instead, give a productive proposition on how to change the W/M, so that 2h is worth playing.

    much regards

    ya Dönermen

  • All the mentioned classes are very strong. 3 of my examples are facts. Wd/D is debatable.

    I was just giving examples and pointing out a trend with talisman classes. Its an oppinion based forum.


  • I just wanted that you think before you write, but u showed me right now that this is not really possible^^

    have a nice evening nudle

  • Tell me where i am wrong in my initial post pls.

    I really dont get why you are acting up. But my bad i guess?

  • imo theres a lot more classes stronger than D/WL, so why ask for nerf ?

    Name 1 class stronger then d/wl. Which can deal TOP dps, tank endgame instances, even on heal gear u can top dps inferno and below + u dont even need strong gear to deal much more dmg than higher geared other classes. He has high single target dmg in burst, very good aoe even offburst, and i dont even wanna talk about that u literally can full burst every 90 seconds.

  • S/W , WD/S , WD/D

    you must have played with a very weak d / wrl if you say so. D / wrl is the first class that should get a damage reduction. At this point, it beats large groups very strongly, and so does the single target. Moreover, it requires practically no effort. and doesn't need any set skill. It should not be like this

  • i think the classes that i have seen that you play also need a gigant nerf cause you do to much dmg with them. So nerf the mageclasses also the s/m pls to the r/ch dmglvl. If you want a big nerf for dr/wl, they should also nerf all the classes that you play to the same lvl. Sounds fair or ?

    m/kn is similar strong like dr/wl. they shouldn´t nerf any class to a lower dmglvl then the r/ch or they can restart to balance after they balanced. That makes no sense.

    Give a professionell statemant that make sense not only "need a op massiv nerf " that has no meaning.
    You shouldn´t write in this forum area anything only cause you dont like that this dpsclass is one one the best atm.

    Try to balance and dont try to destroy classes. This is a forum area for balance classes not for try to destroy classes cause you dont like that they do the damage that you prefer.

    Why you don´t write that your maiknclasses should get a nerf ? I saw you played a lot of mageclasses and also did very high dmg with them. Better write that they should also get a nerf. maybe try to be a fairplayer.

    I still think that dr/wl should get a dmgnerf all over the ini but start slow. take the 10% toxic dmg and lets complain with other classes and wrtie again our opinion in the forum about that. Playernet has better ideas than you nudel.

  • No one said to only nerf d/wl but in Reality its just the strongest magical class at the Moment. And since we need to find a point how to Balance it i suggest to target the stam/wiss convertion and try to convert less stamina so on mage gears dont have int/int/int on their gear. Maybe try only converting 50 % of the stamina but the dmg reduce will only be at 60%. and dont feel Attacked because the most broken class is yours.

    Also nerf s/w physical attack gain back to 12 % 22 is just too much or try 15 since this class is just too good right now.

  • i think the classes if have seen that you play also need a gigant nerf so nerf the mageclasses pls. Mage knight same strong like dr/wl. why only you want that dr/wl get a nerf. why dont you write that m/kn or m/wr shopuld get a nerf or other to owerpowered mageclasses. Mages are already have the strongest Crowdcontrol in the game. Why they also should deal the highest damage ?

    No one said to only nerf d/wl but in Reality its just the strongest magical class at the Moment. And since we need to find a point how to Balance it i suggest to target the stam/wiss convertion and try to convert less stamina so on mage gears dont have int/int/int on their gear. Maybe try only converting 50 % of the stamina but the dmg reduce will only be at 60%. and dont feel Attacked because the most broken class is yours.

    Also nerf s/w physical attack gain back to 12 % 22 is just too much or try 15 since this class is just too good right now.

    Ok if we follow your logic as example the dex and str on scouts shouldn´t give so much pat cause they are to op atm reduce it to give lower pat and also give more hp by it.

    if they nerf like you said i can throw my gear to the garbage that i build extra for that class. ty for the great idea. With my gear the class is perfect balanced in this meta. I do similar dmg like a r/ch with same gearscore. not owerpowered not lowdmg. maybe make that the int stats give lower mat not the sta or wis. The int/int dr/wl are the owerpowered now not me with my gear. So why should nerf the dr/wl with my gear instead of the int/int dr/wl. Makes no sense.

    And there is one more thing. The dr/wl was a long time 1 year or longer one of the worst mdpsclasses. Why it shouldn´t be 1 year one of the best classes. Fair is that it is one of the best classes 1 year.
    But I also want balanced class and i said that all the time in froum i never said that they should boost so much but they did.

    I think Playernet has a good idea to adjust the dmg with gain poiendmg from 130% to 120% for first and they can still adjust by reduce more %. If they do like you say its to complicated to balance and it maybe will destroy the whole class again.