Extractors and advanced blind lifters

Archived | || Item Shop Suggestions 2018-19-20-21-22-23
- Thor
- Closed
Big purified packages
Random Attribute Extraction Stone
Arcane transmutor charges
Knowledge Gem
starter gears (lvl 80) for weekend promo.
Not planned that the new gear for beginners will be available in Item Shop.
Q. -
Bagde of the Worldwide Fame, Aged Realgar Wine, Egg Rice Dumplings, Featured Cuisine Delicacy, Everlasting Love Spiced Juice, Soulmate Mixed Dessert, Big Purified Packages, drill packages, house chests, equipment jewels (+6,+12,+20)
221761 Golden Lion Helmet
221762 Golden Lion Coat
221763 Golden Lion Belt
221764 Golden Lion Legs
221765 Golden Lion Boots
221766 Golden Lion Shoulder Armor
221767 Golden Lion Face Gloves
225313 Samurai Helmet (Male)
225314 Samurai Armor (Male)
225315 Samurai Gloves (Male)
225316 Samurai Spaulders (Male)
225317 Samurai Boots (Male)
225318 Samurai Leg Guards (Male)
225325 Samurai Braids (Male)
225341 Samurai Pointed Helmet (Male)
225342 Samurai Horned Helmet (Male)
236346 Golden Helm of the Legend of Taborea
236347 Golden Armor of the Legend of Taborea
236348 Golden Gloves of the Legend of Taborea
236349 Golden Shoulder Guards of the Legend of Taborea
236350 Golden Cloak of the Legend of Taborea
236351 Golden Pants of the Legend of Taborea
236352 Golden Boots of the Legend of Taborea
243721 Legend of Taborea Package
236353 Silver Helm of the Hero of Taborea
236354 Silver Armor of the Hero of Taborea
236355 Silver Gloves of the Hero of Taborea
236356 Silver Pants of the Hero of Taborea
236357 Silver Boots of the Hero of Taborea
243722 Hero of Taborea Package
236358 Copper Helm of the Knight of Taborea
236359 Copper Armor of the Knight of Taborea
236360 Copper Pants of the Knight of Taborea
243723 Knight of Taborea Package
223432 Arctic Cloak (Male)
224321 Arctic Gloves (Male)
224325 Arctic Shoulderpads (Male)
224326 Arctic Cape (Male)
224342 Arctic Boots (Male)
224343 Arctic Trousers (Male)
224344 Arctic Helmet (Male)
221768 Horned Demon Helmet
221769 Horned Demon Coat
221770 Horned Demon Belt
221771 Horned Demon Legs
221772 Horned Demon Boots
221773 Horned Demon Shoulder Armor
221774 Horned Demon Gloves
221796 Blue Star Helmet
221797 Blue Star Coat
221798 Blue Star Belt
221799 Blue Star Legs
221800 Blue Star Boots
221801 Blue Star Shoulder Pads
221802 Blue Star Gloves
229710 Mountain Warrior Head
229711 Mountain Warrior Dresst
223444 Oriental Royal Military Coat (Male)
223445 Oriental Royal Military Pants (Male)
223446 Oriental Royal Military Helmet (Male)
223447 Oriental Royal Military Boots (Male)
224336 Oriental Royal Military Shorts (Female)
223449 Oriental Royal Military Coat (Female)
224339 Oriental Royal Military Headdress (Female)
224340 Oriental Royal Military Boots
211489 Oriental Royal Military Dagger
221902 Blaze of the Purple Shadow Boots (Male)
221901 Blaze of the Purple Shadow Leggings (Male)
221900 Blaze of the Purple Shadow Coat (Male)
223447 Oriental Royal Military Boots (Male)
211477 Doomlord's Blade (Male)
222900 Doomlord's Headpiece (Male)
222901 Doomlord's Coat (Male)
222902 Doomlord's Shoulder Armor (Male)
222903 Doomlord's Boots (Male)
222904 Doomlord's Gloves (Male)
225155 Strange Clown Shoes (Male)
225156 Strange Clown Gloves (Male)
225160 Strange Clown Pants (Male)
225161 Strange Clown Shoulder Armor (Male)
225164 Strange Clown Shoulder Armor (Female)
225169 Strange Clown Pants (Female)
225173 Strange Clown Gloves (Female)
225174 Strange Clown Shoes (Female)
221920 Fanersai Banquet Jacket (Male)
221921 Fanersai Banquet Leggings (Male)
