Posts by Ikaria
is the card with ID 777807 dropping? because the mob is despawning
Not currently, it will be made obtainable in the next patch.
Will be fixed with the next patch.
From what I've noticed, more defensive runes have recently been added to the artifact creation store. Therefore, I ask, what about the promised offensive runes ? Are you considering adding them yet to this content (IDK) or, for example, will you introduce them only in the next nostalgia instances ?
We haven't added any new defensive runes since the release and don't plan too. As for offensive runes, we already discussed it here. They will be added in future content.
the mob ID (101601) with the Card ID 770540 does not exists in hardmode, but in easy mode (but not dropping new card system cards).
I think 4 mobs in the first room of IDK hardmode are wrong and needs to be change to mob ID 101601
There are few other small differences between easy and normal mode versions of this instance. Since Hard mode was built around normal mode we don't plan to add such changes to hardmode currently. The card has been removed from the Hard Mode category of the compendium.
Hi you put cards in IDK and we can kill get crads but we cant disenchanting cards for higher start.. Is it Intended?
This has already been fixed with most recent patch.
is it possible to read out the current amount of stars of an owned card and the amount of enchantments/kills of an owned card?
You can CardNew_GetCardsData()["Cards"] to create an array filled with all the information you would need for card system.
For example this would show the amount of disenchants for the card you select from Deck1.
For Ability you need to specify the deck.
However this will only work for cards inside the compendium. For cards outside you would need to use the trick mentioned above by Grox.
This issue was effecting only some zones and has been fixed for next patch.
as you said, the runes crafted should not be bound, but they are!!! Please fix.
Hello, what about that? Ikaria and what about that you cannot extract runes from artefact? :O
Both have been fixed already for next patch.
Boss 4 is a bit buggy. If you burst it to 0% before the 4 mini bosses reviving, they despawn without any loot
This is intended.
Did you adjust the dropchance of the good stats in idk?
The droprate was not adjusted.
Hello, pets are already excluded by this spell.
hello Ikaria
unfortunately this can not be because the pets are killed by this cast
I just checked this on the Live Server and for me the pets were not killed by this spell. Could you tell me which pets specifically(Warden/Cenedrils etc) you're seeing this with? and maybe check scrutinizer damage taken to see if it was this or something else killing the pet during the fight.
For Boss 3, would it be possible to exclude the pets from the damage of the boss?
If I noticed it right, while he is casting "whirlwind chop" and the pets are still attacking the boss, they always die. Would be awesome if you could benefit from the beneficial effects of your pet over the whole bossfight.
Hello, pets are already excluded by this spell.
What about the recipies. Why are the recipies bound? Doesnt make any sense.
Can you change the recipies to be unbound?
The Basic Artefact Driller recipe is bound as the final runes crafted are not bound. The rune recipes will reviewed and potentially made unbound in the future.
Protector stats still have wrong HP/Def values I think? Will they be changed or are they correct?
Has been fixed for the next patch.
Greetings -
- Added 18 new Gorge-like stats “of Stasis”.
Can you please provide all these stats?
All stats are currently obtainable.
Yes all Artefacts can have runes
Is it also possible to upgrade all artefacts even those from kalin?
Yes it will be possible.
volcanos are not visible without quest. a bit hard to play the event, if you don't see where you should not stay
They're not invisible, the sparkling is related to another issue that should be fixed with the next patch.
As mentioned previously, they're not intended to directly replace them.
What about drilling? Is it possible to make rune slot in KS version also or in IDK only?
Yes all Artefacts can have runes
recipes imo are broken. Same names as previous artifacts. Descriptions also the same but wrong description in wrong artifact? I believe its an error.
The recipes and descriptions are working as intended. The Artefacts are as an extra reward for situations when players may not want the Artefact from previous content. They're not intended to directly replace previous loot.
Runes atm are only defensive one, I believe there will be more added, dps and heal?
Current runes offered are only defensive, which will be expanded in future content.
And the main thing, are those new artifacts not supposed to be MOON instead of SUN? XD
No, they're intended to also be Sun Artefacts.
If not, you tell me that the ones from KS goes to trash now or what?
As mentioned previously, they're not intended to directly replace them.
This is intended and kept as an extra option for people who would want to gain some extra quests towards rankings should they choose too.
Item description will be updated for next patch to give more details exactly what the expansion scroll is doing.
There is no prequests to enter Zando, it can be accessed from a cellar in the Talaghan lands.
are even more pvp weapons planned?
i´m seeking a magical 2hand sword, magical 1hand hammer etc.
We will be adding some more weapons in future patches.
And is it intended that you won't get rewards in Visdun Fortress?
It's not intended and will be fixed.
Karros Canyon , when you enter alot of buffs get removed like bufffood /zodiac buffs , which are ok i guess ? but you can just reuse them in the arena.
Also some buffs get cancelled like angels sigh or pet perfume guild castle buffs , but not always . it feels like only 2-3 buffs are cancelled . I got 3 guildcastle buffs and only 2 got canceled while my guildmate´s Pet perfume got cancelled and mine did not
Was this only inside Karros Canyon or all arenas?
As noted by title. I remembered one old bug of Ancient Treasure Hunt, so I report it.
And again, it's also "Invisibility" related.
If player approach Ghost Guard Dog across the wall while using the skill "Invisibility", it's canceled through the wall.
This bug have exist definitely from before the Mini-Game Rework patch.
(Being from before the rework, so I write here)
Just One More Thing.
In the past, recovery items (both HP/MP) could be used during ATH, but since Rework, they have become unusable.
This is just in case, also.
For now, that's all for ATH related bugs.
We will investigate these and see if anything can be fixed.