I think 40lv elite skill at K/WL are useless. Skill Punishment are still weak like Punishment Blow, i dont see any reason to using them.

Class Balance [Patch] & Bard
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Few comments re ch/s:
1) I agree with above posters - The pulsing shot throw back is not needed for a class that relies on melee + few gun-based skills have such a low range...
2) Vampire Shot - I suggest to remove the 30 s cd, that way every 20 s need to use it as part of rotation + have pa boost that ch/s needs
3) wrist attack - my issue is two fold - 1st cost of focus which becomes an issue since all gun based skills are focus heavy too and 35 focus for 10s 5% damage increase on target is not really worth it - I suggest to
a) lower focus cost to 20
b) increase damage received to 10% and increase duration to 15s
4) Fearless Shot - the rune pulse part from it removes the chain drive - would be great if that can be fixed so that the rune pulse from the fearless shot does NOT remove the chain drive so normal rune pulse can be used as well
5) Mechanical Storm - this is my personal opinion, but could we change the way this skill works similar to say frantic briar - without changing any numbers - my issue is we already have Imprisonment Pulse that works similar to that and i personally sometimes have issues with targeting it, having two aoes that work same way makes it more difficult (for me at least) to work around. If that could be changed to aoe that just hits around where char is standing would be great to simplify rotation a bit
2nd thing regarding Mechanical Storm - it has 15 s cd so cant really spam it - i would suggest to remove the focus use (would then be a gun skill that does not require focus) or lower it from 25 to 15
6) Crippling Shot - I wonder if you could consider making it 2s cast instead of 0.5, to offset perhaps increase cd to 10-12 s - that way would work somewhat similar to snipe - would be nice
Atm 0.5 s cast is not that useful
-Thanks for all the workRakot
So did few more runs in rofl and in general the dps output of ch/s still low, relative to for example s/wl and m/ch, significantly less. Forgot to add - other champs like ch/wl and ch/m perform much better with similar gear both sustain/burst
Some of the suggestions above are certainly needed and I think phys damage of the blood arrow needs to be increased as well - for example for w/s it is 82.9% phys damage increase and 103% ranged, while ch/s only 20.7% phys and 103% ranged, both consume 5% hp per sec - maybe make BA same as for w/s, i.e. 82.9% and see how it looks like? At the moment, ch/s is underwhelming and lack of phys damage or speed buff is an issue.
For hide and seek skill - maybe add 20% speed buff along 18% damage buff so burst little stronger?
Focused conversion - i like the idea of the skill, but problem for ch/s is focus and not rage - losing 50 focus to get 100 rage is hardly needed, while focus and rage regeneration are welcome - I suggest to remove 100 rage gain and change to add 50 focus and 50 rage + keep rage & focus regeneration increase - that way you use 50 focus and you return 50 focus back + gain 50 rage, i think that would work much better to navigate focus issues that the class has.
Why have healers again reduced their healing powers by a quarter?
It's impossible to play!
I don't see the point in discussing skills for rarely used ligaments.
If healers are unable to perform their primary function.
Suggestion for rogue/warlock:
Ghostly Strike and Soul Stab: Please remove the damage from up to three targets and increase the damage to 600% for Ghostly Strike and Soul Stab without Psychic Weakness and to 750% for Soul Stab with Psychic Weakness. The "area damage" on the skills doesnt do the class that much in trash groups. Therefore I would personally make the class single target and burst class. There are enough other classes to play if you want to do area damage.
Kind regards
i think there is to many skills are useless like throw ,combo throw ,paralysis attack and substitute
u cant even use throw or combo throw with a bow
i think its better to add element damage instead of paralysis attack
and make wound attack use focus or even reduce its cd or may be increase in damage to 900 or something like that
Scout - Champion
Recommendations for scout champ.
autoshot: range should be increased.
piercing arrow: range should be increased.
reflected shot: casting time should be removed.
Rain of Vengeance: range should be increased and removed at casting time.
Shot: Cooldown must be 1 second.
