Posts by robopoke



    Make him slightly weaker in singletarget and aoe. There is a reason why suddenly 80% of chainplayers play this class and it is starting to be annoying.

    Warrior/Warlock and Warrior/Champ:

    Slightly buff them like 5% maybe.


    Please just give him that 20% pdmgbuff (1500764) as a 900 second buff so he does not have to waste two global cooldowns for this.


    Add additional hit on 493249 also for aoeskills and reduce ragecost per second from 3 to 2. Also make his Berserkbuff for group stronger. This is to encourage to have a real Warrior/Priest inside instance, instead of just using buffalt.


    Make 492962 a passive or a 15min buff for QoL.

    Thank you,


    I am sure that Warlocks will be very competitive now with the new travel delay updates, extra 1 PSI every 3 seconds and Ruthless Judgement giving Mdmg 100% of the time. Also one of its Aoes does not trigger GCD anymore.

    Additionally it is planned that you won't lose PSI outside combat in Willplayerblade/Construct.

    I have seen some Warlocks in Rofl doing very high dmg in singletarget, aoe in burst and sustain situations.

    I think we are reaching a state of good balance with all classes.

    I like the idea of keeping the nerfs to specific instances, since Wardens seem to be only too strong in Dark Core (high def instance).

    However, I also want to mention, that Wardens are very support-dependant. Especially a good Wl/M who does not go afk and places Surge perfectly so that it hits the Warden and his pet goes a long way. A good Surge boosts Petdmg by more than 40%! This is too much.

    This is a party from LivingLegends in the highest instance, so we can assume top Wl/M gameplay. To make Wardens less support-dependant which can be used to

    1) nerf Wardens and to

    2) make Wardens more playable with a shitty Wl/M

    I propose to make all Warden Pets scale more with physical dmg instead of physical attack.

    Hello again,

    since you can trade unlimited Mementos for dias here a speedrun of 85 ini. Without Sigil under 2 minutes. Enjoy :)

    Warden/Rogue for example if he gets Surge you have +20% Atk which will boost petdmg by almost 20%. If addionally Surge also hits Pet, it boost the petdmg by 20%. This is a dmgboost of 44% for pet.

    Same applies with Tempo, SA or other grouprelated %atkbuffs which can also hit the pet.

    This means 2 things:

    1) Wardens are extremely dependant on a good Wl/Mage who uses Surge, so that it hits the Warden and the pet.

    2) Without a good Surge or Tempbuffer or if your support sucks and clicks SA too late, you as Warden DPS disproportionally get punished for the lack of support.

    Assuming optimal support and good timing AND an instance with highdef targets, yes Wardens are very strong, maybe too strong. However, if the support sucks or is semi-afk, the Warden will suffer more than other DPS-Classes.

    On another note, the difference between T11 and T14 rings is less than it might seem. This is because %critical dmg is additive, not multiplicative. So just because someone spends x27 diamonds one 1 item does not mean they do best dmg. Maybe their lua, fps, ping, gameplay or the choice of class is not optimal or not specifically tailored to the group and instance in question. Sometimes even a lucky critical hit is all the difference especially as a Scout.

    Greetings Blackkid


    Rune Overload ceases to work at random times mostly after 10 hits, but sometimes after 17 or 19 hits. I have more than enough rage (kept it even at 150+). I was suspecting an aggressive afk-Checker to be the reason. However, even while moving around I was able to reproduce this issue.

    Savior of Light (532086):

    This title still only enhances focus-recovery, if your primary source of energy is focus. If you play classes for which focus is the secondary source of energy (Champ/Scout, Warden/Bard etc), this title does not enhance focus recovery. Please fix or let us know, that this is intended.

    Thank You,


    What about a tutorial ini that allows you to pick a classcombination of choice and lvl is adjusted to 80/80. You will also have all elite for that class inside this custom ini. Upon entering it asks if you want solo or 6ppl version. Only starter gear is allowed.

    This allows people to test certain tank, heal and dps and allow beginner to develop a deeper understanding of the game.

    In this custom ini you or the group decides wich boss to spawn for which you want to practise.


    It is clear, that Warlocks are pretty weak at the moment. I want to throw some ideas to make Warlocks more interesting. I am not saying to implement ALL of these suggestions. Just maybe 1 or 2 of them:

    1) Upon entering Willpower Blade you will summon Pets that will do dmg based on your Psi level. 0 Psi = high dmg. 6 Psi = low dmg. The idea is, if you have high Psi you can use powerful skills so the pet should not do high dmg. Once you leave Willpower Blade, the Pet disappears. This also means, that Warlock/Warden has a permanent Pet. I think this is fine, because Warlock/Warden is extremely weak and with /Warden it kinda makes sense as class identity.

    2) Make some skills CPS or even DPS-based. Example: Psychic Arrows or Soul Extrator (lvl 100 ISS)

    3) Simply boost Dark Will from 111% to like ~130% and adjust accordingly to performance.

    4) Keep the damage the same, but increase utility from Warlocks. For example make Warp Charge a raid buff similar to Warlock/Mage elite. This can make Warlock DPS a viable alternative to the classic Warlock/Mage. This means you have Warp charge and Surge while the rest of the support can be compensated by your dmg.

    5) Make Warlock/Knight a class with Plate Gear and give it a skill to convert physical damage and critical hit rate to magical dmg and critical hit rate.

    Thank you,



    Stolen Music ISS inflicts both physical and magical dps. However, the prerequisite skill only does magical dmg. This biases magical Bards. Please add a physical component to 1491098.


