Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Awakened) [Patch]

  • When last Boss gets his HP-Shield under 10% HP, you do 0 dmg as Champ because absorbed Whitehits do not trigger Chain Drive. No Rune Impulse no dmg. Also Warden Pets die too easily. I assume same applies for Mage/Scout.

  • Two things i noticed after last patch :1. On recipe for rune it still says 50 Timeless Magacitie .

    2.More important, didnt saw in patch notes so not sure if its a bug or it should work like that, but one mob somehting Destroyer now does instant skill magic hamer or something like that on person who stands farest from him and its i think at the most of the time one hit to that person. I had 900k hp and died like 10+ times from that skill which you cant interupt bcs mob not casting anything he just do instant :)

    • Official Post

    Two things i noticed after last patch :1. On recipe for rune it still says 50 Timeless Magacitie .

    2.More important, didnt saw in patch notes so not sure if its a bug or it should work like that, but one mob somehting Destroyer now does instant skill magic hamer or something like that on person who stands farest from him and its i think at the most of the time one hit to that person. I had 900k hp and died like 10+ times from that skill which you cant interupt bcs mob not casting anything he just do instant :)


    Only Artefact recipes were changed, the rune is still costing the same amount amount of materials.

    The skill range of Hammer Attack was accidently altered and has already been hotfixed as of ~2 hours ago.


  • Ohhh oki Thx for fast fix :)))

  • Can you reduce number of Sunspot, Earth Crystal Essence and Dark Stone required to craft sun essence ? I think these numbers are too much and a lof of new players need sun essence to craft their artefacts. Can you reduce these numbers by half ?

    • Official Post

    Can you reduce number of Sunspot, Earth Crystal Essence and Dark Stone required to craft sun essence ? I think these numbers are too much and a lof of new players need sun essence to craft their artefacts. Can you reduce these numbers by half ?

    It is meant to be extra use for additional materials. We don't plan to reduce these costs.


  • grox

    Changed the title of the thread from “Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Hard Mode) [Patch]” to “Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Awakened) [Patch]”.