Sniper: Cooldown must be 15 second and Casting time should be removed. and the damage should be increased, but not 3 damage, but only one damage. (scout-druid etc)
Fatal Shot: Casting time should be removed
Combo Shot: Casting time should be removed
These are the shortcomings I see in terms of balance and preference of class.
Scout - Champion
Recommendations for scout champ.
autoshot: range should be increased.
piercing arrow: range should be increased.
reflected shot: casting time should be removed.
Rain of Vengeance: range should be increased and removed at casting time.
Shot: Cooldown must be 1 second.
Sniper: Cooldown must be 15 second and Casting time should be removed. and the damage should be increased, but not 3 damage, but only one damage. (scout-druid etc)
Fatal Shot: Casting time should be removed
Combo Shot: Casting time should be removed
These are the shortcomings I see in terms of balance and preference of class.
in my opinion the Snipe is fine with it's CD and damage as it is now. Also the Combo Shot is totally fine. The Combo Shot of every scout is a channel cast.
But additionally I thought about of some kind of champion mechanic with it's rune impulse.
The Autoshot should stack a buff which can be used to make Reflected Shot, Fatal Shot, Snipe and Rain of Vengeance to an instant. Or in other words -> makes all casts to instant skills, like every champion have with auto attacks. These changes could increase the playstyle and makes it a bit more viable.
But please, change the incoming damage increasement of blood arrow to something else. Some classes cannot be used if you are one-shot by "flowers" in rofl
Kind regards
Now scout champion skills are not preferred by anyone because they are slow. I have been trying for a long time. but especially in elite mobs until you throw the skill, the mobs are already kill by someone else. yes scout champion high damage but an ineffective class because it is slow. Anyway, nobody prefers the class on the server. So there is a problem.I still have hope.
M-K after limiting his area skills, the class is less playable . also has 500k less magic attack in relation to other connections (M-D , M-WD) .
suggests that the "stars of light" add a magic attack after using them
K-M apart from the fact that this character attacks very slowly also has little magic attack . suggests that "Holy Power" increases intelligence instead of strength
Scout - Champion
Recommendations for scout champ.
autoshot: range should be increased.
piercing arrow: range should be increased.
reflected shot: casting time should be removed.
Rain of Vengeance: range should be increased and removed at casting time.
Shot: Cooldown must be 1 second.
Sniper: Cooldown must be 15 second and Casting time should be removed. and the damage should be increased, but not 3 damage, but only one damage. (scout-druid etc)
Fatal Shot: Casting time should be removed
Combo Shot: Casting time should be removed
These are the shortcomings I see in terms of balance and preference of class.
I agree with this post.
Scout is dps at long range.
Why auto-shoot a range of 50?!
Also piercing arrow and Vampire Arrows.
They're shots! Not close range.
That's a first.
Steady Aim.
Cannot be interrupted while casting
Snipe, Fatal Shot or Combo Shot. Also
Makes them use a Gun instead.
Level: 40
Explain how it works?
During movement, the cast is thrown off.
This is the second one.
Before I knew it, not only amount of Regenerate but also it of Urgent Heal decreased.
It should have been normal just a few days ago, but did the silent fix work? (Is it from
What on the earth, how many times are you doing the same thing? What do you want to do?
Don't touch the heal anymore. Don't change. Fix it as soon as possible.
That's all for complaints.
Since I'm so pissed it, Japanese (moreover real tone) is also posted for the time being.
【Jap ver.】
いつの間にか、リジェネレートのみならず、またUrgent Healの回復量までもが下がりやがったな。
Steady Aim.
Cannot be interrupted while casting
Snipe, Fatal Shot or Combo Shot. Also
Makes them use a Gun instead.
Level: 40
Explain how it works?
During movement, the cast is thrown off.
I think that means that if you are hit by an attack, the cast will not be interrupted and not that you can walk while casting.
One suggestion for rogue/scout:
Combat Master: If you re-buff the buff when the buff is still present, the buff disappears. So you have to press the buff twice. Can you please change that.
Kind regards
I have a suggestion for rogue.
It would be nice if you made it so that the skill "Meticulous preparation" can be used in battle, in any combination of the rogue.
