Posts by robopoke

    Hello CoA Community,

    out of boredom I want to collect my solo speedruns of lower HM instances. This time level 98 ini. Feel free to share your speedruns as well. Enjoy!

    The Title for 100% focus recovery (532086) seems to only work, if your primary resource is focus.

    If you play class like Mage/Scout, Champ/Scout, Warden/Scout, Warrior/Warlock etc. where your secondary resource is focus, this title does not work. Please fix

    Thank you,


    Is there a way that Priest can get a similiar skill to Weakening Seeds from Druids?

    All these Druid/Priest nerfs to encourage other healing classes, but people will never play another mainheal because of Seeds and Prayer+Atkbuff.

    This Update would make Priest/X classes viable in 6-man Ini.

    Also can Warden/Priest and other healclasses which are not Druid and Priest as main get a Ressurectionskill that it can use outside combat without CD?


    This class is in a very weird spot right now. All eliteskills are screaming that this is a tankclass. Since this class cannot use Plate Armour, I assume you are supposed to play with Chain gear. However, even if you use full Chain DPS gear, the Pet has issues with Aggro.


    1) Please increase the attack Scaling of Pet 1490520 so it does more aggro in Aoe-Pulls.

    2) Please give the pet a single-Target 200-Range skill with high aggromulti and high cooldown (like 20 seconds) to make sure the Pet can Tank in a fullburst situation against a Boss.

    3) If possible, please make the Pet visible in AgroMeter. Or is this an addon-specific issue?

    Thank you,


    Fed by the Malice only triggers, if a mob dies while being poisoned. So in a normal bossfight there won't be any difference. A benefit can only happen in Trash where mob dies while poisoned. However:

    Reduced Blasting Cyclone damage amount to 2 times from 3
    So even if 5% Pdmg is stronger than 10% Atk for W/B (of which I am not 100% convinced), the Blasting Cyclone nerf would not only compensate, but probably nerf overall damage.

    I do not see how you can see this as a buff.

    Thank you,


    I know this is a jokepost but maybe this can be an opportunity to talk about why people feel this way. Here are some thoughts open for discussion:

    1) Chains cannot compete vs rangedps in Hoto because Chains do not have a pure viable Rangeclass. The skillgap and punishment if you get a small lag or dont stun a deadly aoe from foe is huge in Hoto. There is no reward for making this risk and the result is either less dmg because of careful gameplay or an extra death.

    2) Wardens pet design have to maximize Atk even over Pdmg. This is because of the damagecalc of Pets basing mostly on Atk and very little on Pdmg. This is good but makes Warden less viable in Instances where the Petmaster vastly surpasses the targets defense. Try to outdps a Bard/Mage in Inferno as a Chain Warden/X

    3) The introduction of Bards gave mage 6, leather 5 and chain 4 new classes.

    4) If you raise any concern about Chains vs other, you are immedietly discredited as a dps and people will question you.

    Thank you,


    It does not work in Itnal Lager against the doll testtargets. Maybe Whitelisting those targets for testpurposes can fix the issue?


    I have some suggestions for Champ/Bard. This class feels extremly weak as dps and as tank:

    1) You can use Disassembly Mode and Shield Form together. Please fix.

    2) This class is CPS-based so it would make sense to make Musical Attack CPS-Based too. In Burst this skill only benefits from magical dmg but not from Castspeedbuffs.

    3) Increase Champion/Bards Shock Overload much stronger to compensate for the lack of a fast Shock Overload. Other Champions upon increasing their atkspeed benefit from stronger and faster Shock Overload. Maybe make Champion/Bards Shock overload much stronger to compensate for the lack of a fast Shock Overload.

    4) Surrounding Wave reduce CD from 10 to 6 and give it Aggromulti if Shieldform

    5) Reduce CD of Echo to 2 second

    6) Remove CD of Electrocution and make it use 20 focus instead. Upon use make it reduce Echo CD by 1

    7) 75 ISS and 80 ISS are physical based. Maybe add a windelement and CPSbased dmg of +750% to make them useful

    Thank you for your time