221922 Fanersai Banquet Boots (Male)
221923 Fanersai Banquet Gloves (Male)
225319 Kimono (Female)
225322 Kimono (Male)
226067 War Dragon Warrior Coat (Male)
226068 War Dragon Warrior Gloves (Male)
226069 War Dragon Warrior Shoulderpads (Mal
226070 War Dragon Warrior Cape (Male)
226071 War Dragon Warrior Boots (Male)
226072 War Dragon Warrior Trousers (Male)
226073 War Dragon Warrior Helmet (Male)
226107 War Dragon Warrior Jacket (Female)
226108 War Dragon Warrior Gloves (Female)
226109 War Dragon Warrior Shoulder Guards (Female)
226110 War Dragon Warrior Cape (Female)
226111 War Dragon Warrior Boots (Female)
226112 War Dragon Warrior Pants (Female)
226113 War Dragon Warrior Helmet (Female)
243831 Pumpkin Carriage Mount (Permanent)
207565 Giant Eagle Mount (Permanent)
207539 Speckled Jaguar Mount (Permanent)
207536 Highland Alpaca Mount (Permanent)
207517 Grassland Buffalo Mount (Permanent)
241634 Deeplake Pango Mount (Permanent)
242449 Frost Firescale Lizard Mount (Permanent)
207348 Night Flame Morcus Mount (Permanent)
207503 Roaring War Bear Mount (Permanent)
241793 Steel Jaw Rhino Mount (Permanent)
207503 Roaring War Bear Mount (Permanent)
207539 Speckled Jaguar Mount (Permanent)
206906 Ruzio, the Expedition Donkey (Permanent)
240435 Purple Winged Leopard Mount (Permanent)
240930 Fire Demon Warhorse (Permanent)
241774 Forest Hugehorn Mount (Permanent)
241779 Green Devil Tortoise Mount (Permanent)
241788 Phantom Gulo Mount (Permanent)
241799 Fist-Armor Mosto Mount (Permanent)
241802 Sinister Sharpro Mount (Permanent)
243731 Cirrus Monoceros Mount (Permanent)
241914 Young Mammoth Mount (Permanent)
241917 Mature Mammoth Mount (Permanent)
241920 Giant Mammoth Mount (Permanent)
241923 Emerald-Eyed Wolf Spider Mount (Permanent)
241926 Topaz-Eyed Wolf Spider Mount (Permanent)
241929 Ruby-Eyed Wolf Spider Mount (Permanent)
243921 Lucky Rabbit Mount (Permanent)
243931 Carp Flag Mount (Permanent)
243971 Halloween Bone Dragon Mount (Permanent)
244009 Golden Ostrich King Mount (Permanent)
244044 Ice Crystal Snowboard (Permanent)
transformation potions please
I would like to see 207149 (Purified Packages) in Happy Hour on wednesday
repeat at this happy hour)
Purified Packages in Happy Hour on wednesday 207149
thank -
please bring buff food at the weekend :3
Greetings -
Pet buffs reset scroll and Arcane Transmutor Charges
Promotion happy weekend
Permanent pockets for a backpack on cells 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
x-runes and the custom weapon skins pls
is it possible to get:Random Attribute Extraction Stone
ID: 241090
Thank you in advance -
Hey ,
i would love to see Arcane Transmutor Charges in the Wednesday Happy Hour
Bitte bieten Sie Phirius Elixir Typ E zur Happy Hour oder am Wochenende an. Danke
I'd like see to titanium hammers in an upcoming promotion
Changed the title of the thread from “Archived | || Item Shop Suggestions 2018” to “Archived | || Item Shop Suggestions 2018-19-20”. -
I'd like to see Purification packages in happy hour please
Thank you
Attribute-Purifying Stone (ID: 205412)
Would like to see Golden Pet Experience charm onsale
I'd like to see Purification packages in happy hour please
Thank you
i would like to see Pet Experience amulets and Pet consumer goods at the weekend promo
Thanks a lot -
I would like to see guild resources during the next weekend promo
Thank you!
Huhu, advanced bind lifters and 30 days speed ostrich, thx
Daily quests tickets, transformation potions, potent luck potion, phirius potions
phirius potions type E for mana in HH
I would love to See purification packages in the Happy Hour