Although this will be too imbalanced, so the skill can and should be somehow weakened, probably not all hits should be critical, but simply so that the skill would increase the chance of a crit hit by 50% or something like that, well, or make it time-out, say 30-40 seconds
I have a suggestion for rogue.
It would be nice if you made it so that the skill "Meticulous preparation" can be used in battle, in any combination of the rogue.
Please no. that will result in 100% krit on every hit. As it is now, it make sense that you can use it only out of combat.
100% krit will result in too much damage, especially in new instances
Sorry, I changed the comment, please read it again. But I think you are right about 100% crit, so even a 50% chance is too much, I think 30% is enough.
Even additional 30% chance will result in nearly 100% crit chance. I for myself have ~80% crit in whole rofl.
In my opinion the skill is fine as it is and does not need a change. If you want to use it in combat, rogue/mage would be your choice
It is a kind of timing to use the skill right before you are in combat and I would love it, that the skill will not changed
Kind regards
The most recent change to heals seems to have brought my heals on D/P even lower. After some testing, I can see that heals are less than half of what they were before any balancing / lass changes with equivalent stats. Here were my findings:
Healing before any balancing / class changes
Lv 92 Druid (no subclass, no buff)
Healing Power: 22,720 (Gear: 20,200; Set Bonus: 2520)
Magic Damage: 12,297
Wisdom: 11,172
Lv92 Recover: 70-72k non-crit, 175-180k crit, 14.2k HoT
Lv92 Mother Earth's Fountain: 37-39k non-crit, 95.8k-96.8k critHealing today
Lv104 Druid (no subclass, only arcadian patience buff)
Healing Power: 22,880
Magic Damage: 15,577
Wisdom: 30,255
Lv 104 Recover: 20.4k non-crit, 54.1k crit, 7.3k HoT
Lv 104 Mother Earth's Fountain: 8.2k non-crit, 21.9k critEssentially, heals have been cut by over 3x from what they were. I think this explains why Kelpi, @Dale Kingston Jr and I are so frustrated with the healing nerfs, as the entire role is quickly becoming unenjoyable.
I understand that there is a need to incentivize healers to upgrade gear as new caps are released, but please reconsider the approach that hurts new players so much. Healers are already at three major disadvantages when starting:
1. No DPS gear (they chose adventurer healing gear) to solo farm with
2. Adventurer gear gives no healing power, and with the stats it gives they can't reliably heal even % ticks on players buffing to 500k+ hp.
3. Stats and gear is tied for most expensive on the server, with the entire "magical dps" category (covering dozens of class combos and playstyles).
Until today, I've strongly felt that all player feedback is listened to (through changes from feedback noted here, item shop suggestions, questions in-game, etc.), but it really felt like Kelpi, Dale and I's concerns seem to have been completely disregarded in the most recent patch and that was really disappointing.
Please reconsider how the healing formula is currently written (logarithmic scaling suggested by melodic seems like a great place to start) and help us understand the goals of healing changes so we can provide useful feedback.Thank you,
"Corrected heal formula change was affecting some classes improperly.Fixed heal over time effects was appearing lower than they are, visually.
What exactly did you fix?
Nothing has changed.
The most recent change to heals seems to have brought my heals on D/P even lower. After some testing, I can see that heals are less than half of what they were before any balancing / lass changes with equivalent stats. Here were my findings:
Healing before any balancing / class changes
Lv 92 Druid (no subclass, no buff)
Healing Power: 22,720 (Gear: 20,200; Set Bonus: 2520)
Magic Damage: 12,297
Wisdom: 11,172
Lv92 Recover: 70-72k non-crit, 175-180k crit, 14.2k HoT
Lv92 Mother Earth's Fountain: 37-39k non-crit, 95.8k-96.8k critHealing today
Lv104 Druid (no subclass, only arcadian patience buff)
Healing Power: 22,880
Magic Damage: 15,577
Wisdom: 30,255
Lv 104 Recover: 20.4k non-crit, 54.1k crit, 7.3k HoT
Lv 104 Mother Earth's Fountain: 8.2k non-crit, 21.9k critEssentially, heals have been cut by over 3x from what they were. I think this explains why Kelpi, @Dale Kingston Jr and I are so frustrated with the healing nerfs, as the entire role is quickly becoming unenjoyable.
