Posts by Zyrex


    Changed Soul Crusher set skill to consume 3% HP every second, allowed it to heal during Jerath event.

    Yaaay another class that I can delete all my rotas for! You devs know, the most warlocks will be totally useless in rofl then? Soulcrusher is the most important AoE for most of the classes, which is only a melee spell. Consuming caster's HP will result in instant deaths I'm sure. Also I can delete my warlock tank then, that would be unfortunate. Instead, increase its range and lower/remove its healing.

    EDIT: Thanks for the strikeout of the change. This warlock tank appreciates <3

    Hi all : святой:
    I would like to see some small changes added to make the game more enjoyable
    Especially in the run-up to the enhancement of the mage

    I support most of these suggestions. The WlWd is underperforming compared to other magical classes, especially with mages. The AoE if pretty fine, but single target is lacking a lot. When I play this as a tank, the single target aggro is really low, because the Charged Chop is way too weak.

    But I think increasing the dark damage of Dark Method wouldn't be the way of doing, since that would also increase the already fine AoE damage. Better would be to increase the damage of the Charged Chop a bit again. The last patches nerfed this way too much I think.

    Also, while under the effect of the willpower blade, I would still like to be able to wear a shield, like wl/k. The WlWd tank needs a bit of defense, which would be present with a tank shield.

    I don't see lack of utility.

    Agree. But there is still the fact, that most utility is just not important for an optimized raid that already has a huge overdamage. Even after the overall damage nerf, I see mobs and bosses drop in seconds. So speeding this up more, is nonsense in my eyes, which is eliminating half of tank utilities at once. Also other classes are more viable for tanking. I don't see any reason to play Knight tank these days, if there are wardens and warlock tanks available. That's just it.

    Holy Light Domain is by far the best utility/support skill a tank has access to these days.

    Remember, not all groups run with a Warrior/Priest.

    Well.. if one of the best supporter classes for rofl is overwriting the major support utility a tank class has, it's reasonable that ppl keep playing it, because in random runs you usually don't have access to a w/p, but it's not a good class in general. In our guild runs with an optimized raid setup, a K/M is just useless, as said. If the debuff is changed to overwrite W/P or even stack, sure, K/M would be very useful. But that's just one single class. Thinking about all the other knight combos, I stay at my statement.

    Some thoughts about the Knight class these days...

    I was playing the warden and warlock tank these days, sometimes even warrior. So now I went back to Knight once again, in order to compare the K/X classes to the others. I have no idea what happened over the last patches, but I had really huge issues to hold aggro in trash phases against mage classes. In the past that was working much better - maybe it's because I'm not that much into knight these days than before, but it felt like not that fluent as I remembered from 2-3 months ago.

    Also if it comes to support of the raid, I personally don't feel the knight anymore. Utility like Crowd Control is much more important and only Knight/Champ can handle that on an equal way. K/M is entirely useless, since W/P overwrites its debuff. Most other tanks are either selfish (which makes them also useless in my eyes, bcz tanking basically is just easy) or are worse than other classes. Before you take a Knight/Scout with you, you can rely on a Champ/Priest, which is way more useful for kind of the same utility.

    In terms of damage sustain, the class in general needs to work more for the same damage mitigation, compared to warden tanks. Warden just summons an immortal pet that makes him parry every hit received. Resulting in the missing necessity of a lot of def, like champ or knight needs, since you can't parry 100% of your input. With only 2.5-3kk pdef you're good to go as a warden. Also damage mitigation of knights is quite worse since the adaption patch of mitigation formular.

    So in my eyes, it's not at all necessary to play a knight if you want to tank these days. It's way more useful for the raid to have either a warden, a warrior, a champ or even a warlock tank. Knight needs much more support, more utility and more aggro, especially in AoE, which is much worse than any other tank out there. If a dps has forgotten to remove its hatred rune, a warden can still hold aggro against it, but a knight has lesser chance. I mean, it's still possible, but not with such a low effort. If nothing changes for knights, I will probably keep playing warden and warlock tank, which are much more useful in our runs, but is kinda unfortunate, because I really like the knight class. UwU

    Why are you all complaining? I mean, if all the diamonds investing methods are RNG, you can also rely on farming the cards yourself. I mean, I personally don't need 100% of perfected cards, it's enough to have "good" ones, which are easily farmed or created with a minimal effort. I haven't checked out the latest changes, but the base machanic should still be available I guess... Plus you can swap cards with other ppl, which lowers your grinding a lot.

    Cenedrils are an equal power grind, where you can either invest a lot of diamonds (tickets) or time (or both), especially if you want multiple of them for different classes and roles. But noone ever complained.

    I think you guys are generally demotivated by other reasons, so the "new content" seems not to match your expectations, which results in that kind of shitstorm. I can feel and understand this, but in my very own opinion, I can't complain about that.