    Please make 1491098 usable with 2h Axe. This would counteract the boring rotation and makes Stolen Music ISS usable.


    • Reduced War Cry cooldown to 30 seconds from 90.

    War Cry now has 60 seconds cooldown, not 30.


    • Fixed Barbarian Battle Cry was consuming 1 Rage instead of 3, changed it to stop affecting targets if there is lower than 10 Rage instead of ceasing, fixed it was interrupting some casts.

    If you want to play Warrior/Priest as dps, the new rageconsumption is unreasonably high to play this class. This class damage is not high at all, to warrant such costs. However, as pure support the rage-consumption is perfectly fine.

    Suggestion: Please add to Barbarian Battle Cry (493249): recover 3-5 rage for each single target offensive skill used.

    Thank you,



    • Changed Kinetic Chop to reduce cooldowns by 1 second instead of 2 if you equip 1-H weapon.

    I assume this change is intended to make Champ/Warden equally good with 2h Axe and 1h Axe+Talisman. If that is the case, I like it a lot. I prefer changes like these much more than simple "reduce dmg of skill X by Y %".

    Thank you,



    According to Elite level 45 (494614) this class is meant to be played with 2x 1h Weapons. However, upon using 493347 it makes more sense to use a 2h Sword, since it increases the damage of 2h weapons by 16.2% for 30 seconds. To minmax you would have to use 2x 1h Axe in offburst and a 2h sword for burstsituations.

    Suggestion: Change 493447 for Warden/Rogue to increase overall damage by 16.2%.

    Thank you,



    1) This class needs to stack 499994 three times in order to deal meaningful damage. This makes Warrior/Mage very unpleasant to play in burst situations and zips all the momentum.


    Add three stacks of 499994 upon using Berserk (1490350). This allows Warrior/Mage (similiarly to Mage/Warlock 498750) to have a skill for burst situations.

    2) Looking at the Elite this Class is meant to be played with magical 2h Sword. I conclude this from the 20% Atkspeedbuff for 2h Swords on 490062. However, using Magical Wand+Talisman with 2 Curse Runes results in slightly higher dmg and allows you to have more Magical Attack. I assume that this is not intended.


    Reduce the 20% Atkspeed to 15% but add an addtional 15% Castspeed.

    Thank you,


    Hello again,

    this time I tried to speedrun 99 instance against maintenance timer! Unfortunately I needed like 30 more seconds to succeed, which is why I did not use my Phoenix to kill B4 Cibel. Last Boss (B5) is impossible to solo. Enjoy!

    Hello CoA Community,

    out of boredom I want to collect my solo speedruns of lower HM instances. This time level 98 ini. Feel free to share your speedruns as well. Enjoy!

    The Title for 100% focus recovery (532086) seems to only work, if your primary resource is focus.

    If you play class like Mage/Scout, Champ/Scout, Warden/Scout, Warrior/Warlock etc. where your secondary resource is focus, this title does not work. Please fix

    Thank you,


    Is there a way that Priest can get a similiar skill to Weakening Seeds from Druids?

    All these Druid/Priest nerfs to encourage other healing classes, but people will never play another mainheal because of Seeds and Prayer+Atkbuff.

    This Update would make Priest/X classes viable in 6-man Ini.

    Also can Warden/Priest and other healclasses which are not Druid and Priest as main get a Ressurectionskill that it can use outside combat without CD?


    This class is in a very weird spot right now. All eliteskills are screaming that this is a tankclass. Since this class cannot use Plate Armour, I assume you are supposed to play with Chain gear. However, even if you use full Chain DPS gear, the Pet has issues with Aggro.


    1) Please increase the attack Scaling of Pet 1490520 so it does more aggro in Aoe-Pulls.

    2) Please give the pet a single-Target 200-Range skill with high aggromulti and high cooldown (like 20 seconds) to make sure the Pet can Tank in a fullburst situation against a Boss.

    3) If possible, please make the Pet visible in AgroMeter. Or is this an addon-specific issue?

    Thank you,


    Fed by the Malice only triggers, if a mob dies while being poisoned. So in a normal bossfight there won't be any difference. A benefit can only happen in Trash where mob dies while poisoned. However:

    Reduced Blasting Cyclone damage amount to 2 times from 3
    So even if 5% Pdmg is stronger than 10% Atk for W/B (of which I am not 100% convinced), the Blasting Cyclone nerf would not only compensate, but probably nerf overall damage.

    I do not see how you can see this as a buff.

    Thank you,


    I know this is a jokepost but maybe this can be an opportunity to talk about why people feel this way. Here are some thoughts open for discussion:

    1) Chains cannot compete vs rangedps in Hoto because Chains do not have a pure viable Rangeclass. The skillgap and punishment if you get a small lag or dont stun a deadly aoe from foe is huge in Hoto. There is no reward for making this risk and the result is either less dmg because of careful gameplay or an extra death.

    2) Wardens pet design have to maximize Atk even over Pdmg. This is because of the damagecalc of Pets basing mostly on Atk and very little on Pdmg. This is good but makes Warden less viable in Instances where the Petmaster vastly surpasses the targets defense. Try to outdps a Bard/Mage in Inferno as a Chain Warden/X

    3) The introduction of Bards gave mage 6, leather 5 and chain 4 new classes.

    4) If you raise any concern about Chains vs other, you are immedietly discredited as a dps and people will question you.

    Thank you,