I understand that there is a need to incentivize healers to upgrade gear as new caps are released, but please reconsider the approach that hurts new players so much. Healers are already at three major disadvantages when starting:
1. No DPS gear (they chose adventurer healing gear) to solo farm with
2. Adventurer gear gives no healing power, and with the stats it gives they can't reliably heal even % ticks on players buffing to 500k+ hp.
3. Stats and gear is tied for most expensive on the server, with the entire "magical dps" category (covering dozens of class combos and playstyles).
Until today, I've strongly felt that all player feedback is listened to (through changes from feedback noted here, item shop suggestions, questions in-game, etc.), but it really felt like Kelpi, Dale and I's concerns seem to have been completely disregarded in the most recent patch and that was really disappointing.
Please reconsider how the healing formula is currently written (logarithmic scaling suggested by melodic seems like a great place to start) and help us understand the goals of healing changes so we can provide useful feedback.Thank you,
without heal bonus on gear (starter gear), you will not heal more/less with healing change, because there is no heal bonus on equip?
If you are a new player, why do you want to heal ppl with 500k+ hp? that sounds like you want to heal endcontent statted players with your starter gear?
Also your healing power, magical damage and wisdom seems very low (starter gear?). Is it buffed or unbuffed?
Buffing as healer now increase healing, same like damage for dps classes.
If your values are unbuffed, try buffing (you should come near 60k wisdom for example)
- Changed Joint Blow to inflict ranged weapon DPS damage instead, reduced base range to 0, added ranged weapon range scaling.
Dear Game Developer
Thank you very much for making this very important balancing act. It was our biggest shortcoming.
You do your best to send us to other games. I think you will succeed. I have no hope left for you. (Someone who persistently tries to play Scout.)
Dear Aksi,
I don't know your problem. Yes, the scout is not the op best dps, but scouts are really good.
If you don't know how to play, try to ask others. You can also watch some twitch streams (for example of myself) where players playing scouts.
I also take requests playing a certain leather class combi and stream it via twitch.
Kind regards
- Changed Joint Blow to inflict ranged weapon DPS damage instead, reduced base range to 0, added ranged weapon range scaling.
I can only speak from a rogue/scout perspective. Perhaps a main scout player can also comment on it.
Thanks for changing the damage scale
However, the damage is relatively low. For the rogue/scout, the change currently makes no real difference or improvement. Therefor I propose one of the following suggestions:
Remove the global cooldown from "Joint Blow".
Increase the damage to the level of "Shadow Stab" (+- 580%)
Kind regards
Dear Aksi,
I don't know your problem. Yes, the scout is not the op best dps, but scouts are really good.
If you don't know how to play, try to ask others. You can also watch some twitch streams (for example of myself) where players playing scouts.
I also take requests playing a certain leather class combi and stream it via twitch.
Kind regards
Dear Lutin,
You insistently do not understand what I mean. Some classes are exaggeratedly good in this game. For example, the mage druid can do very well with a magma blade with a range of 250 and a medium-range set and weapon. I'm not saying they should make them worse. only physical range dps field hits are bad, other hits are slow. You don't understand or want to understand this because you have good set and equipment. you keep giving the same answers. A request is made for a simple buff bug in your clan and changed instantly. But you ignore our wishes and humiliate them. Respect or not talk to those who play this game free to play. I also play many classes well.
- Changed Joint Blow to inflict ranged weapon DPS damage instead, reduced base range to 0, added ranged weapon range scaling.
I can only speak from a rogue/scout perspective. Perhaps a main scout player can also comment on it.
Thanks for changing the damage scale
However, the damage is relatively low. For the rogue/scout, the change currently makes no real difference or improvement. Therefor I propose one of the following suggestions:
Remove the global cooldown from "Joint Blow".
Increase the damage to the level of "Shadow Stab" (+- 580%)
Kind regards
The change does not make a real difference. Joint Blow is ~5% stronger than Shot. So you can use Joint Blow instead of Shot. But Shot was already a rare skill to use
All fine for scouts