    Warum werden einzelne Klassen nur runtergesetzt, statt andere hoch?? Das ist kein Ballancing sondern Strauchdieberei.

    Ich würde vorschlagen, den Gesamtkontext zu betrachten. Krieger wurde im großen Overall Nerf nicht angepasst, stattdessen haben alle anderen Klasse ca. 10% dmg passiv verloren. Einzelne Krieger-Kombis (die gängigsten) wurden in den letzten Patches hart gebufft und sind jetzt mitunter am stärksten unter den Kettenträgern.

    Ich finde den Patch auch nicht ganz so gut wie erwartet, aber für Kettenträger ist das nicht wirklich tragisch... Und was man vom Balancing an sich zu halten hat... nunja, dazu äußer ich mich lieber nicht :pinch:

    EN (summarized)

    It's a misunderstanding of the context, since warrior already wasn't affected by the past nerf and was buffed through several patches, so the current nerf is not a big deal imo.


    Found a bug: If you through away your Elemental Repercussions ISS from ISS interface and slot it again, you get the buff instantly with a permanent duration. You don't even need to activate the buff. But if you do, it's being overwritten and the duration is fine.

    These are only examples from my healer perspective. Maybe the active mdps players could interfere here with me but I don't like the changes about having a viable dps and with 1 equip switch a strong healer.

    While I generally agree with you, if this would be adressed then there are several other classes that would need to be changed because they work that way. Druid/Mage , Druid/Rogue, Druid/Warlock all can instantly switch and heal (some have to unbuff 1 skill first but yeah). So I honestly don't mind the fact that this is possible. Also as Elmo said its not entirely the same because a champ/druid can do all of that with 1 eq.^^


    Maybe the solution would be to add a healing decrement on specific buffs. For D/R the Shadow Pact reduces healing output, so you actually need to remove that buff, not only switch gear. That is missing on the other classes afaik, which could solve that problem... however, I don't really see there a problem. On a lot of classes (not only healer primaries) you can build another gear to fill another role. A lot of warlocks can be played as support or dps, some even as tanks with adapted gear. Not even talking about champs :D

    I would not recommend to strictly separate roles and gear types anymore. In the past I wrote a post about that issue, but now I think, it's kinda "too late to complain about that", so let's deal with it. (Link to the mentioned post)

    @Mods: Maybe you could change the link markup in the forum to be visible better.. now you need to hover over the text to see a link, which is... unfortunate.

    I agree on that totally. The Rising Tide is just useless atm.

    Maybe add a chance to reset the cd of Drowning Attack with a crit of Rising Tide and buff its damage a bit, that could solve the issue.


    Got a suggestion for Knight/Scout. (I just tested this in a rofl run to get sure.) This class is pretty decent already, but it's major mechanic to pull over distance fails at some point, since you're not able to generate good aggro on range. So pulling mobs with your ranged weapon skills (best would be Holy Resistance) results in losing aggro to ranged dps instantly.

    Solution: First, let Holy Resistance492939 deal Light Damage and additionaly give it an aggro multiplier of 250% like Holy Strike.

    That should give it a ranged holy strike alternative that costs focus. (Also it seems to be named as an alternative already bcz of the "Holy" prefix).

    pls change mana usage for r/p or for all warden comb bcs now is unfair

    Please not, I see Warden/Warrior with %-mana cost PotW running out in 10 seconds...

    I have no clue about rogue, but I think, it depends on the class, if it's useful to make skills cost percentual or not. Changing that for all of them would be fatal and destroying a lot of classes entirely. I mean, r/p is just 1 single subclass... if the mana drain is that much, include a priest/mage or druid/rogue into your raid and use mana reduction buff food, that should fix it.

    But for specific subclasses that would be a good idea. Maybe not 5% but 1-2% should make mana matter more/again on (for example) warlock/warden, which is one of the easiest combos out there (for cloth dps users) and its damage is (still) insane (in our raids).


    I just realized that Heavenly Arrow (ID: 490067) is only decreasing the physical damage of targets hit. The description doesn't specify this. Could that be changed to additionally decrease magical damage? Maybe the class could be way more useful for the raid then.

    Also the Holy Resistance (ID: 492939) could have a shorter downtime, or longer duration. A K/W can use the Shield of Discipline and Defensive Formation rotating for constant defensive cooldowns, but K/S has a huge downtime on such a rota. Decreasing the internal cooldown of Holy Resistance from 30 to 20 should fix that. Then, the Holy Arrow could be used in the 20s downtime, which would perfectly match and might be equal.


    I assume they forgot to delete the "reduce"

    That would make sense then.

    However, that's the first patch for a long time, that is literally exciting me, because we get new classes / redesign of d/r, whose result I can't recognize yet.

    There are a lot of changes that I think are very useful, but in general, I still don't get the point of that gamble tactic: Instead of such huuuuuge changes (that will probably reroll the entire meta once again) there should be done smaller ones in a shorter period of time. But what do I know...

    Changed Poisonous Widow Embrace damage value to 342.8% + 10 x 34.3% CPS dark damage from 5570 + 10 x 557, reduced energy recovery to 3 per hit from 2 per critical hit.

    How is that a decrease? Before it was 2 energy per crit, now it's 3 energy per hit in general (no matter if crit or not)? Or does it now only trigger if I don't crit?

    Are you guys really talking about healer balancing? :D Just a hint - there was a druid/warlock brought as a dps some time ago, but since then I saw more healers playing that class than dps players :/ So even if a class is changed/designed as a dps, it can - generally spoken - still be a viable healer class, since - as we all surely agree - heal is "op" these days and should be drastically nerfed to make the secondary class matter.

    Conclusion: it doesn't matter at all, which heal class heals the most amount, only the support for the raid matters. From my perspective as a tank, it doesn't matter if I'm healed by a priest/mage or priest/druid or priest/scout or even priest/rogue. The only difference is: my fps don't suck at priest/mage. :whistling:

    - Death of Cold: This one could be used too in any mdps priest if you adapt it aswell.

    I agree on that.

    * I just tested all the ISS for priest and it seems, Frost Death and Death of Cold both trigger gcd. Removing that should make these skills more useful I think.


    * Another thing is the really huge mana costs. Even with a "kind of" rota I'm currently running out of mana very fast. Can't imagine how this could work post-patch :pinch: Maybe add some mechanic to restore mana again, like SWl is restoring focus. Then you don't even need to reduce the mana cost.

    * Also please remove the gcd from Energy Reaction:


    The additional 5% dmg are a very nice support for the raid, but having a gcd makes it even more useless than Elemental Weakness of primary mages.

    * The Water Elemental of Rebirth seems like an "okayish" matt boost of 5%, which also grants the party some mana recovery. Maybe add this recovery to the caster as well and remove the 4s of cast, which is way too much.


    Yes, but the WlWd tank almost always has that much of damage reduction. At some point I don't use my Mind Barrier (while moving) or my Otherworldly Whisper (while AoE isn't useful). Then the additional reduction through the shield would be "higher" than 1.5% ofc, but it would still be far away from "too much" imo.

    WlWd (tank)

    I got a (serious) suggestion for the WlWd tank that should make it more viable. Since WlK and DK are able to wear shields and physical defense is almost useless for the WlWd tank, maybe the Willpower Construct can be changed to enable wearing shields on that class, while active. But this would compensate the missing aggro bonus (which is necessary for sustain aggro) and an additional dmg reduction (and also stamina for more hp). The def isn't important at this point.

    You're talking about another 9% damage reduction and a literal fix to all issues here. Wouldn't that make the class a bit too broken? :D

    Not really, the damage mitigation is already very high, so another 9% shouldnt matter that much, maybe it's another 1%. It's more about the bonus aggro through nonstat and stamina.

    Atm I got 48% through Stone Shell, 36.2% through Mind Barrier, 50% through Otherworldly Whisper and 6% through my jewelry set. This should be (correct me if I'm wrong) 84.4% damage reduction (without additional support).

    With the 9.6% of my t12 tank shield, that would result in a 85.9% reduction --> 1.5% increment.

    Also I'm having about 900k def in rofl all the time, so the additional def of the shield shouldn't matter too much. I mean, it's already working with 900k, so even more def shouldn't have such an impact on the difficulty.

    WlWd (tank)

    I got a (serious) suggestion for the WlWd tank that should make it more viable. Since WlK and DK are able to wear shields and physical defense is almost useless for the WlWd tank, maybe the Willpower Construct can be changed to enable wearing shields on that class, while active. But this would compensate the missing aggro bonus (which is necessary for sustain aggro) and an additional dmg reduction (and also stamina for more hp). The def isn't important at this point.

    Hi there,

    I have an issue with my gear slots. Every day I log into the game, my 2 equiped gears (plate and cloth) change the slot on my char (see screenshot below). Yesterday my plate gear was at Slot 3, today it's at Slot 4, same happens to my Cloth gear. Sometimes even after a simple relog the slot changes.

    This is pretty annoying, if you need to change your gear asap (bcz tank dies or whatever). If you hit an empty slot in a fight, you loose almost all your hp (bcz you are naked) instead of just changing the max hp which results in a gearless death sometimes.

    This issue is existing now for a while, even on the offi server it always has been a thing, but there was no solution available yet.

    I think, this just happens, if you have more than the default 3 (?) slots enabled.



    Well, that was just my personal opinion, based on my guild runs. So if you all think different or disagree, that's okay :P We got both chains and cloth users in todays runs, I was playing wlwd to compare the dmg post-patch. And this resulted in the mentioned experience. At least for our guild it will be a mage meta I guess. But if wlwd is fine / well balanced and mage not op, that's acceptable for me. ;)